What to do if the crotch itches in men or women - will it go away by itself? How to get rid of itching in the perineum: doctor's advice


Many women and men face unpleasant changes in the condition of the skin in the perineum.

This may include an unpleasant itching in the anus.

In addition to discomfort, the symptoms make us think that something is wrong.

You should immediately consult a doctor to identify the causes of the condition and eliminate them.

The perineum in men itches: causes

There are a number of reasons that cause severe itching in the perineum. First of all, the following can be attributed here:

1. Infectious-inflammatory disease, in particular related to urology. If itching is noted directly on the glans penis, then it is safe to say that it was most likely caused by pathogenic microorganisms, which are always transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse.

2. Diseases of the rectum. If severe itching is observed in the perineum, then most likely the man will develop the following pathologies and diseases - hemorrhoids, fissures in the rectum, and the mucous membrane is inflamed. A similar phenomenon may be associated with the presence of parasites.

3. The skin has a fungal infection. It is in the perineum that a man has favorable conditions for the development of fungal diseases. After all, it is here that fresh air and sunlight practically do not get in, it is always humid there.

4. Allergy. In the perineum, delicate and vulnerable skin, it can easily respond to any hygiene products that fall on it.

5. Parasites. One of the varieties of lice has the property of settling in the inguinal region, moving throughout male dignity and slightly lower. Thus causing severe itching.

6. Mechanical damage. A man wears tight or uncomfortable underwear, seams can irritate the skin, constantly rubbing it.

7. Sweating. As a result of wearing tight clothing, air does not enter the perineum, heat cannot move away, resulting in sweating - under the influence of sweat, irritation will appear on the skin.

8. Dermatological diseases. Many diseases can affect the inguinal region and perineum, thereby causing itching.

9. The psychological factor. In exceptional cases, there are no physiological causes of itching, but nevertheless it arises every time with a new force. It can arise due to neurosis, stress, or many other factors.

10. Diabetes. The disease causes severe endocrine changes in the body, which cannot but affect specific parts of the body.

If itching continues for several hours, you should visit your doctor. Depending on where the pain is localized and what it is associated with, you need to be examined by a dermatologist, proctologist or urologist. But if you cannot determine the right doctor yourself, visit a therapist.

The perineum in men itches: treatment

If doctors found that severe itching in the perineum arose due to a fungal disease, then it is necessary to treat the skin with a special ointment. Only a doctor prescribes them after he conducts a full examination and establishes a diagnosis. But if after a few days the problem persists, then the ointment is replaced with another, it must be rubbed into the affected area for two weeks. After this, you need to take a break of one week and repeat the course of treatment again. In the pharmacy you can buy the following means to relieve irritation - Triderm, Lokoid.

At the moment when a man is undergoing treatment, his whole family should observe personal hygiene a little more than always. The patient should go to bed on a separate bed for some time. After he took a bath, it must be treated with special disinfectants.

If itching from the perineum passes to other parts of the body, you can treat them with acetic solution. Use powders that include talcum powder. After each trip to the toilet, it is necessary to wash the crotch using baby soap.

If itching occurs due to sexually transmitted diseases, it is necessary to begin treatment as soon as possible in order to avoid the occurrence of negative consequences.

The perineum in women itches: causes

Itching in the perineum in women is a common reason with which many consult a gynecologist. As a rule, the whole thing is in the genitourinary system, but in some cases the reason may lie in skin problems. In this case, a dermatologist should be involved in the examination.

After a woman has itching in the perineum, you need to visit a gynecologist, he will examine you and only after that will prescribe treatment, or will refer you to another specialist.

So, the causes of itching in the perineum in women are as follows:

Pregnancy. If a woman is pregnant and the gestation period is already 20 weeks or more, then the sudden itching in the perineum should alert, as this is the first signal about the threat of miscarriage. It is especially dangerous if blood is released along with itching.

Birth injury. The most common cause of itching in the perineum is postpartum trauma. At the time of passage of the child through the birth canal, perineal rupture may occur. In some cases, doctors have to cut open the perineum in order to prevent spontaneous rupture.

A woman after childbirth will experience discomfort in the perineum until the wounds heal.

Inflammation and infections. Itching in the perineum can occur due to the presence of many inflammatory diseases:

• vaginitis - the walls of the vagina become inflamed, itching and pain spread throughout the genitals;

• bartolinitis - glands located at the entrance to the vagina become inflamed. Burning and itching occurs when walking, while a woman is trying to sit down, the infection continues to spread and causes more and more harm;

• a rectal fissure becomes inflamed. As a result of this, the patient cannot go to the toilet regularly. In order to relieve itching, eliminate inflammation, it is necessary to take special medications.

Genital herpes. The rash looks like vesicles that are filled with liquid inside, after a while they burst. In no case can they be scratched, even if you really want to. An additional infection can get into open wounds, and the consequences will be disappointing.


The genital nerve is located in the perineum, due to which the connection between the nervous system and the pelvic organs is maintained. When a nerve is pinched, itching, pain, burning occurs. The final diagnosis in this case can only be made by a doctor.

Skin diseases

The main skin disease accompanied by itching is a fungus. In the initial stages of the development of the disease, small red spots appear. The development of the disease contributes to non-observance of personal hygiene.

Itching of the perineum in women: treatment

Treatment of the perineum should begin with a full examination. After the causes of itching are identified, they must be eliminated, and the faster this is done, the less consequences will be in the end. Treatment of diseases that cause itching in the perineum in women should occur as follows:

1. If you have a fungal disease, try to wet the skin in the anus no more than twice a week. After the water procedures are taken, wipe everything well and grease with an antifungal cream.

2. If there are no wetting surfaces on the skin, it is recommended to rub special ointments into this area - Mycoseptin, Clotrimazole. If after five days there will be no improvement, it is necessary to re-visit the doctor so that he revises the course of treatment and prescribes other drugs.

3. Change underwear twice a day. Wash things in boiling water, and then iron thoroughly. Bed sheets need to be changed once a week.

4. For prevention, it is better for a woman to sleep in a separate bed for the period of treatment.

5. After water procedures are taken, the bath must be thoroughly disinfected.

6. Buy underwear only from high-quality and natural material, refuse synthetic materials.

7. Use talcum powder.

If inflammation occurs, specialists will probably recommend antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs. In the event that the itching was caused by infections or parasites, certain drugs must be drunk.

Using folk remedies to treat itching in the perineum is not recommended for men and women, it is better to undergo a full examination and follow all the recommendations of specialists.
