Tarot horoscope for the week of July 8-14 for all signs of the zodiac: find out which card fell to you


The energy of this period drives your inner potential and strength. It shows that every situation that you encounter is interconnected with both the past and the future - and in order to accept all these situations that arise, you need the thinking of a mature person.

Nothing happens without a reason, and wisdom comes with any experience. Look for new knowledge and correctly sort the information that comes to you. And do not forget to look at the end of the article the most powerful map of the week, which affects everyone.


Map - Nine Pentacles

Slow down and think carefully about all your next steps. Speed ​​and competitiveness right now will not help you, but they will only complicate your life even more. Of course, you are brave and think that you can achieve anything. However, think twice before doing anything stupid.


Map - World

Be careful in your communication this week and do not allow yourself any excesses. You can safely say no if someone (even if this is your boss) forces you to do what you do not think is right. In addition, you have the opportunity to support someone less self-confident and direct him on the right track.


Map - Empress

You have a chance to find answers to your most difficult questions. If you want to be as productive as possible, take a break and recharge your batteries throughout the week. Be a good listener to understand what is important to you and set boundaries correctly. Do not rush to save the world, during this period you need to think about yourself.


Map - Jester

Current events can arouse strong emotions in you with respect to family and loved ones. Do not make life difficult for yourself or anyone else with your pessimism and heightened anxiety. If you have a difficult choice, do not panic, but listen to the inner voice. You can even temporarily back off and let go of the situation.

A lion

Map Six of Swords

A calm approach to all situations will help solve problematic issues. This week (in your free time) is best spent with friends or family, doing what you like. Encourage yourself and others, remembering that you will overcome everything, and then life will reward you with harmony and stability.


Map - Sun

You will be welcome in any company. Whether you are planning a trip, social event or communication with like-minded people, be sure to take any initiative. This is the very favorable period when you will be surrounded by supporters supporting you in all your actions. Be grateful and attentive to others.


Map The Hermit

You may not particularly want loneliness in a given period, but this is what you need right now. Chat with yourself and try to figure out your internal contradictions. Feel free to trust your own intuition to regain inspiration and motivation. The greatest satisfaction will bring a solution to any complex problem.


Map Hierophant

Do your best to make informed decisions, and don't be afraid to ask professionals for advice, even if it requires some effort from you. Remember that with smart actions you can make a difference in just a few minutes. Be sure to adhere to established social rules and do not try to go beyond them.


Map Three of Swords

Changing direction can improve your life. You may be trying too hard, but just not going where you should. Think about what you need the most right now. Everything can become better than you expect if you stop straining and are satisfied with what you have. Do not forget to "reboot" and restore strength.


Map - Chariot

You lead in life, because you know how to maintain control over yourself. You are able to overcome anything thanks to your determination and self-confidence. Remember that you are not alone, and you have the right to seek help, because this week you may be disturbed by bouts of anxiety and a temporary loss of sensation of soil under your feet.


Map - Tower

You are facing dramatic changes. Relatively speaking, demolish old structures to make room for a new one. Your positive will help you through difficult times while you are looking for yourself. Stick only to your opinions and beliefs.


Map - Moderation

This is an active period, which in principle determines your entire July until the very end. All questions will revolve around home and family. Be patient, considerate and honest as much as possible. You have a clear goal that you want to achieve this summer, and you are learning to set your priorities. Seek inner balance and calm.

The strongest map of the week July 8-14

The key card of the week is Ace of Cups. She wants to convey to you the idea that there are always rays of light in life, and you need not to dodge them, succumbing to immediate desires, but, on the contrary, allow them to illuminate your path and bring you inner peace of mind. Know how to consider prospects and do not give up opportunities.


Watch the video: Taurus Weekly Tarot Reading: Horoscope July 8-14 2019 (June 2024).