Ordinary Miracle - Fractional Laser


There are few residents of the metropolis who can boast of perfect skin. Acne and post-acne, age spots, scars and pockmarks, striae and wrinkles - this is an incomplete list of those "charms" that can ruin even the perfectly correct face. Until the recent past, laser resurfacing could eliminate such defects. But, since the rehabilitation period lasted for weeks or even months, only completely “desperate" could decide on it. In addition, there were multiple risks of complications and difficulties in care.

Therefore, the ability to do laser resurfacing with rehabilitation in 3-7 days can be perceived as a real miracle. Such a miracle can be considered the creation of a device for carrying out fractional laser thermolysis. This device converts a laser beam into many microbeams (similar to how a shower head converts a stream of water). As a result, laser action on the skin does not occur on a continuous surface, but on individual micro-areas.

Another “miracle” is that fractional thermolysis processes only a part (up to 20%) of the skin surface, and all 100% is updated! The fact is that the laser beam, having a thermal effect, launches a powerful mechanism for recovery. Even if not all of the skin is removed, but its micro patches, the restoration process covers the entire skin surface.

Fractional exposure leads to a multiple reduction in rehabilitation time, because in areas not affected by the laser, the entire system of skin activity is preserved, and this facilitates the recovery process.

What does it depend on rehabilitation period after fractional laser exposure?

The fractional thermolysis device itself can be integrated into various lasers. Most often, cosmetology uses carbon dioxide (CO2) and erbium lasers to polish the skin.

CO2 laser causes a controlled burn and removal of the skin surface to a considerable depth. After that, a wet crust is formed on the treated surface, requiring special care. Due to trauma, fractional thermolysis based on CO2 lasers is not recommended for use in sensitive areas in the eyes and lips, as well as for people prone to pigmentation disorders.

Grinding with an erbium laser has always been considered gentle (cold), because its radiation is absorbed by the skin several times faster than the radiation of a CO2 laser, and it simply does not have time to “burn” the dermis deep. Therefore, the rehabilitation period after an erbium laser is much shorter, and this process is easier.

But not all erbium lasers are the same. The main difference is the wavelength. The shorter the wavelength, the smaller the penetration depth. Most erbium lasers act on the surface and cause only protein coagulation (coagulation under the influence of high temperatures, stimulating the formation of new collagen). Therefore, processing with such lasers cannot be called polishing in the full sense, since no removal of skin particles occurs.

But only 2940 Erbium Lasers along with function coagulation have the function ablation, i.e. evaporation. Their exposure depth and power are sufficient to coagulate the deeper layers of the skin, stimulating the production of new dermal fibers, and to polish the surface layers by evaporation. Such lasers are safe for any sensitive areas: eyes, lips, neck, décolleté. Moreover, they are quite sufficient to eliminate serious "deep" defects: scars, scars, deep wrinkles, pigmentation, traces of acne, etc.

Fractional thermolysis on an erbium laser of 2940 nm is a real "miracle": quickly, as soon as possible and as efficiently as possible, it solves the widest range of problems. The high efficiency of such a laser allows you to achieve results not in 4-6 procedures (as with some other lasers), but in 1-3, and significantly saves your time in the post-treatment period. Already on the 4th-5th day you will be able to apply makeup and return to a full social life.

But in the “lite” version: with low power and depth of exposure, fractional grinding becomes an effective laser peeling. To do laser peeling at least once a year is a good tone for a girl who makes a serious bet on her appearance. It turns skin with minor defects into smooth, and good skin into perfect. In addition, you get the effect of pronounced prolonged lifting, make the most effective "prevention" of skin aging and normalize dermal trophism.

Laser peeling with an erbium laser can be done “without interruption” from social life: only in the first 2-4 days there will be a slight peeling.

Is your skin far from ideal? Want to make her flawless? Experienced doctors of the beauty center "Noble Manor" will help you with this, using the real "miracle of science" - a fractional laser.


Watch the video: How to treat PIGMENTATION (June 2024).