How to whiten teeth at home without harm to tooth enamel? Effective Home Teeth Whitening


Almost all young people today believe that the main attribute of attractiveness is, first of all, a beautiful smile and snow-white teeth.

But, unfortunately, not everyone can boast that they have beautiful and even teeth.

Moreover, quite a few people have white enamel by nature, teeth with shades of gray, yellow and beige are more common.

That is why the issue of teeth whitening has become so relevant.

To whiten teeth at home without harm: is it possible?

Teeth whitening is a specific procedure that takes time. For several years now, experts have been arguing about its safety. On the one hand, thanks to modern methods, you can get an excellent result in a short time. But on the other hand, you can hear a lot of negative reviews about the negative impact of whitening on dental health.

It is even more dangerous when poor-quality products are used to whiten teeth at home.

It is safe to say that without significant harm to the teeth, it is unlikely to whiten them? That is why, first you need to try to avoid the state when you have to resort to this procedure.

The yellow coating is not an aesthetic sight enough, and it is natural that every person who encounters it wants to get rid of this problem. The first thing you need to do is determine the cause of the plaque.

The biggest problem is smoking abuse coffeeas well as some products. The enamel as a result of this will become thin, with minor damage, as a result, a coating will appear.

As a rule, it is not recommended to whiten teeth for people with weak enamel. Therefore, the question arises, is it possible to whiten teeth at home without causing them any harm? Specialists unequivocally answer what is possible, but only being under their supervision.

Before deciding to take such a step, you need to find out the natural color of the teeth, otherwise you can overdo it, thereby damaging the enamel.

Next, we will consider the safest and most effective means of whitening teeth at home.

To whiten teeth at home without harm: special technologies

Today, the dream of a beautiful smile has taken hold of both men and women. Since ancient times, it was believed that teeth are an important part of certain superstitions and traditions. For example, a person with bad teeth was endowed with negative qualities in the eyes of other people. And if a person had beautiful and white teeth, then he was successful in any business. Of course, today we have freed ourselves from such prejudices, but a white smile can still charm anyone.

How to whiten teeth at home without harm? This question sounds more and more often. After all, the ugly color of tooth enamel can appear throughout life, due to the constant exposure to various harmful substances. In addition to such dyes, the color of the teeth can be changed by filling or taking certain medications.

Thanks to such modern methods as Laser whitening and Zoom, no harm will be done to your teeth, and in a few years you will not have to go to the hospital for prosthetics. High-quality whitening should be done only with the use of specially prepared substances and developed methods.

Professional methods can be divided into three main categories: internal whitening, whitening by the dentist and at home.

What should be done before bleaching?

Before proceeding with the procedure, be sure to have a professional brushing of your teeth. If there are diseased teeth in the oral cavity, they need to be treated. It is recommended to eliminate all problems with the teeth, in other words, prepare them for whitening.

Modern dentistry uses the following methods:

1. Chemical. From the name it’s clear that special chemicals are used. Gels and solutions containing hydrogen peroxide and special enzymes have a good whitening effect. The use of these compounds is allowed only in the dental clinic. The doctor will apply them on a previously prepared surface.

2. Mechanical. Specialists use mechanical means to clean tooth enamel. For this, a special mixture of air is supplied under pressure. At the time of the procedure, the doctor will change the angle of his supply several times in order to lighten the entire surface of the enamel.

3. Laser. It also uses preparations based on hydrogen peroxide. They are applied to the teeth, after which they are illuminated with a special laser.

In any case, in order to know how to whiten your teeth at home without harm, you will have to visit the dentist. A good method for home whitening is mouthguards. Before the mouthpiece puts on the dentition, a special bleaching substance is placed in it. Molds are made individually for each, therefore, simply can not do without the help of a specialist. Depending on your wishes, the cap can be worn both at night and during the day.

But the only minus for this method is the duration. You will have to put the molds on your teeth for at least two weeks until you achieve the desired result.

To whiten teeth at home without harm: folk remedies

Before proceeding to the whitening procedure at home, be sure to take the time to strengthen your tooth enamel. First of all, you need to eat foods that strengthen your teeth.

Do not brush your teeth with special whitening paste. Even if you still use it, try not to clean more than twice a week. After each meal, you can rinse the tooth with herbal infusions.

Parsley disinfects the oral cavity, you can just chew it sometimes.

Effective anti-plaque

1. Baking soda. Take your toothbrush and dip it in soda, brush your teeth for a couple of minutes. To prevent the taste of soda from being so unpleasant, use it together with toothpaste. Such a procedure should be carried out no more than once a week.

2. Hydrogen Peroxide. How to whiten your teeth at home without harm, you can learn after applying peroxide. Most toothpastes for whitening contain peroxide. The safest concentration is not more than 3%, a stronger solution can severely damage the enamel. Hydrogen peroxide must be applied to a cotton pad and rub his teeth, then rinse your mouth thoroughly.

3. Activated carbon. Take one tablet and grind it well, soak in the resulting powder with a toothbrush. It can be used both in conjunction with toothpaste, or separately. Rinse your mouth well after cleaning.

Teeth Whitening with Herbs and Berries

Medicines based on herbs and berries will suit almost everyone. The most effective in application are strawberries, apple and lemon. And all thanks to the fact that they contain malic and citric acid, which can dissolve plaque on enamel.

Strawberries are not only tasty, but also healthy. In addition to all its advantages, it can also help in whitening teeth. To do this, make a slurry of berries and apply it to your teeth for several minutes, after which you can eat it or rinse your mouth.

Any folk remedy, which includes lemon juice, is always effective. It is recommended to rub your teeth with lemon zest or rinse your mouth with juice. But you need to use it very carefully, since acid can burn tooth enamel.

Other methods for whitening teeth at home without harm

To whiten your teeth at home, you can always use ingredients such as wood ash and licorice. But what are the useful properties contained in these components? And can they really have a positive effect on the color of teeth?

liquorice. This is a fairly effective tool used for whitening teeth. It also strengthens the gums and heals wounds, if any. Due to the fact that liquorice is viscous, it can be used instead of chewing gum;

wood ash. It was used in ancient times. Take a toothbrush and dip in wet ash, then brush your teeth well. Due to the fact that the ash is small, it well removes plaque in those places where the brush cannot penetrate.

Whiten your teeth at home: what can I eat?

After teeth whitening at home without harm to them, you need to adhere to a special diet in order for the result to consolidate. In the first days after bleaching, try to exclude all products that can stain your teeth. Usually they include the following:

• coffee, cocoa;

• chocolate;

• food with dyes and drinks, it can be ice cream or wine;

• juices and fruit drinks;

• beets, carrots.

During the spirit of the days, avoid consuming all of this. Even if you still used something from the list, you don’t need to be scared. Go to the bath immediately and brush your teeth well with the paste.

In addition to all this, cigarettes can again stain your teeth in an unpleasant yellow color. If you abuse bad habits, try to give them up as soon as possible

Over the next few days, tooth sensitivity will be slightly increased. Therefore, try not to eat sour and sour-milk products.

Many people call this diet “white,” because food should preferably be white. After two weeks, you can return to your previous diet.

How to whiten teeth at home without harm? There are many answers to this question, just like reviews. Many insist that you need to go to the dentists, someone uses exclusively home remedies.

If you still decide to use folk remedies for teeth whitening, then first strengthen your gums and teeth.

A beautiful and snow-white smile is a completely feasible dream, just follow it and you will succeed!


Watch the video: Whiten Teeth Naturally and FAST Without Damage perfect for sensitive teeth! (June 2024).