Itchy ears: what kind of attack? Why does itchy ears and how to deal with it


A slight itching in the ears is a completely normal phenomenon, which periodically occurs in each person due to the accumulation of sulfur.

Especially often this feeling occurs when moisture gets in, for example, during water procedures. In this case, the usual hygiene procedures will necessarily eliminate this manifestation.

However, in some cases, the causes of itching in the ears may be associated with the development of certain diseases. In such situations, as a rule, this manifestation is accompanied by other symptoms characteristic of pathological conditions. If such a problem arises, you should go to a specialist to diagnose and resolve this issue.

Itching in the ears can be combined with hyperthermia, fluid discharge from the external passage, pain, hearing loss, coordination, dizziness.

Sulfur is a substance that is produced by the sebaceous and sulfur glands of the auditory canal. It has a yellow-brown color and an acidic pH level, it also contains fatty acids, lysozyme, immunoglobulins, they cause a bacteriostatic and disinfecting effect.

During the conversation, chewing and other movements of the lower jaw, sulfur moves along the auditory canal, it happens at about the same speed as a person’s nails grow. With the ingress of dust, microorganisms, this process may be accompanied by itching in the ears.

Causes of itching in the ears

The occurrence of such an unpleasant symptom is not always a sign of the pathological process, however, in most cases it is. Let's look at the main causes of itching in the ears.

• Microtrauma in the auditory canal caused by improper hygiene. For example, the removal of sulfur with a match, pin or other inappropriate item. It is the penetration of this substance into the tissues that can cause such a sensation.

• Excessive hair growth in the auditory canal.

• Eczema.

• Inflammatory ear diseases (otitis).

• Fungal lesions (otomycoses).

• The cause of itching in the ears can be an allergic reaction caused by ingestion of hygienic or cosmetic products (cotton swabs, soap, shampoo, gel, foam, etc.) into the ear canal.

• Pathology of the endocrine system. Very often, this problem occurs on the background of diabetes.

• Violation of metabolic processes in the body.

• Old age. According to statistics, itching in the ears is more common in older patients.

• Seborrheic auditory canal dermatitis.

• The furuncle of the external auditory canal.

If the cause of itching in the ears is associated with the development of the pathological process and is accompanied by additional symptoms, then it is better not to self-medicate and go to the doctor for a diagnosis. This will also help prevent the transition of the disease to a more severe form and the occurrence of complications due to improper treatment or its absence.

When this symptom has arisen due to improper hygiene, as a result of the reaction to some means, simply eliminate the irritating factor and the feeling of itchiness will disappear forever.

Related symptoms of itching in the ears

With the development of any disease of the auditory canal, along with itching in the ears, other signs appear, in the aggregate they point to specific pathologists. In this case, the problem is permanent.


If the patient complains not only of itching, but also of pain in the auditory canal, this may signal the development of the inflammatory process. In this case, you must immediately begin to therapeutic measures.

More often in such cases I diagnose otitis. This pathology may be bacterial or viral in nature, occur in acute or chronic form. The inflammatory process extends to the inner, middle or outer part of the ear.

Also, during examination, a secret can be detected in the ear canal, wall hyperemia, edema, and it is not always possible to see the drum partition in such cases. Sometimes patients have a hearing loss, pressure, noise, or ringing.

Throat diseases

This is how the human body works, that the ear, nose and throat are interconnected. Therefore, the defeat of one of these structures can spread to others.

If itching in the ears is accompanied by the same sensations in the throat, you can think about the disease of the latter. As a rule, this can be a sore throat. Pathological process can be caused by both viral and bacterial or mixed microflora. In such cases, treatment is necessary to carry out the root causes, that is, throat disease.


Often, itching in the ears is accompanied by pathological secretions from them. Such a symptom complex may indicate damage to the auditory canal by fungal microflora. Occurs due to lack of sulfur or microtraumas.

In addition to the above symptoms, there may be pain, tinnitus, a feeling of congestion, a hearing loss. The pathological process in most cases is one-sided. Most often, the pathology develops in children and people who wear hearing aids, have had been ill with mastoiditis, are professionally engaged in swimming, and have diseases of the endocrine system.

Non-compliance with hygienic norms, scratching in the ears, microtrauma, foreign bodies, taking antibacterial drugs over a long period can cause otomycosis.


When itching in the ears is accompanied by desquamation, it is likely that allergic dermatitis has developed. It may occur due to insufficient intake of vitamins, frequent stress, genetic predisposition.

Also, an allergic reaction may appear as a reaction to the ingestion of cosmetics. Also, contact dermatitis may occur on the metal, which is contained in catkins (nickel, chromium).

With this pathology, first, a peeling occurs inside the auditory canal, then the skin becomes irritated and there is a feeling of severe itching.

Seborrheic dermatitis

This disease is caused by yeast fungi, which live in moderate amounts on human skin. Under the influence of local reduction of protective forces, they begin to multiply uncontrollably. These microorganisms live in places where there are many sebaceous glands, such is the auditory course.

If the cause of itching in the ears lies in seborrheic dermatitis, during the inspection, you can find hyperemic areas with peeling. This pathology in most cases affects both organs of hearing.


This disease is characterized by suppuration of the hair follicle of the auditory canal, which develops as a result of the reproduction of pathological staphylococcus. Predisposing factors are avitaminosis, ear microtrauma, diabetes mellitus, the presence of combed skin, inflammation of the middle ear, which is accompanied by purulent secretions.

In this case, itching in the ear is the first symptom, which eventually develops into pain. Hearing impairment is also noted. Visual inspection reveals a hyperemic elevation with a yellow dot in the middle. The furuncle can open up on its own, while the purulent capacity freely flows out.

Treatment of itching in the ears

If factors that are not related to the development of a pathological process become the cause of an unpleasant symptom, in such cases it does not require special treatment for itchy ears. Simply remove the stimuli.

But sometimes along with this manifestation, there are other symptoms that may indicate the development of diseases of the organ of hearing. In this situation, without the help of a specialist can not do. Only he can establish the true cause and carry out not only the treatment of itching in the ears, but also the disease itself.

If you immediately go for a consultation with a specialist there is no possibility, and the problem does not give rest, you can wipe the ear canal with a 6% solution of vinegar. It is better not to use other methods of treatment and it is not necessary to delay the visit.

Treatment for itching in the ears depends entirely on the underlying cause that caused this symptom. Let's look at what is used in each case.

To eliminate otitis, local drugs are prescribed. Use ear drops with antibacterial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis. If the body is so weak that the symptoms of intoxication are present, antibacterial agents can be prescribed for internal administration.

If the cause of itching in the ears has become a fungus, the doctor prescribes antimycotics. Be sure to carry out the washing of the auditory canal from pathological secretions and sulfur. For this purpose, the following means may be used:

  • amphotericin;
  • nystatin;
  • clotrimazole;
  • chinosol;
  • Burov's fluid;
  • Castellani liquid.

In addition, in case of fungal infections, vitamin complexes are used to strengthen the body's defenses.

When detecting diseases of the throat, therapeutic measures are aimed at the localization of this particular source of infection. Drugs are prescribed depending on the nature of the pathogen. Antibiotics, antiviral agents may be used. It is also necessary to gargle with antiseptic solutions, decoctions of medicinal herbs, irrigate the surface of the pharynx with aerosols.

Treatment of itching in the ears with dermatitis depends on the particular case. Glucocorticosteroids can be administered as ointments, as well as local procedures. If there is an accession of a secondary infection, use the combined means, which include antibiotics and GCS.

In patients with allergic reactions, itching in the ears is eliminated by taking antihistamine drugs: suprastin, cetirizine, loratadine, fexofenadine. They fight irritation and inflammation.

Treatment of itching in the ears with a furuncle is carried out by the introduction of turunds soaked in alcohol or solutions that relieve pain and swelling of the tissues into the ear canal. If suppuration occurs, this formation is opened and the antiseptics are washed, and antibacterial preparations in the form of ear drops are also prescribed.

Itching in the ears of a child

Sometimes this symptom can bother babies. The reason becomes:

Inflammatory process. Treatment of itching in the ears in this case is carried out by an ENT specialist.

Large amounts of sulfur. Removed by washing. It is better to entrust the procedure to the specialist.

Ear mite. This reason also requires immediate contact with a specialist.

Foreign body exposure.

Water in the ear canal. In this case, there is no cause for concern. As a rule, everything goes by itself. However, in the cold period before normalization of the condition, it is better not to go outside, as this can provoke a cold.

Sometimes itch in the ears of a child may occur just because he wants to sleep.

Folk ways to deal with itching in the ears

The following methods can be used only in cases where itching in the ears is not associated with the development of the pathological process in the ear canal.

Baking soda

This tool will help to remove sulfur accumulated in the ear. Mix 1 teaspoon of soda with 100 ml of boiled water. Blend the resulting solution 5-6 drops 3-4 times a day. This will help to make the sulfur softer and it will flow out.

Vegetable oils

To eliminate the unpleasant symptom, you can bury a drop of oil in each ear. Best suited almond or tea tree. Also, this tool helps to eliminate the fungus, however, in this case, use it with the permission of the doctor.


It is necessary to bury the ear in the morning and evening of infusion calendula in the amount of 2 drops. Course duration - 7 days. Before the procedure, wipe the ear with hydrogen peroxide.


It is also possible to treat itching in the ear by burying onion juice in it.

It should be noted that it is impossible to use the treatment of this symptom with heat, since in cases of the development of any disease this only provokes the accelerated reproduction of pathological microflora.

Itching in the ears can indicate a variety of serious illnesses. So when he appears, do not hesitate to visit a doctor.


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