Therapeutic diet for liver diseases. How a daily diet for liver diseases should be built


Every year, the number of people who suffer from liver related diseases is growing. The causes of the disease can be caused by various factors. Among them, poor heredity, infection, the consequences of taking antibiotics, eating disorders and others. It is very important to follow a special diet for liver diseases in order to facilitate the rapid recovery of the body.

Diet for liver diseases: principles of adherence to therapeutic nutrition

It is very important to follow a healthy diet for liver problems in order to restore the state of the organ, normalize the metabolism and the process of bile formation. It must be understood that no pharmacy drug will give such an effect as a diet. Having normalized his diet, a person will feel an improvement in his general condition, forget about the pulling and aching pains in the abdomen.

The principles of the diet for liver diseases

1. Proteins must be present in the diet. The main thing is that they are easily digested.

2. With regard to fats, the daily rate is determined based on the condition of the patient by the attending physician. Most often, their consumption is minimized.

3. Carbohydrates, a person should consume no more than the prescribed daily allowance, an excessive amount will lead to disruption of the liver.

4. It is very important to approach cooking properly. It should be well cooked, finely chopped, so that the stomach can easily process it. It is allowed to eat boiled, stewed and baked dishes, fried is completely excluded.

5. Patients are often recommended a diet for liver disease No. 5. Its main principle is to eat 6-7 times during the day, but in small portions.

6. In order to ensure the most effective removal of cholesterol from the body, it is recommended to introduce products that contain fiber in the diet.

Following these principles will help a person organize his daily diet in such a way that he does not overload the liver and avoid complications. If you have additional questions, you should definitely consult your doctor so that he develops an individual nutrition plan.

Allowed diet products for liver disease

Modern medicine has expanded the list of products that are allowed to be consumed by a person with liver diseases. The main thing is not to overload your body in order to avoid complications and try to exclude proteins from the diet for the duration of the diet.

The diet for liver diseases includes such elements as:

• proteins (easily digestible);

• carbohydrates;

• minerals;

• vitamins.

List of allowed products for patients

1. Bread, but not fresh. It is better that it is slightly stale or dried in the oven.

2. Milk and dairy products are useful. it can be milk, kefir, low fat cottage cheese, yogurt and fermented baked milk.

3. Meat recommended non-fat varieties - chicken, rabbit, turkey or beef.

4. Eggs are allowed as an omelet. You can eat not only chicken, but also quail.

5. Sea and river fish.

6. Greens, seasonal vegetables and fruits (except pears).

The use of sugar is undesirable, it can be replaced with honey, but do not overdo it with the amount.

Cooked diet foods for liver diseases will be useful to season with pumpkin, corn, olive or linseed oil.

Despite the limitations of the diet, nutritionists sometimes allow patients to enjoy sweets such as:

• oatmeal cookies;

• pastille;

• souffle;

• jelly;

• marshmallows.

Of the drinks, preference is given to the following:

• homemade jelly cooked from fresh berries;

• weak black tea;

• compote from seasonal berries or dried fruits;

• clean drinking water;

• freshly squeezed vegetable juices.

We should not forget about plentiful drinking - this is important for every person who wants to improve his body and remove toxins and toxins from it. The daily norm is 1.5 liters of pure water. In the morning, black tea with honey is allowed, before bedtime - kefir.

Prohibited diet for liver disease

For liver problems, the patient should carefully monitor his diet. All dishes that can provoke an exacerbation of the disease are excluded. It is for this reason that too spicy, fried and smoked foods are on the taboo list.

Clinical nutrition also excludes the following foods:

• too fatty meats - lamb or pork;

• mushrooms in any form;

• meat of geese or ducks;

• fat;

• meat and mushroom broth;

• fatty cheese;

• boiled and fried eggs;

• cooking oil, margarine and butter;

• any canned meat and fish;

• seasonings (mustard, vinegar);

• garlic, onions and chives, radishes, sorrel;

• rye bread and fresh pastries;

• chocolate and chocolates;

• confectionery coated with fat cream;

• any drinks containing coffee;

• carbonated drinks, cocoa and too sour juices;

• nuts (any).

In no case should you eat too cold or hot dishes. They can provoke pain in the liver, colic or spasm.

Also, do not forget about milk soups and occasionally cook them for yourself. Such a dish is considered very light, gives a person a long feeling of satiety and does not burden the liver.

Diet for liver diseases excludes the listed products for the reason that they are too heavy for the body and poorly absorbed.

Exemplary treatment menu for patients

The duration of diet therapy is prescribed by the attending physician based on the individual characteristics of the course of the patient's disease. Some have to monitor their diet for 2-3 years, others forever refuse fried foods.

Recommended Daily Menu

1. Morning. 150 grams of cottage cheese with sour cream (low fat content) is allowed, you can cook pudding for yourself. From drinks - tea with a small amount of milk.

2. The first snack. Oatmeal or boiled piece of chicken. If you don’t feel like eating, you can only eat one baked apple with honey.

3. Lunch. Vegetable soup (vegetarian), stewed zucchini and 150 grams of rice. From drinks - a glass of dried fruit compote.

4. Second snack. It’s better not to overload the stomach and limit it to rosehip decoctions (not very strong and without sweeteners).

5. Dinner. Mashed potatoes and a slice of boiled fish fillet. From drinks - weak black tea with a slice of lemon.

6. Before going to bed, hunger cannot be endured. To quench it, it is allowed to drink a glass of low-fat kefir.

The maximum daily norm of bread is no more than 200 grams. It is important to remember that you can’t eat a fresh product, you need to dry it a little. Also, during the day, no more than 70 grams of sugar or honey is allowed.

Interesting recipes for a diet for liver diseases

1. Pumpkin Puree Soup

Pumpkin (150 grams) is peeled, cut into small cubes. It must be boiled until half cooked. After this, the product is transferred to the pan, 1 teaspoon of butter is added there. The dish languishes under the lid for 15 minutes, then 2 tablespoons of oatmeal are poured there. The decoction left over from the pumpkin is also poured into the pan to form a liquid consistency. The dish languishes for about 10 minutes, then it is chopped in a blender and poured into a pan.

2. Steamed beef cutlets

First you need to soak in milk 30 grams of stale white bread. When it softens, it is added to fresh ground beef. Everything is mixed until a uniform consistency is formed, pepper and salt are added to taste. Now it's up to the small thing - to form cutlets and cook them for a couple.

3. Beet and carrot steam salad

Carrots and beets are steamed for 25 minutes. After that, the ingredients are rubbed on a coarse grater, transferred to a convenient container. Spices (salt and pepper) are added to taste. The salad is seasoned with fresh finely chopped herbs and olive oil.

A diet for liver diseases gives a person great scope for the imagination of cooking. Using the main medical recommendations and lists of allowed and prohibited products, you can delight yourself with delicious, and most importantly, healthy and light food every day. Such food will become a habit over time. A person will be able to heal his body and get rid of excess weight (if he was).


Watch the video: Eating Healthy with Liver Disease (June 2024).