How to understand what a man wants? The main mistakes of the female perception of the basic needs of men


The main misconception of women is that they think about the needs of men, as well as about their own. They try to give intimacy to the partner, often thank, surround with care and attention. But all this is purely female needs. And one should not be surprised that a man is often not at all happy with increased custody.

Representatives of the stronger sex have two basic needs:

- be necessary for someone;

- Feel free.

Because of this, conflicts often occur in the family. When a man marries, he becomes necessary, but at the same time loses freedom. If he remains a bachelor, he is completely free, but no one needs it.

Living in marriage is very difficult for a man, because often the wife demonstrates her dissatisfaction with him. Then the man feels himself unnecessary and at the same time not quite free.

What does a woman try to give to a man?

1. Wives try to give their husbands more intimacy, since they themselves really like it. And they perceive their attempts as the deprivation of their freedom. The result is that both are unhappy. A woman thinks that her husband stopped loving her, but in fact he is tired and wants to stay alone for some time, not understanding why he needs to communicate precisely when he is not in a conversation.

2. The wife tries to thank her husband for something, but receiving compliments, he begins to be arrogant, or perceives them as something played out. But if you emphasize his need and masculinity in a conversation, then the ice on the man’s heart will melt and he will turn mountains for you.

3. The wife, as she can, creates a safe environment for her husband, surrounds him with care. After work, she tries not to disturb the head of the family, tired at work. He is at her full service. The wife prepares food for him, runs around the shops to buy things and does other household chores. In this case, the husband will not have any motivation to conquer new heights. How to give to give him what he wants? The first thing you need to see is that the man and woman are completely different. They have a different body structure, have different needs and think differently. A woman and a man are in this world in order to complement each other.

How to give her husband a sense of need?

It has long been known that men like to patronize. But they are not always ready to take responsibility, because they are afraid of it. Often, wives suppress the masculine nature, although in reality only responsibility can help to find happiness.

Representatives of the stronger sex have the strength and meaning of life when they realize that their beloved is important and necessary. The woman is always interested in the course of the process, and the final result is important for the man. Its purpose is to perform feats in order to receive a standing ovation. A woman accepts the money earned by him, help with housework, providing the family with a rest at sea, and so on, as a matter of course, for granted, and this depreciates his work. And so year after year.

Then the sons grow up, their wives appear. Pressure on the son is already on two sides (wife and mother). And so the race of men in life continues, exhausting and depriving oneself. For many men, it is very important to feel appreciation and receive praise from a woman for their achievements. Then they have the strength to conquer new peaks.

A wife should thank her husband for the help she received in cleaning, the money she earned, and so on. Then the man, seeing a positive reaction, will definitely want to continue to do this.

Feeling of freedom

Sometimes a husband needs to be alone or with friends. Only in these cases his thoughts come to order. Of course, a man loves his house, but he cannot be in it all the time, as this gnaws at his pride. He needs a sense of freedom, then family life will not press, like heavy shackles. And again love and affection for the spouse will break out. It is especially important not to raise your voice after the husband returns home after meeting with friends. It must be accepted with love and understanding. This is very difficult for many women. But love and harmony in the family require work on oneself.

Constant cries and reproaches do not improve relations. It is worth changing your behavior to make a man a calm and happy person. Then he will be ready to do a lot for such an understanding wife.


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