Scientists have determined how much music affects pregnant


It is no secret that pregnant women are extremely sensitive to any external stimuli. German scientists have found that the first of them is music.

As it turned out, music is capable of having a strong effect on heart rate, pressure, respiration rate and body temperature. This was established thanks to the fact that pregnant women were given 30-second pleasant musical pieces that were either distorted or were played in reverse order.

As a result, the music was perceived more acutely: simply pleasant felt as very pleasant, unpleasant - as annoying.

For example, distorted music played in a direct manner reduced blood pressure in women, and in the opposite 10 seconds later increased it.

Scientists have tried to explain the nature of this phenomenon. One of the reasons for the similar effect of music on the physical condition of pregnant women was explained by the influence of estroene, which can affect the reward system in the brain. The second possible reason may be the influence of the child himself, who at the stage of prenatal development is able to perceive music: it was found out that the frequency of the embryo's heartbeat changes under the influence of music in the third semester of pregnancy, and since 35 weeks, motor reactions were noted under the influence of mother listening to music fetus.


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