What are the benefits of eating banana for your health? Can a banana cause harm to health and who should refuse a tasty treat


In shops and markets, shelves with bananas look most attractive to potential buyers. This is a favorite treat for both adults and children has a beautiful yellow color, bright, special aroma. One wants to get a bunch of fruits so that at home, and in some cases - on the way to it, to enjoy this amazing fruit.

Types of banana, its use

Banana is a crop that has been grown in tropical countries since ancient times. In the locality of growth, these fruits are often one of the few products available to the indigenous population. Bananas, suitable for human consumption, are divided into two types - dessert and plantans. The first ones can be eaten raw right after their ripening, such fruits are dried, many desserts and goodies, wines are prepared from them. Varieties with green or red peel and pulp rich in starch, which are classified as plantans, are used after heat treatment - boiling, stewing or roasting. The recipe involves the addition of numerous spices, onions, garlic, olive oil. Feed plant varieties are used to feed farm animals and birds.

Banana composition

Since ancient times, people have noticed that the fruits of a banana are not only tasty, nutritious, but also able to cure some ailments - get rid of burns, bruises, heal wounds, normalize digestion, and improve nervous state. Do bananas bring health benefits, what is their healing secret? It is required to understand what is included in the favorite fetus. Such an “analysis” will make it possible to assess whether a banana is harmful to health.

Depending on the variety and the degree of ripening of these fruits, each fruit has a different balance of useful components, but in any case contains some of them. 100 grams of the “average” banana contains about 90 kilocalories, carbohydrates 22 grams, protein 1.5 grams, and fat no more than 1 gram. The fruits are exceptionally rich in fiber. A unique balance of trace elements - potassium, calcium, iron and phosphorus. The health benefits of bananas are also due to the "selection" of vitamins - group B, ascorbic acid, PP, E. The composition of fruits includes amino acids - tryptophan, methionine, lysine.

What are the health benefits of banana?

Numerous studies conducted by specialists of several profiles - biologists, doctors, nutritionists, suggest that daily use of two or three delicious bananas will bring health benefits. How can this fruit improve it?

Science confirms that a person, eating such tropical fruits, achieves several goals:

1. Qualitatively satisfies hunger. Bananas are able to fill their "consumer" with energy. Fruit is recommended as an intermediate dish that can be eaten between main meals even with intense physical exertion.

2. Starts metabolic processesas a result of which the hormone of happiness, serotonin, is produced in his body. It is this substance that helps to get rid of excessive nervous tension and unrest, to get out of dangerous depressive and stressful conditions. Fruit is a natural medicine, the “tasty” use of which can normalize sleep, including due to the presence of tryptophan in the product.

3. Regulates the work of the heart and blood vessels. A sufficient balance is exerted by a sufficient balance of potassium, magnesium and vitamins - C, B. These components are able to control the water-salt balance, which in turn leads to the normalization of elevated blood pressure values, reduces the risk of heart failure, the prerequisites for the development of coronary heart disease, heart attack, a stroke.

4. Positive effect on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. The product has not only a pleasant consistency, it provides a high fiber content, but also the ability to suppress the action of aggressive bacteria, the activity of which can trigger the formation of ulcers.

5. Regulates the work of the intestines. A banana can not only stop diarrhea, but also prevent the reverse process - constipation. In the first case, the result is achieved due to the presence of the necessary trace elements that contribute to the restoration of the balance of electrolytes. In the second, the fruit provides the process of regular bowel movement by filling it with pectin, fiber and dietary fiber - they contribute to high-quality peristalsis, fight against unpleasant bloating, and prevent excessive gas formation.

6. Eliminates heartburn, increased acidity of the stomach.

7. Strengthens the immune system. This process is promoted by a high content of vitamins and minerals, which stimulate many metabolic processes that are important for the protective function of the body. Eating fruit is necessary to maintain beneficial microflora in the stomach and intestines, which is one of the foundations of maintaining immunity.

8. Increases hemoglobin in the blood. The result is achieved due to the presence of iron.

9. Reduces cramps. The effect is provided by trace elements - potassium and magnesium.

The unique balance of vitamins and minerals allows you to achieve other results with regular use of banana. Health benefits can be expressed in the following - preventing vision loss due to progression of eye pathologies, strengthening bone tissue, normalizing the production of female and male sex hormones. The fruit helps to remove dangerous toxins from the body, which is one of the conditions for the prevention of cancer.

What is the health hazard of a banana?

It is important to know that a healthy banana can cause significant harm to the health of some people. The presence of a number of diseases is the main prohibitive factor for the use of this fetus. Hazardous product properties are:

1. Ability increase blood viscosityprovoke the process of thrombosis, which leads to a decrease in blood supply to individual organs and parts of the body. Such phenomena are observed in people with a diagnosis of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, coronary heart disease, decreased male potency.

2. The presence of carbohydrates with a high glycemic index. They are extremely dangerous for people with diabetes.

3. Increased calorie content of the fruit. This property makes it impossible to eat bananas in food for patients with obesity, or when performing activities that contribute to weight correction, its reduction.

4. The presence of substances that cause allergic reactions. The fruit is not recommended for use in feeding children up to a year because of the high probability of allergies. Putting bananas in a child’s diet requires care and attention from parents.

5. The occurrence of digestive disorders. Observed in people with irritable bowel syndrome. A problem can arise if the banana is eaten unwashed - dangerous chemicals and bacteria can be on its peel.

Tropical fruit is a valuable food. Banana, its harm to health can be significant in two cases - if you use it in the presence of contraindications or in excessive quantities.


Watch the video: What Will Happen if You Eat 2 Bananas a Day (July 2024).