Diet 5 tablespoons: nutrition principles. The effectiveness of the diet is 5 tablespoons: how much you can lose on it and how to do it


A diet of 5 tablespoons is very popular among the fair sex.

A balanced diet improves metabolism, helps to reduce excess weight.

The process of losing weight is due to the fact that the amount of food consumed at one time is clearly limited.

5 Tbsp diet benefits

The popularity of a diet is easy to explain, knowing all its benefits.

1. Due to the fact that you can eat everything, the body receives the necessary daily intake of useful trace elements.

2. The only thing you need to limit yourself to is sugar and carbonated drinks.

3. Simplicity and accessibility. No need to cook special fat-burning soups and purchase expensive low-calorie foods.

4. Efficiency. The first three days the body will be difficult to get used to the new diet. However, if you stand it, an excellent result will be noticeable in a week. Depending on the initial weight, an average of up to 6 kg takes 7-10 days.

5 tablespoons diet: nutrition principles

It’s hard to believe that you can lose weight by eating absolutely everything. However, a diet of 5 tablespoons proves that this is true. A woman can eat her favorite foods, including pastries. The main thing is to follow the basic rules.

Important Rules

1. For one meal it is allowed to eat no more than 5 tablespoons of the dish.

2. Control the frequency of meals.

3. Try to limit yourself in the use of alcoholic beverages, as they slow down the metabolism.

Three simple rules will help you quickly and effectively lose a few extra pounds. The best part is that the power system can be repeated regularly, which will maintain the weight in normal. The fat layer can never "hit" the waist.

Diet 5 tablespoons: allowed and prohibited foods

A diet of 5 tablespoons is pleasant for girls in that almost all products are allowed. The main thing is to follow the rule - no more than the allowed number of servings per meal.

However, to limit yourself to the use of carbonated drinks. They not only negatively affect the body, but also are empty calories. You can also not drink tea and coffee with sweeteners. Try not to add either honey or sugar.

Very often the question arises of how to eat meat with a given diet. Everything is very simple, it is not necessary to eat it with a fork. You just need to cut a piece into 5 small pieces that would fit in 5 tablespoons - that’s all. Chew the meat well so that the body does not feel a feeling of heaviness.

Diet 5 tablespoons: an approximate daily menu

If a woman wants to bring her body back to normal, forget about cellulite and a sagging stomach - a diet of 5 tablespoons would be ideal. The presented menu for the day will help to figure out what approximately is a diet.


You never need to take your breakfast away. It was proved that if a person does not have a snack in the morning, he runs the risk of overeating at lunch. In the morning, it’s best to cook some sugar-free oatmeal with dried fruits. Also a great option would be a magnificent omelet with herbs.

First snack

Any fruit or other product with a maximum weight of 150 grams will do. It can be children's yogurt, a green apple, an orange. It is advisable to give up bananas temporarily, as they awaken a strong appetite.


A little boiled fish or meat, vegetable stew, soup. Lunch should be less high-calorie than breakfast, but hearty. The first dishes and seasonal vegetables stew are dishes that stimulate metabolism and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Second snack

Cottage cheese is an important product for the human body. For this reason, it must be in the diet of women, especially during the diet. It is allowed to add a little sour cream and fresh seasonal fruits, the main thing is without sugar.


Supper is recommended 2 hours before going to bed so that the stomach can digest food. If a woman wants to lose weight really well, it is advisable in the evening to limit herself to a glass of low-fat kefir, after first stirring a spoonful of bran in it. Such a drink will give a feeling of fullness, while not having a negative effect on the figure.

Of course, do not forget that during the day you need to drink 2 liters of liquid. It should be not only tea or coffee, but also plain water.

Important points in organizing the nutrition process

Despite its simplicity, a diet of 5 tablespoons has several important principles for organizing a daily diet, which must be strictly observed.

The principles of organization of the nutrition process

1. Serving Size. One serving is 5 tablespoons. If it comes to meat or fish, you can eat with a fork, the maximum amount of product is 150 grams.

2. Frequency of food intake. One of the main advantages of the diet is that you do not need to limit yourself to eating. A woman can satisfy her hunger every time there is a need. There is only one limitation in the frequency of food intake - no less than 3 hours should elapse between snacks.

3. Drinking fluids. It is not recommended to drink water during meals, as this stretches the stomach. Drinks are consumed between meals, which gives an additional feeling of fullness and regulates metabolism.

4. The intake of vitamins. The presented diet does not particularly limit women in nutrition, but, in any case, reduced portions provoke a lack of useful trace elements in the body. This balance must be replenished so as not to feel weakness and lightheadedness. In pharmacies, there is now a huge selection of all kinds of vitamin complexes that contain the necessary substances to maintain normal health. The course of administration is designed for 30 days. During this time, the fair sex will not only get rid of the fat layer, but also improve your body.

Morning work-out

A diet of 5 tablespoons gives an excellent effect after the first week of following the diet. However, if you lie at home all day on the couch and do nothing, it will be impossible to get rid of the fat layer.

A woman must accustom herself to sports. Excuses that there is no time to visit the gym in this case will not be relevant. It is enough to do exercises every morning for 15-20 minutes to enhance the effect of the diet.

Simple but effective exercises

1. Squats - every morning 15-20 times. Allows you to get rid of cellulite.

2. Push ups. They have an effective fight against sagging skin in the shoulder area.

3. Running on the spot. Stimulates a better metabolism.

5 Tbsp Diet: Summary

A diet of 5 tablespoons has no contraindications, it is simple and affordable for everyone. By combining a diet with workouts at home, you can achieve a really excellent result.

Of course, the number of kilograms left will depend on the original weight. On average, it takes 3 to 7 kg in 10 days.

If a woman wants to test for herself what a diet of 5 tablespoons is, she should be ready, that, despite the absence of prohibitions, the first days will be difficult. A little willpower and a desire to look milk and beautiful - everything will surely work out.


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