Plots on water from damage, from the evil eye, for good luck and money. How to read plots on the water at home and which are the strongest.


People underestimate the importance of water. Everyone knows that within a few days the body, which stopped supplying water, will simply die. Yes it is. But maintaining life is not all the possibilities of water. Do you know that with her help you can kill a person and heal him, make him endure eternal torment and give incredible happiness? People have learned to speak water and perform with it a variety of rituals, which they then use for their own benefit.

Working with water is quite easy, but at the same time, it is incredibly difficult. Only those who already have some experience in conspiracies and magic can do everything right and do no harm to themselves or others. One mistake, one awkward movement, one uncontrollable thought — and the water that was supposed to be beneficial will bring only harm.

Tips to help plots correctly

1. Water tends to memorize the information that you give to the rite through it, and can store it for a long time. Having decided to conspire on water, you thereby confirm that you know how to keep your thoughts and emotions under control. A quick-tempered pessimist will not be able to cope with this, because it will be difficult for him to adjust himself to the necessary wave and forget, even for a few minutes, about all the bad things happening around him. Such people should not work with water, because it will be dangerous. There is no way you can check what property water acquired after your conspiracy, until you drink it. But it is better not to risk it.

2. For conspiracy, use only purified spring water. It is believed that it perfectly absorbs information. Such water is comparable to a blank paper sheet, on which you can draw whatever you want. Water from the tap can be used for various conspiracies in the event that it is infused. It is necessary to insist on it for seven days, so it seems to me that it will be easier for you to go to the spring and collect clean water than to wait a week before starting a conspiracy.

3. Do not undertake to conspire, the text of which is complicated and incomprehensible to you. Doing a plot on the water, you must necessarily know by heart the full text of the prayer or conspiracy. And all because you have to constantly look at the water, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy, without taking your eyes off her, fill with energy. This will not work if you look at the leaflet on which the text of the prayer is written every few seconds.

4. Only in a calm and quiet environment can you work normally with water. Any noise will mean that your thoughts are confused, the mood will get lost, and the water will absorb it all and, accordingly, the effect of the plot will turn out to be not what you expect. It is best to conduct a ritual with water in the dark. This will create the necessary atmosphere around you.

5. Read the plot must be very quiet voice, which gradually turns into a whisper. This should be done as if you are telling your secret water and you do not want someone else to hear it. Thus, you establish a special connection with water, come into contact with it and she begins to understand your feelings, emotions and desires. Speak the words clearly so that the water can understand what you want, and as much as possible contribute to the fulfillment of your will.

6. No one should be aware of the fact that you are going to perform the rite or have already done it, even the closest people. Do not forget that any conspiracy and ritual is a mystery, and the sacraments must be kept secret. No wonder they say that if you want to be happy, then you don’t need to tell anyone anything about your personal life and other details about yourself. So in this case. If you plan to perform a ceremony, then just do it without sharing your thoughts and experiences with anyone about this.

Be sure to follow each of the above rules and will certainly achieve the result you need. Do not doubt anything and do not be afraid, because it will affect the water. If you are, nevertheless, pursued by some doubts about whether to carry out the ritual or not, then it is better to postpone this matter by the time you can say for sure that you really need it. Do not do anything out of interest or to check whether a higher power exists. It exists only for those who sincerely believe in it.

A strong conspiracy to lose weight on the water

If you think that you have a few, and maybe more than a few, extra pounds, then try to resort to magic and you can lose weight not only very quickly, but without much effort. Plotting for weight loss does not act like a magic serum. You can not continue to eat everything you want, lying on the couch and lose weight. The conspiracy will just dull the feeling of hunger, and you will be surprised that you do not want to eat.

Insure yourself against midnight kitchen trips. There is one really powerful plot about which women respond well. The advantage of this conspiracy is that the dropped kilograms no longer return. Of course, there are exceptions to each case, but the statistics say that the probability of exceptions is negligible.

In order to perform this ritual, you need to take just as much clay so that you can make a small figure of a little man out of it. Plasticine man should have a physique that would be as much as possible like yours. If, for example, your problem area is the stomach, then use more clay, making the stomach a little man. Now take a glass of water and put it on the window-sill, put the plasticine figure next to the glass and whisper the following words to the water: "Let not my plasticine weight doll throw off, and I will lose weight. Fat down, beauty and slimness to me. Let it be as I please. " Conspired water should be drunk and, waking up the next morning, you will understand that you absolutely do not want to eat. With the help of a conspiracy in one week you can lose 3-5 pounds.

A conspiracy to holy water for the fulfillment of desire

The next conspiracy is used when they dream of something and want to make their dream come true as soon as possible. Immediately I want to focus your attention on the fact that desire must be adequate. Understandably, if you want to meet with aliens, then no witchcraft will help you with this, and then you will also say that conspiracies do not work, and magic does not exist. This conspiracy is often used by students to pass the test perfectly or you can resort to its help when a deal is expected and you want everything to go smoothly.

Type in a glass of water, having consecrated it in advance in the church. Put the water in front of you, close your eyes and for a few minutes imagine that your wish has come true. In every detail, draw in your head a picture of the moment when you already got what you want. Imagine what emotions will overwhelm you at that moment. Now you can begin to spell water. Say it over her: "I will charge the holy water with my desire, so that it will come true soon. I will drink some water and fulfill my dream. Let it be as I say. Amen." Three times cross the glass of water with the sign of the cross and dry it.

It is this conspiracy to holy water that can be done only once. So, think carefully about the desire to choose.

Water Conspiracy

On what the person will not go only to forever get rid of poverty and live without knowing anything of need. From childhood, girls are taught that you need to be smart and beautiful in order to attract a good rich man and, having married him, live in comfort and prosperity. No need to deceive and rob anyone to know the happiness of wealth. You just have to make a plot for money and have patience.

Type water in a small basin. Read the following words over him: "Oh, water, you know everything and have power. You washed the far lands and you can wash away my bad luck forever. Give me everlasting wealth and a good life. Amen." Conspiracy water needs to be washed. Do not wipe your face with anything. Water should be absorbed by the skin.

Plot for good luck on the water

Make yourself a luckier person by making this conspiracy for good luck on the water. It is quite simple and will not require any skills from you, and the words are very easy to learn. Type a large pot of water and place it in the middle of the table. Take the three candles you purchased in the church and place them, forming a triangle around the pan. Light the candles and repeat three times: "Now I will have good luck and happiness. Water, drive away all bad weather from my life. Amen." Take a pot of water and go to the bathroom. Pour the water on yourself and wait until it is absorbed by the skin. No need to wipe.

Plot on the water from the evil eye

Take a glass of water and place it opposite. Light a match, and when it burns to half, throw it into a glass of water with the words: "As this match burned, so will he who dares to jinx me." Now light a church candle and drip some wax into a glass. Store water for three days, and then pour it out.

A conspiracy against the evil eye will strengthen your energy field and you will not be able to jinx it.

Plot for love on water

To meet your narrowed or find happiness with those who are close, you must conduct one simple ceremony. A conspiracy to love for water needs to be done at night. Put a glass of water and whisper these words: "I will love, they will adore me. I will create a strong family, I will give birth to many children, I will never let a loved one down. Amen." Drink water.

Plot on water from spoiling

This conspiracy to water from damage should be carried out during the day. Put a glass of water on the window sill and say: “As the sun shines on you, so good people will surround me. And whoever thinks to do me harm, he himself will attack him.” Now you need to drink water.

Water may not be absolutely everything, but it surely will be able to help improve your life. If you are afraid that the ritual will somehow turn against you, then before you hold it, you should read the prayer "Our Father" three times. Tune in to good thoughts and transfer your positive charge to water. All must succeed.


Watch the video: Prayer To Cancel Evil Plan Of The Enemy. Prayers Against Evil Plans (June 2024).