How to make soap bubbles at home: the best recipes. Homemade soap bubble mixes are better than purchased!


Soap bubbles delight not only children, but also adults. This fun will decorate any holiday and give a great mood. Many people ask: how to make soap bubbles at home?

Everything is simple. The basis for the preparation of the mixture is: water, soap, sugar, glycerin. Other components are added depending on the formulation. All ingredients can be bought at any store except glycerin, it is bought at a pharmacy.

Tips & Tricks

The preparation of soap bubbles begins with water. From the tap is not suitable for this purpose. The solution is made on bottled or boiled.

To obtain high-quality and strong bubbles, you must follow following recommendations:

• When choosing a soap base, study the composition. It should contain a minimum of dyes and perfume fragrances. Only in this case will the bubbles turn out to be of high quality.

• Water should be warm or hot, but not boiling water.

• The density of the solution depends on glycerol, so do not add this component too much, otherwise it will be difficult to blow bubbles.

• Stir components slowly so that a lot of foam does not form.

• The finished solution must be cooled and allowed to stand for a couple of days in the refrigerator. The mixture should settle until a solid soap film appears on the surface without puna and bubbles.

• By adding food coloring to the mixture, you will get bubbles of different colors.

• Blow bubbles slowly so that the film does not tear.

• If you are preparing a mixture for a children's party, use safe ingredients. For example, take quack-quack shampoo as a base.

Security measures

During the preparation of the solution, certain safety regulations:

• work with the solution carefully so that it does not get on the mucous membranes of the eye, mouth or nose;

• if the mixture gets into your eyes, rinse with plenty of warm water;

• blow bubbles in the opposite direction from animals and people;

• Be sure to wash your hands after cooking.

How to make soap bubbles at home: the best recipes

There are many ways to prepare a mixture. As a basis, you can use soap, washing powder or detergent for dishes.

Option 1. The classic recipe from laundry soap

The most popular and simple recipe for soap bubbles. It will take only three components.


half a liter of bottled water;

20 ml of glycerin;

50 g of soap household. without dyes and perfumes.

Cooking method:

1. Grind the soap.

2. We shift the chips into the container, fill with hot water and mix until completely dissolved.

3. Filter the mixture through cheesecloth, add glycerin and mix.

Option 2. Based on dishwashing detergent "Fairy"

To prepare blisters for this recipe, a greater amount of glycerin is used.


300 ml of distilled water;

glycerin - 50 ml;

½ stack. dishwashing detergent "Fairy".

Cooking method:

1. Pour the indicated amount of heated water into a bowl.

2. Enter glycerin. Pour into the Fairy fluid. Gently mix the solution so that the foam does not rise.

3. Stay a day in the refrigerator before use.

Option 3. With baking powder and sugar


300 ml of distilled water;

5 g of baking powder;

50 ml of soap base;

25 g of granulated sugar;

25 ml of glycerin.

Cooking method:

1. Pour baking powder and sugar into the bottom of the container.

2. Introduce glycerin and dish detergent. Stir everything thoroughly.

3. Pour in water and mix again slowly. Let the composition stand for 12 hours.

Option 4. Based on detergent for dishes with sugar

A simple and affordable way to prepare a mixture for soap bubbles. Use dishwashing detergent without perfumes and colorants.


400 ml of bottled water;

10 g of granulated sugar;

½ stack. dishwashing detergent.

Cooking method:

1. Dissolve sugar in warmed water.

2. Pour in dish detergent. Stir until smooth.

Option 5. Soap bubbles for the smallest

Drops of soapy solution from bursting bubbles can get into the child’s eyes and ruin the holiday. To avoid this, prepare a solution of safe ingredients that will not irritate the skin and mucous membranes.


75 g of granulated sugar;

250 ml baby shampoo;

half a liter of distilled water.

Cooking method:

1. Dissolve the shampoo in a small amount of warm water, gently mixing so that no foam forms. Leave the liquid overnight to settle.

2. Add granulated sugar and stir until crystals dissolve.

Option 6. The recipe for huge soap bubbles


25 g of granulated sugar and gelatin;

400 ml of distilled water;

glycerin - 75 ml;

½ stack. dishwashing detergent "Fairy".

Cooking method:

1. Soak the gelatin and let it swell. Strain gelatin, draining excess fluid.

2. Combine gelatin with sugar and dissolve over low heat, not boiling.

3. Remove from the stove, cool and pour in water. Add detergent and mix gently. Insist a day.

Option 7. From washing powder

To prepare soap bubbles according to this recipe, it will take several days. Therefore, this option will not work if the holiday is scheduled for the same day. When choosing detergent powder, give preference to safe products. It is advisable to use a detergent for washing baby clothes.


washing powder - 25 g;

10 drops of ammonia;

100 ml of glycerin;

bottled water - 300 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Fill suitable dishes with hot water. Add the powder and mix until it is completely dissolved.

2. Add the remaining components to the soap solution, stir and leave for two days.

3. The liquid is filtered and sent overnight to the refrigerator.

Option 8. Non-bursting bubbles with sugar

The mixture can be used to create curly bubbles.


80 g of granulated sugar;

200 g households soap;

half a liter of glycerin;

800 l of distilled water.

Cooking method:

1. Three soap on a fine grater. Pour the chips with hot water and stir until it is completely dissolved.

2. Add glycerin and granulated sugar to the mixture. Mix well again.

What to use for blowing soap bubbles and how to do it right

Using bubble soap in the fresh air will be affected by the weather. If the street is wind or rain, the holiday will have to be moved to the room. Bubbles blow out slowly, otherwise they will burst.

Suitable bubble blowers:

• factory wand;

• wire twisted by a loop;

• a straw or straw for drinks. For large bubbles at the end of the tube, several incisions are made along;

• To blow giant bubbles, use a device consisting of a loop and two sticks. The ropes are dipped in a solution. Then they are bred to the sides, making horizontal or vertical movements.

As you can see, everyone can arrange a holiday and please children. Do-it-yourself soap bubbles will please everyone. In this case, you will be sure of the quality of the solution, which is important when used for the smallest.


Watch the video: How to make giant soap bubbles at home. Mixture receip. (July 2024).