The meaning of the name Ivan


Ivan - This is a Hebrew name and is the Russian form of the biblical name John, which means "Grace of God." From ancient times to this day, Ivan is the most popular male name, which, you can say, has become a kind of symbol of Russian people.

The name Ivan is not quite as clear as it may seem. It contains all the ideas about the Russian people, because so much has passed through Russia Ivanov. Energy named after Ivan is a great internal force.

Ivan - character traits

Ivan is the most Russian name of all names. It has incorporated all the most contradictory and meaningful.

Positive character traits of the name: - great willpower;
- openness;
- good;
- a feeling of compassion;
- dedication;
- sense of justice;
- discretion;
- a responsibility;
- speed of reaction;
- the ability to go to the end;
- great devotion.

Negative character traits of the name: - strong credulity;
- indecision;
- not the ability to compromise;
- cunning;
- unbridled rage.

The owner of the name Ivan may turn out to be both a noisy bully and a boy share. But in any case, they will manifest a greater degree of great willpower, sincerity and great devotion. The name Ivan is the breadth of Russian nature!

Ivan - name compatibility

Ivan is an excellent family man, but a girl who connects her life with Ivan must remember that she will have a somewhat reckless life, since the doors of Ivan’s house are always open for all his friends and relatives. Ivan is a faithful and loving husband and father who does not have a soul in his children, for which he is always loved by his children. Quite often, Ivanov has two marriages in life. What Ivan can never forgive anyone is treason. It is the betrayal of a loved one (wife, friend) that can break a strong Ivan.

Ivan is waiting for a successful marriage with the owner of the name: Alla, Alevtina, Valentine, Glafira, Daria, Ekaterina, Zoya, Irina, Love, Maria.

Relations with Antonina, Varya, Lena, Larisa, Maya may not be favorable. Hope, Emma, ​​Rome.

Ivan da Marya is probably the perfect combination, or maybe just a Russian belief.

Ivan - famous people who bear this name

- Aksakov, Aivazovsky, Bunin, Grandmother, Bagranyan, Vazov, Grozny, Goncharov, Demidov, Dolgorukov, Efremov, Kozhedub, Konev, Krylov, Michurin, Panfilov, Turgenev, Tsvetaev, Chernyakhovsky, Shmelev, Shishkin ... Of course, this is not a complete list He does not list famous Russian people who bore this name.

Ivan - interesting facts about the name

- The diminutive form of the name Ivan: Vanya, Vanechka, Vanyusha
- Ivan has the largest number of patron saints
- Zadiacality of the name - Sagittarius
- Patron Planet - Sun
- Lucky colors: white, blue, red, orange
- Stone mascot - diamond
- Animal - ladybug
- Happy day - Wednesday, Friday.

It is Russian Ivan that is devoted to many odes, songs, poems, fairy tales, epics, in which Ivan appears as a strong, strong-willed, devoted, handsome man with a big soul. Therefore, the name Ivan is the personification of a real Russian person.


Ivan 10.30.2016
You know a lot converges. I am very trusting and only intentionally (if I follow myself) can I temporarily maintain a distance in communication in order to check a person whether I can trust him. It’s necessary to get along ... I think people who see such trust are simply subconsciously trying to use it. About the “slow-witted” is true ... or not really - personally, I think for a long time not because my thoughts are tight and just consider such a bunch of options that it seems to everyone else except Ivanov that it’s just that I’m not talking about what to do or not, but just with crazy gone. :)). But I appreciate the reasoning and thinking through my actions. And over time, I began to spit on what they were rushing me to, I almost always see a lot of my haste in making decisions. In addition, I have more than enough patience for this :)
In general, much converges. But write about everything ...

And as for the differences: I also saw a lot of ivans, there are similarities in many ways.
I think that just “Ivan” is capable of being any kind of person in character, if he wants, whether the other question is.

I am 22 years old to 15 years old, I was quiet, from 15 to 21-22 I suffered (smoothly), now I decided to subside again, from my experience and observations, I decided that it is better not to rage once again. In general, it’s not unambiguous, I’m personally looking for the best ways of communication and am still in the process, but how can I find it then I’ll clutch it.

Marina 04/15/2016
Yes, Ivanov is not pulled, on the Ivanov-Tsarevichs. It seems that all the qualities they have are not bad, there are a lot of good reviews, but there is something in them ... Some kind of obligation. I have several acquaintances of Ivanov, and I didn’t even think of addressing one of them with a serious request, somehow I don’t have it ...

Sasha 04/15/2016
Good Ivanes! Honestly, as far as I know them, all as one responsive, good-natured, will always come to the rescue. Maybe not a bit resolute ... It’s nice to communicate with the Ivanes. Rude Van, almost never met. Women are very polite.

Larisa 04/15/2016
And I know exactly the positive Ivan. We are just friends, that's why I like the always open doors of his house!))) Of course, this option is not successful for a full-fledged family. But, I think that Ivan may well rethink his life.

Julia 04/15/2016
Yes, I also think that such descriptions of Ivanov are too general. Vani is very different. The article, of course, does not contradict this. There are Vani and cunning, lazy, and kind, and proud ... This is - whoever comes across!)) Good luck to everyone in choosing!))
