Yolk custard is delicious! Several options for custard on yolks and desserts with it: pies and mousses


The custard on the yolks is tender and tasty. The only minus of such a cream is that decor cannot be made from it, since it does not hold its shape for very long.

Custard on yolks and desserts with it - the basic principles of preparation

Thanks to the yolks, the custard gains a pleasant yellow color. Custard on yolks is prepared with or without butter. In general, there are many recipes for this cream. Flour can be replaced with starch. For aroma and taste, add juice or citrus zest, vanilla to the cream. Classic cream is made with butter. But if you want a lighter dessert, you can make it without it. Custard is boiled in milk or cream.

Milk is poured into a saucepan and brought to a boil. Then removed from the stove and cooled to a warm state. The yolks are placed in a separate bowl. Flour is mixed with sugar. Begin to grind the yolks, gradually pouring the dry mixture. You should get a homogeneous mass without lumps. Now a little milk is poured into the warm milk and mixed. The resulting mixture is poured into a pan and cooked over low heat, constantly stirring with a wooden spatula until the cream becomes thick.

The cream is used for cakes, eclairs, or prepare light and tasty desserts with it.

Recipe 1. Classic yolk custard


egg yolks - six pcs.;

milk - 70 ml;

butter - 300 g;

sugar - ¾ stack.

Cooking method

1. Combine the yolks with sugar, and whisk them with a whisk or mixer into the foam.

2. Pour in the milk gradually and continue to shake until a mixture without lumps is obtained.

3. Place the dishes with the egg-milk mixture in a water bath, and cook with constant stirring until thickened.

4. Cool the cream by covering it with a film on top so that it does not become crusty. Add softened butter and beat until smooth.

Recipe 2. Custard on egg yolks without oil


50 g of wheat flour;

8 g of vanilla sugar;

2 tbsp. milk;

4 egg yolks;

Art. cane sugar.

Cooking method

1. Triturate the yolks with sugar. Add flour to the egg mixture and knead the mixture until smooth.

2. Little by little pour milk, constantly stirring. We make sure that there are no lumps left.

3. Put the egg-milk mixture on low heat and cook for ten minutes, constantly shaking with a whisk.

4. Add vanilla sugar to the finished cream and beat for another five minutes.

Recipe 3. Custard on yolks with corn starch



egg yolks - two pcs.;

corn starch - 50 g;

milk - two tbsp .;

sugar - ½ stack.

Cooking method

1. Pour half a glass of milk into a saucepan. Pour in starch and mix well.

2. Add the yolks and vanilla to the milk mixture. Stir again until smooth.

3. Boil the remaining milk in a separate bowl. Gradually pour the mixture of yolks and starch into boiling milk with continuous stirring.

4. Cook the cream on low heat until thickened. Cool to room temperature and beat with a whisk until splendid.

Recipe 4. Custard on yolks with condensed milk


four yolks;

0.5 tbsp. milk;

½ tbsp. flour;

Art. condensed milk;

½ tbsp. cane sugar.

Cooking method

1. Beat the yolks with sugar until white. Add a little flour to the egg mixture and rub until no lumps remain.

2. Place the resulting mixture in a saucepan and pour milk into it. Warm over low heat, continuously stirring vigorously with a whisk.

3. Once the mixture has boiled, turn off the heat and immediately add the condensed milk. Whisk lightly with a whisk and cool.

Recipe 5. Lemon Custard on Yolks


a pinch of salt;


20 g of drain oil .;

40 g of corn starch;

350 ml of drinking water;

four egg yolks;

250 g of brown sugar.

Cooking method

1. Combine the yolks with granulated sugar and whisk until white.

2. Wash the lemon, wipe and remove the zest. Grind it.

3. Combine all dry ingredients in a pan with a thick bottom and mix. Pour in lemon juice and water. Add the zest and stir well.

4. Put the saucepan on a small fire and cook with constant stirring until the mixture becomes thick.

5. Add a spoonful of hot mixture to the egg yolks and mix well. Now add the yolks to the pan and mix. Simmer over low heat, stirring for five minutes. Do not let the cream boil. Add oil, stir and remove from the stove.

Recipe 6. Italian dessert with custard on yolks


½ liter of milk;

three biscuit cakes;

50 g of wheat flour;

100 g of dark chocolate;

vanilla stick

100 ml of natural coffee;

150 g of sugar;

50 ml of rum;

six yolks;

100 ml raspberry liquor.

Cooking method

1. Pour milk into the pan, leaving about half a glass. Add the vanilla stick and put on a small fire. Bring to a boil and remove to the side.

2. In a separate bowl, rub the yolks with a whisk with sugar. Add flour, stir so that there are no lumps left. Pour milk and shake with a whisk.

3. Remove the vanilla stick from the milk. Pour some hot milk into the mixture of yolks, stirring vigorously. Now pour the yolks into the hot milk and set on minimum heat. Cook until the cream becomes thick sour cream. Continuously mix with a whisk so that the mixture does not burn and turns out to be homogeneous.

4. We brew strong coffee. Pour into a deep plate, add rum and cool.

5. Break the chocolate into pieces, add a little milk and water. Melt in a water bath.

6. The cream is divided in half. Add melted chocolate to one part and stir.

7. Dessert will be served in portioned cups. Cut out one cup of biscuit cakes. At the bottom of each glass, put a circle of biscuit. Soak it with raspberry liquor. Spread a couple of spoons of chocolate cream. We put a circle of biscuit on it, gently squeeze it and soak it with coffee with rum. We spread white custard on the biscuit. So we lay the dessert to the top. Decorate with chocolate chips and send to the refrigerator for the night.

Recipe 7. Dessert with custard on yolks and apricots


friable cookies - six pieces;

six apricots;

two egg yolks;

250 ml of milk;

two pinches of vanilla sugar;

50 g of potato starch;

30 g of white sugar.

Cooking method

1. Wash and dry the apricots. We take out the bones. Cut the apricot pulp into arbitrary slices.

2. We break cookies in large pieces.

3. Pour about ¾ cup of milk. Pour the rest into a stewpan and put on fire. Add vanilla and white sugar. We are warming up.

4. Connect the yolks with starch and pour ¾ Art. milk. Shake until smooth with a whisk.

5. Pour the yolks in a thin stream, shaking vigorously, into a saucepan with milk. Cook until the cream thickens, remove from heat and cool.

6. At the bottom of the glass we lay out pieces of cookies. Put a couple of spoons of custard on top. The next layer is going fruit. Fill everything with cream and decorate with slices of fruit.

Recipe 8. Pie with plums and custard on yolks


seven plums;


five tablespoons ice milk;

100 g of frozen butter;

200 g of wheat flour.


2 g of vanillin;

four yolks;

350 milk;

50 g of wheat flour;

125 g of brown sugar.

Cooking method

1. Pour flour into a bowl. Rub oil into it and rub it with your hands. Add milk and knead the dough quickly. Roll it into a circle and put it into a shape, forming the sides. Put the mold in the refrigerator.

2. Boil the milk in a saucepan. In a separate bowl, mix the yolks with flour, vanilla, sugar and yolks. Pour in a thin stream of hot milk, vigorously shaking the whisk. Put on low heat and cook with constant stirring until thickened.

3. Remove the dough pan and place the custard on it.

4. Wash the drain, wipe and remove the seeds. Cut the fruit into slices and place them nicely on top of the cream, gently squeezing into the cream.

5. Bake for an hour at 190 C. Cool completely and serve with cocoa or compote.

Recipe 9. Chocolate Yogurt Mousse


Chocolate mousse

460 g of egg whites;

200 g butter;

50 g of cocoa powder;

480 g of dark chocolate.


30 g of mascarpone cheese;

200 ml of milk;

two vanilla sticks;

six egg yolks;

100 g of powdered sugar.

Cooking method

1. Boil milk in a saucepan. Smash dark chocolate, add cocoa to it and melt in a water bath.

2. Dissolve oil in a separate saucepan. Add it to the chocolate mixture and mix.

3. Beat egg whites in a strong foam. Add the chocolate mixture and continue to beat until smooth. Chocolate mousse is ready.

4. For cream, grate one vanilla stick. Mix milk with sugar, vanilla chips and a stick. Warm the mixture over medium heat.

5. Beat the yolks in a separate bowl.

6. Remove the vanilla stick from the milk and insert the egg yolks. Reduce heat and simmer with constant stirring until thickened. Remove from heat and cool.

7. Preheat the oven to 180 C. Pour a ladle of chocolate mousse into a mold and cook until it is baked outside. Add the mascarpone to the custard and mix.

8. Remove the mousse from the oven and put the custard on top. Sprinkle with cocoa.

Custard on yolks - tips and tricks

  • For cream, it is better to take yolks from domestic eggs.
  • Flour can be replaced with starch.
  • So that the cream does not crust during cooling, cover it with cling film.
  • During cooking, be sure to constantly stir the cream with a wooden spatula so that it does not stick to the bottom.


Watch the video: Frozen Vanilla Custard - French Vanilla Ice Cream Recipe - How to Make Custard Style Ice Cream (June 2024).