Germany - recreation, sights, weather, cuisine, tours, photos, map


Germany is a European state. It is located in a picturesque area, which is characterized by natural diversity - from plains to hilly foothills and even mountains. The Bavarian Alps are an integral part of this beautiful country.

Germany shares its borders with countries: Denmark (in the north), Poland and the Czech Republic (in the east), Switzerland and Austria (in the east), Belgium, Luxembourg, France and the Netherlands - in the west. The northern border is also formed by a natural watershed with the help of the Baltic and North Seas.

The country is inhabited by Germans (92%), the rest are Danes, Turks, and citizens of the former USSR. Today in Germany one of the largest Russian diasporas has formed.

The official language is German. Currency - German mark.

This is a country with a federal form of government, consisting of 16 entities that have equal rights.

Despite the fact that Germany is only slightly larger than Poland in terms of territory, the number of inhabitants in it is almost twice as large. According to 2009 data, the population was 82,002,356 people.

Germany is a country with different faiths. The priority is Christianity (about 35% of believers), Catholics - 32% and Lutherans - 32%. A small fraction of the population professes Orthodoxy, Judaism and Islam. However, about a third of the total population of the country does not adhere to any faith, are atheists.

Germany - the capital and major cities

Berlin is the capital of a united Germany. This is the second metropolis after London, which is rightfully considered one of the most civilized centers of European life.

According to statistics from 2008, about 3.5 million people lived in Berlin. Other major cities in Germany are Hamburg with a population of 1.77 million, Munich - 1.35 million, Cologne - 1 million, Frankfurt - 670 thousand people.

Germany - holidays and tours

Germany, according to Travel Reports, is the safest country for recreation, treatment and tourism. She came out on the third place in Europe in the number of tourists, so the tourist destination is a dynamically developing sphere of the country's economy. This is evidenced by the growth in the number of hotels and hotels, the class of which is growing steadily.

Tourism in Germany is handled by a specially created National Committee. According to this organization, foreign visitors to Germany are attracted by cleanliness, a high level of service and service culture, favorable environmental conditions, safety, good food and good life.

Germany is attractive for its attractions and a rich excursion program. The centuries-old history of the state and the preserved cultural monuments, as well as modern and historical museums are the main points in the programs of trips around the cities.

Germany - attractions

The German Tourist Association periodically publishes data on places that in Germany are the most popular and most visited tourists. Among them, Cologne Cathedral is the undisputed leader in the number of excursions. There is a legend that the splendor of this architectural structure is the work of the devil himself. And the architect Gerhard, the official author of this masterpiece, was ready to lay his soul to Satan, just to get the blueprints.

The second most visited place is the Reichstag (Berlin). Since 1999, the Bundestag (parliament of the country) has been located here. An observation deck was organized in the dome of the building, which can be accessed through preliminary registration. Access was opened in 2010. But with the growing terrorist danger, a decision was made to stop the excursions, and the dome was closed to tourists.

Of the old buildings, Heidelberg Castle, located near the city of Heidelberg, gained fame. The castle is located on the side of a mountain. Destroyed by the troops of Louis XIV, it was later rebuilt and restored. Now he keeps in his cellars the world's largest wine barrel.

Germany - weather

The weather in this country cannot be called constant. It can change almost daily. Sunny summer day is replaced by bad weather and gloomy rainy gloom. However, there are practically no extreme weather events. Such a mild climate is due to the location of the country, it is in the temperate zone. In the entire history of the country's existence, there have been no earthquakes or other significant disasters.

The average temperature in summer is up to + 22 degrees, in winter - from -5 to +2. If we talk about the average annual temperature, then it is set at about +7 degrees Celsius.

Weather in Germany now:

Germany - cuisine

Germany, like most major states, is characterized by a variety of styles in cooking. Dishes, which are prepared by the Germans, vary depending on the territory. There is no unity in cooking, each zone has its own characteristics and preferences in cooking.

But one fact remains unchanged - the Germans love meat, especially pork. Therefore, in Germany produced an incredible number of varieties of all kinds of sausages. Any tourist who arrives will not have to languish because of hunger, because shops and food establishments in Germany are located at every step. And the food itself is very high-calorie and satisfying.

Vegetable dishes are possible as a side dish. Sauerkraut is considered a national treasure. The Germans love her in any form - in salads, in side dishes, in baked goods.

Among drinks, beer is in constant demand. His Germans know how not only to drink, but also to cook perfectly.

Germany - interesting facts

There are a lot of holidays in Germany. Some of them are nationwide, these days the whole country goes on weekends.

One of these holidays is the Day of the Three Kings - Magi. It is celebrated on January 6, after the meeting of the new year. This is a religious holiday of worship and veneration of the elders, who, according to legend, wandered around the world, could communicate with nature and take away evil rock from people. The Magi worshiped the newborn Jesus. On this day in Germany, it is customary to attend worship and spend time at a family dinner. This holiday ends the Christmas holidays in Germany.

Germany - visa application

To come to Germany, you must apply for one of the possible visas:
• Guest (private),
• Tourist,
• Business,
• Transit,
• Worker
• Student.

The size of the fee depends on the value of the euro in rubles. Fluctuations in the cost of the visa fee depend on the ratio of these monetary units. The average visa fee is 35 euros.

Germany - Embassy

The visa department is located in Moscow at the address: Leninsky Prospekt, 95A. Tel: (495) 933-43-11.

The German Embassy is located in Moscow at 56 Mosfilmovskaya Street. Tel: (495) 937-95-00

Germany map


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