The child does not read: who is to blame and what to do. Or is it normal that a modern child does not want to read?


The time is now: many inhabitants have signed sentence book - they say, everything is already digital, multimedia, much more interesting than in the paper stratum, on which you can not fit either video or audio.

Some time ago, a story was extremely popular on the Internet: a kid who saw a butterfly on a window tried to “enlarge” it, spreading it with his fingers in different directions on the glass, as on a touch screen. Users of the global web were touched by the baby's advancement, his resourcefulness and imagination. Few people saw the black hole of oblivion, into which the surrounding technology immerses us, which does not develop our imagination and horizons. Dolls in babies themselves eat, drink and cope with their natural needs. Cars themselves buzz or howl with a siren, blink or automatically push the stairs. Technology copes with everything itself: there is no need to fantasize, there is nothing to learn about the world around and go to parallel worlds, rustling pages.

And remember the unforgettable journeys of Jules Verne, the dizzying adventures of Alexander Dumas, the outlandish names of the characters of Fenimore Cooper: St. John's Wort, Hawkeye, Long Carabiner. Remember how you read out Rybakov's “Dagger” and “Bronze Bird”, each time worrying about the life of young heroes, and how their adventures played out with the guys in the yard.

A life devoid of touch screens and turnkey solutions was neither boring nor monotonous. The book led the list of interests of the most intelligent people and led creative development.

Do you really want to deprive all of this of your beloved child when you doom with a wave of your hands and letting it go into the world of entertainment: to a computer or TV. His own fantastic worlds and fabulous discoveries have not yet been born, but it is not too late for them to be born.

Baby lazy dog, not reading at all! Adult excuses

Rummage around in memory. Perhaps you will remember the last time a child saw a book in the hands of those to whom, by all laws of nature, he imitates: his parents. When was the last time you read anything with him, other than a receipt for utility bills or a check in a supermarket?

Man begins with imitation. First, he watches others walk, and begins to walk. Then he imitates the surrounding sounds and finds speech. And then, when it comes to things like reading, he also needs a positive example. So the modern child learns to "drown" in the tablet, which they put him in, "so as not to interfere," or to make reposts on VKontakte, because mother is passionate about this all day and night.

Never be discouraged by the fact that "my dad didn’t like reading either" or "apparently reading is not for him."

• This is a social skill; it can be instilled. Genetic memory does not carry in DNA information that ancestors did not like to read.

• The ancestors of all mankind sat on branches and could grab food with their feet: this does not mean that such skills should be preserved with us.

• Start with yourself. Nothing is more reassuring to a baby imitating mom than her approval.

External factors of lack of craving for reading

Think about whether the TV is always on in your home, is the computer available from morning to evening? It is not surprising that the child will choose an easier way to obtain information than reading, in which you need to read, analyze, sometimes returning to comprehension to already mastered pieces of text. Everything is simpler on the TV: pictures replace each other, everything is easy and clear.

• Of course, some children have a penchant for reading, while others do not. But this reason is not a reason to refuse attempts.

• Perhaps it is not customary at your place to spend time reading, there is no habit of assembling a library.

• Possibly sad memories of how you were forced to read violently prevent you from being convincing.

• Perhaps the child simply does not perceive his parents as teachers, and therefore they do not want to obey.

Do not be jealous of the kid to the tutor, if he in his attempts will be more successful than you. After all, this is not about your ambitions, but about the developed and full future of your child.

What absolutely can not be done if the child does not want to open the book?

• Screaming in a crazy voice at the child and threatening with any kind of reprisal: beat, I will not let go for a walk, I’ll deprive of sweets, fall a tear, poke blinkers and so on.

So the future bookworm will not develop a love for the Book, but its association with constant threats to itself. Is this what you are doing?

• Promote incentives in the form of material goods: money, things and other things.

Thus, a child will not like reading, but simply learn to trade his time and manipulate you.

• Forcing to read a deliberately boring book.

Did you look into it yourself? And How?

• Spit on this problem.

The success of a child’s development in many academic disciplines depends on reading. You want to give him a normal education?

• Replace the book on the TV.

No film can replace a book in depth and originality of images, if possible conceive and fantasize. Assol, whom he did not expect, and d'Artagnan, whom the child himself would have imagined would be much more spectacular and interesting, would probably slip him. However, the "zombie" will deprive him of such an advantage.

Use all forbidden tricks only if you want to reap their benefits: find dirty pictures on the pages of books, books themselves under a window in the courtyard or collect scraps of paper from the house brutally torn from folios. A child who is afraid to abuse the book will cheat differently: he will pretend that he reads or reads the given “through the word”.

How to instill a craving for reading in a baby in advance

You need to start when it dawns on you: he has a meaningful look! It has been established that children who were not allowed to mock paper in infancy where something was printed are more careful and loving to books in the future. But if your child doesn’t like to read anymore, this means that the baby has grown a little, and advice on care, at least, is untimely.

• The sooner you begin to read fairy tales to your child, the more room there is for hope of arousing interest in books and reading.

• Bright, colorful pictures in books attract interest. At first, the peanut will only examine and touch beautiful illustrations, not knowing what it is feeling and trying to try the future source of valuable knowledge for a tooth. But he will get used to the presence of the book in his life. Toy books for the baby is also a useful thing, and, in addition to the role indicated above, they will fulfill the duty of a finger simulator.

• Small and inquisitive hooligans can buy tear-resistant books that are easily laundered after any adventure: lunch, bathing, digging in the sandbox - cardboard, plastic, fabric, even wooden!

• Place the bookshelf in the children's room as low as possible - let the crumbs have access to literature! Perhaps it will be his own small open bookcase, to which the little one reaches out without your help when he pleases. If a child does not constantly see books, then he is unlikely to feel attracted to them.

• If you have placed an old Goethe edition of the pre-revolutionary issue within the reach of a year and a half book reader, do not complain to your acquaintances about vandalism of butuza. They themselves are to blame: the child is led by the interest you are warming up, and not hatred for books. Chad is not aware that this book was worth a fortune, and you are now ruined.

• When choosing books for the baby, consider the nuances of design: good illustrations - bright, but without the "acid" colors, large print and quality paper. The younger the reader, the larger the font in the book should be.

• It is also worthwhile to familiarize yourself with the contents of the masterpiece in advance: the fact that you will palm off on the child depends on his further interest. In addition, the text should correspond to the age category indicated on the cover. You can search the Internet for future purchase reviews written by other parents or critics.

• Do not forget yourself and teach your child to think that the best gift is a book. If the baby receives beautiful books of fairy tales for his birthday, then, when he grows up, an excellent illustrated encyclopedia, he will cherish the books because their parents consider them good gifts.

Raising a craving for reading: pedagogical tricks

There are a number of "advertising" tricks.

Trick One:

Keep reading to your child at night. The evening reading ceremony of something exciting can be continued even until the 11th grade of the school - this makes you closer to each other. So, constantly reading very interesting literature at night, break in the most unexpected and intriguing place. Remember how it happens in serial films when a series ends where the whole family greedily sticks to the screen? Or, when watching the most fascinating episodes, gum advertising suddenly bursts into space? So, interrupting, you can awaken the curiosity of your young listener to the continuation of the plot. He will definitely be curious, at least for what kind of pictures there are, and it is possible that, by peeping, you will see how a young scout examines or reads a book you left.

The second trick:

Start watching with your child a new cartoon or movie made from an interesting literary work - according to his age, of course, and not “The Master and Margarita” or “Crime and Punishment”. And then insidiously interrupt the show under some tricky pretext. Then there should be a proposal to find out the end of a fairy tale from a book - yourself or in your performance.

The third trick:

Audiobooks. The same tricky scheme with interruption in the most interesting place easily passes with them. But sometimes they just help out in the car, during daytime sleep, when the cub does not want to calm down, but you need to at least lie down and rest.

The fourth trick:

Invite someone else’s aunt with teacher education and experience. Sometimes a stranger, even an adult listens better. What to say about the baby?

The fifth trick:

Start a "literary club". If both parents and the child have read (listened) to the book, then discussing it and finding new truths in it is not only to open new horizons of knowledge and thinking for the child, but also to discover hidden meanings and depths in the book. Perhaps even for themselves. In addition, the baby will begin to understand that his opinion, as a reading person, is valuable to you - and this is another level of motivation for reading and discussing with you, such adults and smart, new folios.

Trick Six:

You can foster the child’s interest in reading by cunningly manipulating his tastes and passions. If a child loves nature, slip him to start Paustovsky or Prishvin, if the little man - the so-called “dog lover” or “cat-cat” - then “White Bim Black Ear” and “Puss in Boots” will be quite to his taste. World literature has created an ocean of priceless masterpieces. Even for young "monarchists" there are books to taste: for example, "The Prince and the Pauper" or "The Little Prince". And the little man who has read to the end at least one creation of Mark Twain, with pleasure will agree to read "Tom Sawyer" or "Yankees from Connecticut at the court of King Arthur."

If the child does not want to read, but you are determined to accustom him to this fascinating and useful activity, then you will certainly succeed. Parental fantasy, once educated on good books, will take advantage of our advice and invent new insidious and merciless tricks, with the help of which a new avid book will grow.

As the old parable says, only the one who walks will master the road. And you, who have already embarked on this trail, will not take it anywhere and be sure to share it with your beloved baby and the unforgettable journeys of Jules Verne, and the dizzying adventures of Alexander Dumas, and the brave Indians of Fenimore Cooper, and the young pioneers of Anatoly Rybakov and Arkady Gaidar.


Watch the video: Parenting: Raise Yourself Before You Raise Your Kids - Sadhguru (June 2024).