Demodecosis - causes, symptoms, effective treatments. What to do if you have a subcutaneous mite on your face?


Demodecosis - skin lesions with acne iron (with a special subcutaneous mite, an enlarged image of which you can see in the photo above). Many experts do not include it as a disease. Doctors, saying that a patient has demodicosis, do not mean a skin disease, but her condition. After all, it is believed that the stay of the subcutaneous tick on the face is the norm. But for certain reasons, it begins to occur active reproduction. And already the waste products of the subcutaneous tick on the face begin to provoke the occurrence of inflammation.

In fact, demodex is a saprophyte mite that can be on the skin without causing any negative effects. There is even the opinion that the passive mite Demodex folliculorum or acne iron is necessary for the skin. As if it plays a significant role in maintaining the microbial biocenosis of healthy human skin, preventing the multiplication of disease-causing organisms, and forms an acid-base balance, which also protects integuments from negative external influences.

Types of demodicosis

Demodecosis can be divided into primary and secondary. Primary demodicosis begins to occur on healthy, unmodified skin. Secondary - develops on the background of other skin diseases. For example, acne, rosacea, rosacea, seborrheic dermatitis may be accompanied by activity of the subcutaneous mite on the face.

In addition to Demodex folliculorum, human skin can affect the mite Demodex brevis. They are called ciliated ticks. At the same time, cases of human lesion with Demodex canis mite were recorded, which mainly lives on domestic dogs.

The causes of demodicosis

A hypodermic tick on the face begins to perform its dark deeds, provoking inflammation for a number of reasons. Skin diseases caused by the reproduction of Demodex folliculorum may appear due to hormonal disorders, chronic conditions of various etiologies, and stress. The use of drugs that are capable of with a long reception to upset the balance of the skin, also often becomes the cause of the development of demodicosis. Immune disorders also lead to the reproduction of acne.

Problems begin with a change in skin pH. As a result, the protective mechanisms that restrain the microflora cease to work. And this is a direct road to demodicosis. Gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, ulcer) can provoke such changes in skin acidity.

Demodecosis: symptoms

Let's talk about the clinical manifestations of demodicosis. Usually, a subcutaneous mite on the face begins to cause redness. It can be localized on the eyelashes, eyebrows, forehead, chin, nose wings, around the mouth. Often redness is accompanied by itching. Many patients complain that they feel crawling on their skin.

Demodecosis often causes the appearance of nodular, pustules eruptions. It can cause vascular pathology of the skin of the face, swelling, etc.

Methods of infection with subcutaneous tick

A tick is transmitted from one person to another. To do this, it is enough to touch demodex carrier with the skin of the face or eyebrows or hair. You can get a subcutaneous mite, using one towel, bedding with a person who has a railway. It is also believed that the carriers of Demodex are animals. Most often this affects dogs.

Correct diagnosis of demodicosis

Subcutaneous mites are easy to identify on any skin, both clean and inflamed. To do this, go to the clinic, where experts take a scraping from those skin areas where Demodex folliculorum can be located. Instead of scraping, dermatologists sometimes prescribe a scotch test. After that, the number of subcutaneous mites on the skin is calculated. If there are more than five acne glands of individuals per 1 sq. Cm of skin, then this means that the above symptoms have arisen as a result of reproduction of the tick.

At detection of demodicosis you should definitely be examined by a good ophthalmologist. After all, since the tick can live in the mouths of the hair follicles located on the eyelids, it is able to influence the vision. The ophthalmologist, when detecting inflammatory processes on the eyelids caused by tick activity, should prescribe special agents that protect the eyes from the effects of the iron woman.

Treatment of subcutaneous tick on the face

You can get rid of severe skin lesions with a tick. But, they say, it is not necessary to completely remove it from the skin. After all, as was said, the amount of Demodex folliculorum not exceeding the norm does not harm the skin, and even vice versa. The main thing is that the iron box does not multiply, but be at rest. With the complete eradication of subcutaneous mites, the same redness or desquamation may occur on the face. Such troubles arise from the increased sensitivity of the skin.

When demodicosis can not self-medicate. The doctor should help the patient in solving the problem by prescribing a complex treatment. It may consist of external and systemic therapy. First of all, you should learn how to care for your skin, setting aside cosmetic cosmetics, fatty creams, and milk, the use of which leads to the fact that the tick begins to feel quite at ease on the skin, without thinking to stop its active actions. Do not wipe your face with terry towels - use only disposable items, such as napkins.

From demodicosis can be prescribed funds that are used in medicine for the treatment of scabies. For example, patients are often prescribed benzyl benzoate, which removes various ticks due to its acaricidal action. For the treatment of demodicosis using a 20% benzyl benzoate cream. It needs to be rubbed into the face three to five times a day.

Caution: Avoid contact with benzyl benzoate.

Despite the fact that benzyl benzoate is referred to as essential medicines, it should not be given to pregnant women, nursing babies up to three years old, people with pustules, damaged skin. Upon completion of treatment, the patient should be under medical supervision for several weeks.

Also for the treatment of demodicosis can use Ichthyol, tar, which reduce the colonization of ticks. Even patients need to normalize metabolic processes in the skin. Doctors systematically prescribe metronidazole, an antimicrobial drug that, like benzyl benzoate, is a vital medicine. Metronidazole should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor, because it can have a number of serious side effects. When demodicosis often prescribed drugs azelaic acid, sulfur, etc. The elimination of demodicosis with adequate treatment and compliance with the recommendations of an experienced specialist will take several months.

To normalize the skin, restore a protective barrier, reduce inflammation, establish metabolic processes, the patient may be prescribed ozone therapy and cryomassage, photo and mesotherapy. To eliminate couperosis, which proceeded in combination with demodicosis, the patient would need laser treatment.

Important: In addition to a dermatologist and an ophthalmologist, it is necessary to connect a gastroenterologist and an immunologist to the treatment of demodicosis.

Necessary precautions: when detecting Demodex canis mite in a patient, he should additionally contact a veterinarian who will conduct an examination, and, if necessary, treatment, the patient's pets.

Prevention of demodicosis

In order not to provoke the reproduction of subcutaneous mites on the face, you need to properly care for your skin. It is very important to promptly treat the inflammatory processes that have arisen, including skin ones, and also to pay attention to chronic conditions that may be the heralds of the development of secondary demodicosis.

To prevent demodicosis, it is very important to eat right. After all, disruption of the sebaceous glands, which can provoke unhealthy food, often leads to a change in the microflora, as a result of which parasitic mites begin to multiply.

It is important during the treatment to frequently change clothes, especially pillowcases. Better to do it every day. Do not paint the old makeup and makeup brushes that you used to hide suspicious inflammations.

Home treatment for demodicosis

Not all the girls who have been found demodicosis, trust doctors. Some of them, thanks to cosmetologists, the advice of the luminaries of science and medical preparations were able to get rid of the subcutaneous tick on the face themselves. And although most adequate people are advised to treat demodicosis only to doctors, there are really effective home treatment systems.

Treatment program

The first six days should wash with tar soap and make masks with Spregal. You just sprinkle them on your hands and put the spray on your face. Wash off a kind of mask in half an hour. For the next six days, apply a mask from Spregal in the morning and smear your face with 20% benzyl benzoate overnight. Then change these two procedures for a mask with benzyl benzoate and tar soap. Do these masks once a day for the same six days.

For the mask you need on a small spoon rubbed, and after soaked soap and benzyl benzoate. Means is maintained 40 minutes. It is very baking, but does not injure the skin. Look, do not put such a mask under the eyes.

Be sure to ask your doctor about boltushki with trichopol, streptotsidom and sulfur. Wipe their face in the morning and in the evening. Wash your face with a good natural soap before using chatter. During this period, sign up for cryomassage. The procedure should last approximately five minutes. The face will then be covered with a crust that cannot be peeled off, otherwise scars may form. Talkers can be done after the course of treatment, but not longer than four months.

Being treated for demodicosis, the ladies hoped not only for masks with masks and cryomassage. The girls, who easily got rid of this misfortune, also used Trichopolus three times a day for two weeks. Another two weeks will need to drink a tablespoon of enterosgel (three times a day) and activated charcoal, it is taken on an empty stomach.

Attention: the amount of activated carbon is calculated depending on body weight: one tablet per 10 kg.

Another very important thing is to go to an immunologist. Let him prescribe you immunostimulants. A nutritionist is optional. But you still have to stick to a diet. And it should be pretty tough: fewer sweets, rejection of spicy, roasted, salty, no alcohol. Also, you can not be treated for demodicosis, eat or drink something hot.


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