Top 10: without which the female body cannot function normally


Scientists have discovered the main secret that has been interested in medicine since the appearance of the human race. "What is the key to perfect health?" It turns out that the whole thing is a comprehensive approach to the diagnosis and treatment of the body. Doctors are advised to pay attention not only to the symptoms of a particular ailment (and the purpose of treating only one organ), but also to consider the human body as a whole. What is interesting, an important aspect in this case is the state of the human soul. Therefore, we consider both the physical and spiritual aspects necessary for the normal functioning of the female body.

1. Man

The long absence of a man in the life of a fair sex leads to the gradual destruction of her body due to the accumulation of unrealized female energies. Moreover, the point is not in the sexual side of the issue. Although intimate life is extremely important for the representative of any gender, but nature has provided mechanisms for compensating for the absence of sex and the transformation of sexual energy into its other forms. Therefore, the main thing that a woman needs from the representatives of the stronger sex is male energy. It includes the full range, from the "hammered nail", and ending with a sense of care, peace and security.

2. Positive emotions

For a girl, it is important to regularly experience positive emotions. She can get them from anywhere: from watching humorous shows to her hobby. Surprisingly, scientists have discovered the enormous influence of the emotional factor on the general condition of the body. And as young ladies are much more emotional than men, it means that they should receive much more positive.

3. "Female things"

To replenish feminine energy, you need to regularly engage in "women's" affairs. This includes everything that requires creativity and inspiration: shopping, playing, making jewelry and clothes, dancing, drawing, music. The whole subtle world belongs to a woman.

4. Friendship

Girls need to communicate. Since men do not like to talk and listen much, ladies are friends with each other. During the conversation, they exchange news, life stories, etc. Thus, the need for communication is realized. What contributes to a wonderful mood.

5. Discharge

In society, people constantly experience negative emotions, from which it is desirable to quickly get rid of. Otherwise, it will result in stress or even depression. A woman is even more difficult in this matter, because she lives entirely in a world of emotions. There are a lot of methods of discharge and release from negative. For example, you can lock yourself in a room and shout into the pillow. In a few minutes you will feel an extraordinary lightness and release from heavy load.

6. Exercise

Sports allow you to ensure the proper circulation of blood in the body, as well as the rapid elimination of harmful substances. The need for physical activity for each person is individual. If a woman does gymnastics 15-20 minutes a day and at the same time feels great, then this is her norm.

7. Proper nutrition

Competently selected foods that go to the female diet are an incredibly important health factor. The ideal option is organic food. It is desirable for the fair sex to consume less meat than men (otherwise it will provoke aggression, unless the lady is engaged in heavy physical labor). And, accordingly, eat more vegetables and fruits. Sweet should be used in moderation, but not to exclude it from the diet altogether. After all, sweets, especially chocolate, are a source of hormones of happiness!

8. Implementation of the main functions

Most girls have to realize their parental instincts - to give birth, raise their children. Not everyone, of course, wants it. A small percentage of beautiful ladies lack such a need. It is enough for them to have a pet. Such a shortened version of "love and education."

9. Good deeds

A woman is kindness. She can not do good deeds. The more heat it gives to other people, the more it gets back. It is extremely important for the young lady to take care of others: feed the homeless kittens, cook an elderly neighbor a bowl of soup, tie a beautiful sweater to her niece. The pride of the fair sex is that they make the world kinder.

10. Solitude

It is important for each person to spend some time alone with himself. Thanks to this, he can think about certain events, make important decisions and make plans for the future. Someone wants to stay in solitude longer, someone less, but personally everyone needs space. And the weaker sex is no exception.

Look at these points and, perhaps, you will understand what exactly you lack personally for the feeling of harmony or complete happiness.


Watch the video: 10 People Born With Extra Body Parts (June 2024).