5 reasons why a second date may not take place


The second meeting is not less important moment in the life of each woman than the first one, because it can be used to judge whether the relationship will last or have been completed before it has begun. A re-encounter with a man of your choice does not always happen, and there are enough good and understandable reasons for that.

Trite: you fell short of expectations

If you met on the Internet or in other circumstances that did not allow you to see each other before the date, then it is quite possible that when he saw you personally, the young man was disappointed, expecting several other external parameters. This does not mean that you are ugly, just everyone has the right to their personal preferences and priorities regarding the appearance of the elect.

You could not interest

On the first date, people usually talk about their hobbies and what is of interest to them. If your interests and views are not reflected in a member of the opposite sex, then you probably should not expect a second date.

You have opened all the cards.

Men love to discover unknown horizons and conquer unattainable peaks. If, on the first date, you confessed to him of hot love and boundless humility, then he has no reason to invite you to the second date. You are completely open for him, and alas, it is not interesting to read a book, the leaves of which turn themselves.

You are allowed more than necessary

Men do not like easily accessible women, and on the first date they like to arrange some kind of strength tests. If you were ready for anything last time, if only this man would be satisfied, then you should not count on the next meeting. Available women, of course, attract men with their brightness and lack of principles, but only a long-term relationship does not work out of it.

You behaved wrong

There are no specific rules and regulations to follow on the first date, but there are always certain limits of behavior that are best not to overstep. Defiant behavior of a woman, loud voice, rude manners, the presence of bad habits - all this may be the reason why a man does not want to invite you to a second date. Excessive shyness, or, conversely, a clear swagger pushes a man away in the first minutes of dating, so it’s better to avoid it.

If you want a second date to take place, behave naturally and remain yourself in any situation.


Watch the video: Why No Second Date? 3 Surprising Reasons She Stopped Dating You (June 2024).