What is the toilet dreaming about?


A dream in which a person sees a toilet should not be immediately associated with something unpleasant or bad. Many interpreters believe that such a dream promises monetary gain and financial success.

There are other interpretations that are not as favorable. To deal with all the values ​​of this dream, you need to look into the dream book.

I dreamed of a public toilet in a dream to what it

  • To dream public toilet, which is full of people - soon your social status will change. You may be promoted at work, or you will succeed in another field - in business, in the social sphere, and so on.
  • All this will be realized only under one condition - the toilet in your dream was clean and radiant.
  • If you dreamed of a dirty, untidy latrinein which it is unpleasant for you to be - soon fate will give you a chance to realize what is of great importance for you. Try not to miss your chance, the second such case may not present itself.

Go to the toilet for much of what it is

When man dream of going to the toiletIt is unlikely that such a dream can be considered pleasant, but it is still worth reading its interpretation.

The meanings of the dream may be as follows:

  • to cope with great need, and at the same time to completely get dirty own feces - this is a great sign that can symbolize the receipt of a large amount of money without much effort on your part;
  • find a rural wooden toilet and fall through in the cesspool, stained with feces - you will be able to conclude a bargain, you will succeed in business;
  • you were too shy to go for a lot, since there were no partitions in the toilet - a negative experience in the past prevents you from achieving your goals in the present, you need to drop false shame in order to show your full potential;
  • look for a place to go big - you are trying to realize in reality some plans that can bring profit;
  • if in the process of bowel movement you communicated with other people - do not be afraid to ask for help, you will need it to carry out your plans;
  • sit on the toilet and empty the intestines in a dream - your natural abilities will be realized, it will bring you profit;
  • recover in public - you deserve authority and high position in society;
  • be constipated - it is difficult for you to express your own opinion directly;
  • fell diarrhea in his sleep - you should first think carefully, and then speak and express your opinion;
  • go to the toilet in the big dream in a public toilet - to a cash bonus at work.

What dreams of dirty toilet

If you dream dirty public toilet, interpretations may be different. The dream book will help to learn the decryption:

  • go to the big toilet - you will meet with a person who abuses your trust;
  • fall into a dirty toilet, see the feces and get dirty in the sewage - to big money in reality;
  • to wash and clean a dirty latrine in a dream - financial success, but you will get rich unfairly;
  • see how another person washes dirty toilet - you will find an unpleasant conversation with the authorities;
  • see a dirty toilet for a woman - it is waiting for an unpleasant conversation with her husband and reproaches from him for exorbitant monetary spending;
  • you dream of a toilet full of feces - unexpected money, perhaps inheritance.

Write in the toilet in a dream

You dream toilet and write in it in a dream - the dream book says that such a dream has several interpretations:

  • looking for a place to meet a little need without being noticed - you do not have enough emotions in real life;
  • dolgo seek public toilet and drench in public - your innocent joke will lead to unexpected consequences, which will be widely discussed by your friends or colleagues;
  • piss in broken toilet - minor trouble at home or at work;
  • go to a little wooden rural outhouse - your life is too monotonous;
  • strongly want a toilet, hurry to urinate faster - to the meeting with the person with whom the romance or affair begins.

What dreams of toilet paper

If you dream about toilet paper - this is a good sign. A modern dream book argues that the use of this personal hygiene item in a dream signifies the appearance of a strong patron soon in the dreamer who will help in solving all problems.

This dream means the support you get from the side.

  1. See full toilet paper - you're lying to your relatives.
  2. If the paper is overit means you should beware of betrayal.
  3. Blood paper says that the cause of your failure will be a close relative.
  4. If a woman dreams of toilet water, sniff it in a dream - an unfamiliar man in love with you.

What dreams toilet wooden

If the dream is a wooden toilet on the street with feces, it means that you will have to work hard to achieve the desired and get a well-deserved reward.

Look at such a toilet from the side - just in case, pass a physical, there may be health problems.

A long time to sleep in a rustic waste place - you do not have enough personal space in life.


Watch the video: What does toilets dreams mean? - Dream Meaning (June 2024).