Oksisayz - a unique method of losing weight


Women try to solve the problem of weight loss in a variety of ways: someone goes to the gym, someone exhausts herself with a hunger strike. However, not all methods have a positive result. Currently, there is a weight loss method that a huge number of women have appreciated. We are talking about breathing exercises Oksisayz.

Oksisayz in translation from English means "oxygen gymnastics". It appeared a little more than ten years ago and today has gained deserved popularity. Diaphragmatic breathing will be the first step towards a dream for an overweight girl. But to get rid of the subcutaneous fat with the help of one breath is impossible, so it must be combined with gymnastics.

Gymnastics Exercise

1. Side stretching. For those who want to make a thin waist.

2. Squatting against the wall. Effective weight loss exercise for the buttocks and legs.

3. Pushups. All muscles on the human body are activated.

4. Squats are very useful for the most problematic areas on the hips and buttocks.

The basis of the Oxisis is the cycle of breathing (fourfold repetition of the inhale, three breathing, exhaling, three breathing patterns). Due to constant tension and relaxation during the breathing of the abdominal muscles, their rapid tightening occurs.

The four basic rules of breathing

1. Inhale It is necessary to relax, smile broadly, while the nostrils should be expanded. Into all lungs, breathe in so that the stomach becomes like a balloon.

2. Three short breaths. Through the nose it is necessary to take a small three breaths, and at the same time when breathing in more and more to inflate the stomach.

3. Exhale. Through slightly parted lips, you need to exhale, while pulling in the belly, and try not to lower the head.

4. Three short exhalations. Do three short exhalations through the mouth and with each such exhalation more and more draw the stomach.

All these four stages make up one approach. In order for this technique to have a positive effect, according to the author of gymnastics, 30 such cycles must be done per day.

The great advantage of this breathing exercises is the ability to do it not only at home or in the gym, but also, say, at the wheel of a car.

Contraindications to gymnastics Oksisayz

- The presence of serious diseases: diseases of the heart, thyroid gland, aortic aneurysm or cerebral vessels, pulmonary hypertension or increased intracranial pressure.

- Postoperative condition (surgical intervention in the spine, as well as band surgery).

- Pregnancy.

Oxisize breathing exercises for weight loss helps a person to get rid of excess fat and endless diets, help improve skin condition and physical well-being. It has no age restrictions (it is recommended that older people simply reduce their workload). However, you need to remember: breathing exercises alone will not be enough, you need to add some gymnastic exercises. The effect of such complex classes is not long in coming.
