Experiences and anxieties typical of different zodiac signs


Typical representatives of the zodiac signs are characterized by common anxieties and experiences, the understanding of which will facilitate relations with them. It will also help the person to figure out whether his problems are far-fetched.

Typical Aries, as people are very ambitious and energetic, are afraid of failure. They are physically scared and hurt from the mere thought that they will not cope with the task. Their seething energy gives them strength for new achievements, however, and feeds the internal demons in the form of old complexes.

Taurus adherents of stability in everything, especially in material matters, fear a financial collapse. Even if Taurus becomes very rich, he still will not be able to sleep peacefully at night, for fear of losing his capital. It is difficult for calves to get out of their comfort zone, therefore financial stability is extremely important for them.

Gemini loves details and perfectionists by nature, so a small miss, mistake or turmoil unsettle them. Another sign of the zodiac, most likely, would have forgotten about the miss in a few minutes, but the Gemini will think about it all night and the next day. In the end, they will write an e-mail in which they will apologize for their unworthy behavior, surprising the opponent a lot.

Crayfish love their family a little more than other signs of the zodiac, but their love often crosses the line. Crayfish are afraid not so much for their financial condition, but for the physical health of households. They often call relatives to find out how they are, if something bad happened.

Leo loves to be in the spotlight, it seems to him that the whole world revolves around him, so his fear is what others will say. The evaluation of society becomes the cornerstone for Leo’s self-esteem, and any gossip can harm his inner world for a long time.

Virgo plans everything to the smallest detail, so if the planned course of events deviates a little, it pisses her off. Any changes scare the Devs, because they interfere with the normal course of events. Disorganization is the greatest fear of this sign.

Libra takes on a lot of things, can not say no, their reliability often plays a cruel joke with them. Often they get so tired that they can’t cope with the whole huge list of worries. And here their greatest fear piles up - to let others down.

The Scorpions have great intuition, they feel a lie a mile away. However, such people are betrayed and deceived, for Scorpions this becomes the worst nightmare. Betrayal makes them even more distrustful and tough in dealing with people.

Sagittarius live on a grand scale, their fiery element warms up for new interesting adventures. Most of all they are afraid to miss the chance: to have fun, to feel something new. But this approach can lead to serious nervous and physical shocks.

Capricorns because of their ambitiousness are afraid not to achieve success in their endeavors. Aquarians advocate for social and environmental, global problems, they often become volunteers. Pisces do not pay attention to their problems, they are more concerned about other people's experiences and suffering.

Each zodiac sign is interesting in itself, and their anxieties help to better understand each other.


Watch the video: Astrology Sun Sign Cancer ASMR (June 2024).