What flowers to plant, and in what time frame: annual planting calendar. What you need for growing flower seedlings


Flowers are a bright decoration of any site. Their flowering fills with joy, because it is so nice when the garden is fragrant from early spring to late autumn. To achieve this effect, planting seedlings must be taken care of in the winter.

What annuals to plant for seedlings in January

In mid-winter, they plant flowers that grow tight and bloom after 5.5-6 months of cultivation. In addition, in January all annuals whose seeds need stratification should be sown. At this time of the year, it can be carried out in vivo. Sowing tuberous flowers also occurs in mid or late January. Subsequently, their tubers develop better and tolerate winter well.

Sowing table for January

Plant nameLanding time
Clove shabo10.01-25.01

These are far from all plants that can be sown in January. To independently determine the time for sowing seeds, just look at the bag from them or find information on the timing of flowering. The longer the time period from planting to the beginning of budding, the earlier you need to start growing seedlings.

Is it possible to sow annual flowers for seedlings in February and what

In February, they continue to sow seedlings of flowers with a long growing season. Especially if for some reason they were not planted in January. The flowering period will move, but the garden will be fragrant until the fall.

Usually in February, flowers are sown, which will subsequently decorate balconies, terraces, grown in planters. But for most of them, it will be necessary to light up, as they prefer a long daylight hours. Providing it is easy.

February sowing table

Flower nameLanding time
Viola Wittroka5.02-20.02

Flowers planted in February bloom in spring, in mid-summer or late. It depends on the variety selected. For example, a delphinium will produce a peduncle closer to the end of summer. But daisies in early July will please with bright colors.

What flower seeds are best sown in March

In early March, they continue to sow flowers with a long growing season, which will have time to bloom in the fall. For example, if you did not have time to plant a petunia or balsam, then it is not too late to do it. However, their seeds must be prepared and soaked in advance, otherwise they will not sprout for a long time.

Typically, growers in March plan to plant such flowers, the seedlings of which are developing rapidly, need an abundance of light. Already in May, some of them will please with flowers.

March sowing table

Flower nameLanding time
Clove grass1.03-15.03
Astra annual15.03-30.03
Castor oil15.03-30.03

Do I need to sow flower seeds for seedlings at home in April

You can grow seedlings in April in a greenhouse or in a greenhouse, if weather permits. However, in order not to ruin the planting, it is better to continue to sow at home. They plant everything that they did not have time at the end of March and flowers that will bloom in summer, autumn.

April sowing table

Flower nameLanding time
Morning glory15.04-25.04

In what soil is it best to grow seedlings of flowers

The soil for growing flowers for seedlings should be suitable for the plants that will be in it. Basic soil requirements:

  • ease;
  • friability;
  • moisture capacity;
  • breathability;
  • nutritional value.

Such a soil mixture can be prepared independently, in order to significantly save the budget, because you need to sow a lot. The basis of the soil is peat, river sand, sod land, moss-sphagnum, perlite or vermiculite, crushed coniferous bark. After mixing all the components add 70% sawdust.

Important! Instead of vermiculite, you can use polystyrene granules, expanded clay, crushed pumice.

To prepare the soil for seedlings of flowers you can not use:

  • composts;
  • rotted manure;
  • chopped straw;
  • unwashed quarry sand.

If there are no suitable components for seedlings, then it is better to buy ready-made soil, for example, Universal, Violet, Garden Land and others. To choose the right mix, you need to look at the composition of the package. There should not be an excess of fertilizers in it, otherwise it will not work to grow normal seedlings. If the share of fertilizing is 300-400 mg / l, then it is not necessary to sow in such a substrate. It is better to use after a pick. It is better to choose the land for sowing cacti.

Attention! It is advisable to use peat tablets for sowing petunias.

How to better highlight seedlings of flowers

From properly organized lighting depends on the growth of seedlings. At the end of winter there is still little natural light, seedlings stretch out, become brittle. It’s worth mentioning right away that incandescent lamps are not suitable for this purpose. They give a lot of heat, but do not emit the rays needed by plants.

When organizing the backlight, it is worth considering:

  • phytolamps;
  • energy saving.

Among phytolamps, special attention is paid to luminescent. They give a full range of colors for the plant, do not spend much energy and do not radiate heat.

For fast seedling growth, it is better to stay on LED lamps. They emit red and blue, which affects the growth rate. Such lamps will last a long time, and the savings from their use on the face.

Sodium lamps can be used when seedlings are few. A power of 100 W is enough for a shelf, 50 cm long.

Among energy-saving lamps, preference is given to induction. Those that emit warm light are suitable for seedlings in the phase of budding and flowering. Lamps with daylight are used throughout the growing period.


Watch the video: How To Grow Flower Seeds Fast With Update (June 2024).