What are the shoes for? The main interpretations of different dream books - why dream white, blue, black and other shoes


Dreams come to us not every night. But, if you have a dream, you will remember it for a long time.

What are the shoes for? How to interpret such a dream?

What shoes dream about - the main interpretation

If you dream of brand new, pretty shoes - you will find pleasant chores and pleasant little joys. You may even receive a small but appropriate gift. If you dream about high-heeled shoes - then we can talk about your desire to dominate and gain power over other people.

In order to fully interpret the dream - it is important to consider its details:

• Where did the shoes come from in a dream;

• What color were they;

• Were they worn;

• What style they were;

• Who wore shoes in a dream;

• What emotions accompanied your dream.

If in a dream you see that the shoes are torn - you will not be able to achieve your goal. Most likely, your short-sightedness will interfere with you. You will not be ready for new twists of fate, you will hold on to old connections, old acquaintances. The dream book advises you to take a closer look at everything that happens. Soon everything will change dramatically.

If you dream that you tore the shoes while walking, you decide to do something, start some business and run into troubles during the implementation of the plan. You can not think about troubles, and do not wish for problems. But it turns out that all your efforts will be empty and unnecessary.

Try to act sensibly and not get sprayed on petty matters if you see a dream in which your shoes get stuck. If you are in a hurry somewhere in a dream, but feel that the sole of the shoes is getting thinner and thinner. It may even hurt you to walk along the road, you may feel discomfort and pain.

So in reality, your household chores, your household chores will bring discomfort and pain to you. Do not rush to be upset, do not rush to be disappointed in everything that happens to you. You still have a lot of time to establish your life and prioritize it.

If you dream that shoes are small for you - you will shoulder too much obligations and simply will not be able to fulfill them. Therefore, you better spend more time in seclusion, think well about how to build life further and with whom to build it. Perhaps you will pay too much attention to someone else's life, if in a dream you measure shoes, they are small for you, but you buy them.

Such a dream means that you will take on too much of someone else's life. Perhaps even try someone else's life on yourself. You will try to repeat the successes of others, you will be glad of the mistakes of others. The dream book advises you to live your own life, otherwise it will turn out so that you lose it, plunging into someone else's life.

If you dream that you bought patent leather shoes - you will want something new and bright. You will want new meetings, new acquaintances, those that would give you pleasant impressions and pleasant moments in life. You may even want new erotic connections. The main thing is that everything was gorgeous.

It is important to pay attention to the interpretation of the color of shoes in a dream:

• Black shoes can speak of restraint in decisions;

• White - about positive changes;

• Yellow - about alarms;

• Blue - about wisdom;

• Gray - about the difficulties;

• Pink - about frivolity;

• Green - about success;

• Multi-colored - about the complexity of the choice.

If in a dream you see shoes with laces - you will try to go the difficult way, you will complicate it yourself. All the intrigues that will surround you - you will create yourself. If you dream that you cannot unlift the shoes - in reality you will not be able to cope with a life puzzle. You can’t adapt to life situations. You will build far-reaching plans, but will be disappointed in them without good reason.

If in a dream you look at the shoes on another person, and they seem beautiful to you, you would like to have the same ones - in reality you will envy someone, and you can even do harm. This person will be dependent on you, and you will use the power.

If you see in a dream a huge number of pairs of old shoes, and you are looking for one pair of new shoes among them, you will try to find a reasonable explanation of the events. You will delve into the past, trying to explain the reasons for what happened to you. The dream book advises to quit this venture and engage in your life. Do not look for reasons in the past, but build a future.

Buying shoes for a child is about taking care of someone, trying to pay more and more attention to their loved ones. But the dream book does not recommend waiting for returns from them, gratitude. If you are helping someone, do it for free.

If the shoes are great for you in a dream - you should not count on ease in work. You will drown in routine and deeds, you will complain more and more about your colleagues and will look for opportunities to get away from the obligations that have fallen on you.

If in a dream shoes rubbed your legs - you will be disappointed by one of your colleagues. It will be very unpleasant for you to hear a negative response from him. Perhaps the conflict between you has been brewing for a long time, but you did not want to notice it. Nothing was done to eliminate it. And now, it will become very difficult for you to deal with its consequences.

Why dream shoes on Freud's dream book

In Freud's dream book, shoes are dreamed when a woman wants new sensations in sex. She lacks some intrigue, zest. She really wants to try herself in everything and everywhere. She really wants to try her luck with a new partner.

If a woman polishes shoes to a shine in her dream - in reality she is ready to shine in front of other men, ready to give them her sexuality. If the woman’s shoes are dirty and she cannot wash them, her reputation will be spoiled and this will be only her fault. Dream Interpretation advises in the near future to control their actions and thoughts. Control your words. Otherwise, reputation can no longer be helped.

If a woman dreams that she rearranges shoes on a shelf - she will change her gentlemen, she will change her preferences in men. But she can’t find a suitable one because she’s not sure what kind of man she wants to see next to her.

If a man shoes over shoes in a dream, he is ready for new conquests, ready to meet new women, win their hearts, and build relationships differently. If you see that your chosen one has shod new shoes - get ready for the fact that you may not be the only one in his life.

To a pregnant woman in a dream to see new, beautiful shoes - to new opportunities and pleasant chores. Seeing old and worn shoes is a nuisance that will take a lot of time and energy.

Why dream shoes on the esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric dream book it is said that the shoes dream of as a symbol of new roads and new opportunities. You will travel on them alone if you see that you put the shoe on only one leg. Your path will be thorny and difficult, therefore, try to pay more attention to yourself and your interests right now. Do not rely on a lot of outside help.

If you dream that you donned strangers' shoes, you will live through the emotions of others and the emotions of others will become your main concern. The dream interpretation advises not to get into someone else's pool, but first to solve their own problems.

The dream in which you see the children shoeing on their shoes suggests that you will miss the tenderness of loved ones. You will increasingly seek attention from loved ones, but you will not be able to get it, because you will not take the first steps towards reconciliation.

If you dream that you wear slippers instead of shoes, you will want to make your life so easy that you shift your obligations and you will regret it later. If you dream that the shoes are all dirty with soot - it is important to protect your reputation.

Why dream shoes on other dream books

If you dream, they gave you shoes - new discoveries await you, thanks to some important, influential person.

In the dream book of Grishina it says what the shoes dream about - to success in all endeavors, if you take a chance.

In Aesop's dream book it is said that white shoes always dream of favorable changes in personal life. Before you open new horizons and new opportunities to succeed. It is important only to prevent fear and apathy. And clearly understand what you really want. Then this will not only bring you closer to the goal, but also give an understanding of the result of your actions. It all depends on your foresight and desire to make a difference. This is the interpretation of the predictor.


Watch the video: #26 Dreams About Shoes - Meaning and Interpretation (June 2024).