Why do dogs dream of a woman: in a house, on the street, in unexpected places? Basic Interpretations - What Dogs Dream About


A dog is definitely a friend to man. But why do women dream of dogs? What can this dream portend?

Why dogs dream of a woman - the main interpretation

Dogs in a dream are a symbol of friendship and care. A lot of dogs in your dream means that you will soon be surrounded by the attention of your near and dear people. Take this attention with gratitude, try to repay them with the same.

It is important to remember all the details of a dream in order to correctly interpret it:

· Where did the dogs come from in your dream;

· What breed they were;

· What was their color;

· Are they friendly to you?

· Who else was with you and with the dogs in a dream.

If the sight of dogs in a dream scares you - the actions of one of your friends will bring you chores and troubles. You can even ask a person not to do this, but he will not hear you. For him, his own opinion and his own outlook on life will be more important.

If in a dream a man walks a lot of dogs, they frolic and start running around you - such a dream may indicate that between a huge number of suitors you will rush about for a long time. You will ultimately choose the most suitable option.

The dream in which you pick up the dogs means that you really want to be friends. You have too few people left in your life whom you can truly trust. But also with them, you cannot meet in any way. The dream book advises you to find time and spend it in the company of friends, otherwise you will finally begin to mope. You will come up with gloom and problems for yourself.

The dream in which dogs appear in your house speaks of the appearance of decent and close-minded people in your environment. They will become your support and support in difficult life situations. Perhaps it is precisely the problems that will bring you closer. Do not miss the opportunity to turn an unpleasant situation into your own good.

A dream in which dogs run down the street and bite passers-by means that many ill-wishers have divorced around you. So far they have given all their attention to other people, but soon they will switch it to you. Try to carefully work on yourself. Do not miss the opportunity to trust yourself more and less to devote strangers into your life.

If you saw dogs in your dream at work - such a dream suggests that you can get the support of superiors and colleagues in an important matter. Perhaps you will be entrusted with the development of an important new direction in business, or you will begin to develop your business. In any case, everything will end in success.

A dream in which you happily play with dogs in the yard promises you a wonderful time spent in the company of friends. It can also be a walk, a trip, an entertainment program. If suddenly in reality you think about giving up such a vacation - this will be your big mistake. You really do not have enough rest and communication. Soon life will give you the opportunity to actively relax in the company of wonderful people.

The dream in which you knit clothes for dogs indicates that you will have to build friendships with a person who is clearly speaking negatively about you. You will try to change his mind about you by any means. The dream book advises not to be too zealous in this matter. Soon the situation will resolve itself.

A dream in which you hear dogs barking in the middle of the night promises you gossip and slander from your close friends. Try not to tell them anything about yourself in the near future. This will allow you to live in peace and not be disappointed in them. If you have already said something like this - try to change the situation, or warn in advance that you will be very offended if they talk about you and discuss something about you.

A dream in which a man offers a woman a gift of dogs indicates that a woman wants to see a conscious and stable man next to her. A dream in which a man gives dogs to a woman in a large box with a bow speaks of an upcoming surprise from her friends. They cook something very personal, and very pleasant.

The dream in which a man walks along the street of dogs, and a woman watches this from a car - indicates that she had the opportunity to get an influential friend, but she missed her, because of her emotions and ambitions. A dream in which a man sells dogs and a woman looks after a puppy - a close friend can be useful in financial matters. You should take care that soon you can open your own business, expand your financial capabilities thanks to a friend.

Dogs that bit you in a dream promise betrayal and barriers to the goal. The dream interpretation advises to prepare for a long period of problems and sorrows. He will never leave your life until you yourself want it.

The dream in which you comb out the hair of dogs - says that you will try to get rid of friendship with specific people. You will be burdened by communication with them, their manner of behavior. The dream book advises not to doubt this decision and to bring the plan to the end.

A dream in which the dogs were dirty and domestic, promises you a connection with bad company. Do not get involved in adventures and loud festivities. Try to live honestly and modestly, then a lot will work out in your life.

A dream in which a woman sees a huge number of dead dogs - portends her betrayal of friends. Significant problems will begin in her life, because of which she will be forced to ask for help, her friends will refuse her help.

Why do dogs dream about a woman according to Freud’s dream book

In Freud’s dream book it is said that big black dogs dream of a woman as a symbol of her secret erotic fantasies, which she does not dare to translate into reality. The dream book advises her to seriously think about the right choice in intimate life. You can not live and not enjoy the intimate life.

If a woman dreams of white dogs, she will have many options to establish her personal life. She should be more careful about her partner, be closer to him, be his friend. Also, such a dream may portend a choice of several gentlemen.

A dream in which a woman dreams of black dogs on a leash indicates that another person is in control of her personal life. She can be so subordinate to her partner that she does not even understand how much it harms herself. The dream in which a woman shoots dogs says about her desire to break out of a bored and outdated relationship, about her desire to start a new personal life.

The dream in which a woman is combing dogs speaks of her tender feelings for loved ones. She literally does not dwell on them. Why dogs dream of a woman, from whom she runs away - these dogs dream when a woman expects a difficult, unbearable relationship. Thus, the dream book warns a woman about the danger.

Why dogs dream about a woman in the Esoteric dream book

The Esoteric dream book says that dogs in a dream are a symbol of a woman’s friends. If she dreams that they are angry and hungry, her friends will be enraged by her behavior. The dream book advises a woman not to risk it and not go too far in communication with friends.

A dream in which dogs rub against a woman’s legs promises trust and mutual understanding between her and her friends. They will be very grateful to her, will treat her very sincerely and affectionately. A dream in which a woman sees dead dogs indicates that one of her friends will have big health problems.

Red dogs in a dream promise cunning and selfish friends. Do not trust everyone unconditionally and let everyone into your home. It will be enough in the near future fleeting communication on interests.

Why do dogs dream of a woman in other dream books

In the dream book Grishina said that huge dogs dream of those women who expect the protection of influential people. If a woman dreams of small dogs - she will be able to have fun with friends. But their meetings will not be long and frequent.

In the dream book of Aesop it is said that if a woman walks dogs in a dream, she dreams of walking and talking with friends. She lacks their support and attention. But nothing prevents her from fulfilling her dream.

A dream in which the dogs are dirty promises gossip behind the back of a woman. Her friends will actively condemn her behavior, her appearance. After such an act, a woman should think about the sincerity of her friends, about whether to communicate with them further. If she decides to stop communicating, soon worthy people will appear in her life who can also support her in a difficult situation. Therefore, it is worth cleaning your life from unnecessary people.


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