April 25th: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on April 25th.


Holidays April 25

Malaria day

World Malaria Day is celebrated annually on April 25, starting in 2007, at the initiative of the World Health Organization. The holiday promotes the global efforts of mankind to ensure an effective fight against an insidious disease. From the point of view of medicine, malaria is a series of infectious diseases that are transmitted to humans through the bites of malaria insects, in particular mosquitoes. It is characterized by symptoms such as fever, chills, enlarged spleen and liver.

About one million people die from malaria each year (and up to 500 million become infected). The epicenter of the disease is concentrated in Africa, and people in Latin America, Asia and the Middle East also have a certain risk of infection. A special risk group is made up of children under 5 years of age, as well as old people - these categories of people are most susceptible to infection due to unstable immunity. As part of World Malaria Day, WHO annually carries out various activities aimed primarily at preventing the spread of malaria infection.

St. Mark's Day

The Holy Evangelist Mark - now reckoned among the reverends - was one of the seventy apostles. In his letters, the closest disciple of Jesus, Peter, referred to Mark as his son. Based on this, the researchers concluded that Mark was a student of Peter. Preaching the gospel in different parts of the world, St. Mark was captured by the Egyptians, and a little later - martyred. When the monk was in prison, an angel of the Lord appeared to him and told that the name of the saint would be included in the Book of Life along with the names of other righteous people, and his memory would be forever stored on Earth. By giving, that angel who appeared to Mark was Jesus Christ himself. The next day, during the torture, the evangelist Mark lost his spirit and went to his Lord.

April 25th in the folk calendar

Vasily the Mailer

On this day, the Orthodox celebrate the memory of yet another reverend - Vasily Pariysky - bishop of the city of Paris. He lived in the eighth century, was an ardent icon worshiper and fell during the iconoclastic persecutions that were widespread in Byzantium.

In Russia, the peasants, as expected, redid the name of St. Basil in their own way and called him the Oiler, because at that time spring soared soaring above the ground. Hunters that day, if they got out into the forest, then closely watched the bears, because a large beast had already climbed out of the den and could invisibly attack. Today also recalled sayings about hares. Trying to lure an oblique out of the bushes, the hunters quietly condemned: "Hare, come on out of the bush." However, everyone knows that the life of these animals, especially in winter, is far from sugar: a predatory animal will not catch, so people will shoot. It was not for nothing that the people fooled about them: "A hare of gray-haired people, apparently, the poor fellow was in trouble."

Historical events of April 25

April 25, 1792 - The guillotine was first used in Paris on Grevskaya Square

The first victim of the "execution machine" was a robber named Nikola Pelletier. During the time of revolutionary terror, the guillotine worked at full capacity. The statement that the deputy and the doctor of that time Guillotin invented this tool is not supported by a single historical fact. Moreover, in reality, mention of the use of the guillotine is found in ancient annals dating from the 14-15th centuries. True, at first the car was called "Louison" or "Louisette" in honor of its alleged designer - surgeon Antoine Louis. As for Guillotin, he simply suggested using the gun as the most humane way of separating the head from the body (the guillotine did this with one blow). The guillotine in France was abolished only in 1981, when the death penalty was abolished in the country.

April 25, 1901 - The world's first car numbers were introduced in the USA

According to the law on the introduction of car numbers, each motorist was obliged to register himself and his car in the database, paying a small amount of money for registration, and in return get a sign with a new car number. In the first year, about a thousand drivers received a license plate. This innovation touched Russia a little later. Among other things, in 1902 a law was established everywhere on the annual replacement of rooms, which at that time were very difficult and not too comfortable. To fix the number, the car owner had to be smart and inventive, because there was simply no special place for him. Therefore, many tied the plates with ordinary belts to the axle springs, constantly making sure that the numbers do not fly off during the trip.

April 25, 1942 - Establishment of the Moscow Mint

Money yards in Russia appeared unusually long ago. As a rule, they were located in large princely cities. During the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, many yards were covered, and the Moscow Mint was designated the main place for minting coins. With the transfer of the capital to St. Petersburg, respectively, the courtyard was moved there. Once again, the Moscow Mint began to operate only in 1942 thanks to the decree of the People's Commissariat of Finance for the USSR. Moreover, at first his tasks included casting, as well as issuing medals and orders "For Military Merit", "For Courage", "Red Star" and many others. In subsequent years, in addition to medal products, the staff of the yard began to produce various banknotes. Today, the Moscow Mint is a state-owned enterprise operating in the system of the Ministry of Finance of Russia. The building is equipped with the most modern equipment and is provided by a highly qualified professional team.

Born on April 25

Louis saint (1214-1270 gg.) - French king since 1226. Ludwig led the 7th Crusade, which ultimately failed and ended with the capture of the king. However, he and his closest courtiers were soon released for a high ransom. Gaining strength, Ludwig led the eighth campaign in Tunisia. But as a result, on the road the whole army, including the French king, was struck by a deadly plague that killed hundreds of people.

Guglielmo Marconi (1874-1937) - Italian radio engineer, Nobel laureate in 1909. After Marconi assembled the radio, he immediately began to receive a lot of letters with threats - many fanatics claimed that their bodies began to collapse under the influence of radio waves. One of these maniacs even tried to shoot Marconi, for which he was immediately detained by the police.

Vasily Soloviev-Sedoy (1907-1979) - Russian composer, awarded the Lenin Prize. Hero of Socialist Labor and People's Artist of the USSR. In the post-war period, his songs were very popular, especially such a tune as "Moscow Nights".

Vladimir Zhirinovsky (born in 1946) - Russian politician, State Duma deputy, one of the presidential candidates, leader of liberal democrats.

April 25th

Namedays on this day are celebrated: Vasily, David, Ivan, Mina, Zinon, Sergey, Athanasius, Abraham, Mark, Ermin, Yaroslav, Anfisa, Antonina.


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