Thousands of pedophilia cases uncovered in the ranks of the Boy Scouts of America


The Boy Scouts of America organization, which has existed for more than 100 years, has published more than 14,500 pages of documents that contain evidence of sexual violence by squad leaders and adult volunteers over young boys.

The Oregon Supreme Court decided to make documents publicly available that cover the period 1959-1985, despite protests from the organization. Before the decision to release the documents, a lawsuit took place, according to the Air Force.

According to the American media, we are talking about several thousand episodes of sexual violence against children. From the documents it becomes clear that the leaders of the organization of scouts, as well as police officers, prosecutors and even mayors, tried to hide many allegations of sexual abuse, thus covering the crimes committed.

It is also interesting that in many cases pedophiles were simply dismissed from their posts without reporting them to local authorities. And in some cases, pedophiles were sent for psychological treatment, after which they again returned to work with children. It has already been proven that some of them continued to abuse children after "treatment".

Now, the organization of scouts promise to re-examine the published documents and report to the police about cases that have not yet been investigated. It is worth noting that many documents were known before, but now for the first time access to materials that cover the period 1959-1971 is granted.

The documents were announced by lawyer Kelly Clark, who is from Portland. He received them in 2010, when he defended in court the interests of a person whom he had abused in the 80s. deputy leader of the scout squad.

I wonder what facts will be revealed if documents for the period from 1971 to the present day become available to the public? Although most likely to find out it will take 40 years to wait.


Watch the video: The Boy Scouts of America have released nearly a decade of confidential files never before made publ (June 2024).