Why do you dream of your own death: criminal, from illness or old age? Key Interpretations: Why Do You Dream of Your Own Death?


Bright and colorful dreams bring pleasure to everyone who happened to see them.

But if in a dream far from joyful pictures of the future appeared?

What then? Why dream of your own death? It’s worth sorting out.

Why dream of your own death - the main interpretation

Death is not the end of a person’s path, it is a temporary transition of the soul to a new incarnation - this is what the people of the East think. Europeans, on the other hand, are generally inclined to believe that the soul of man after his death gains life in heaven. In both cases, death does not bring anything terrible to a person, except for the lack of the ability to physically exist.

Those who perceive death philosophically, seeing themselves dead in a dream, will interpret such a dream as the possibility of rebirth and renewal in reality. And they will be right. What could be wrong with rebirth? This is just a new stage in life. New way.

But few people accept all changes in life painlessly. The reason for this is upbringing, prejudice, hidden fears of losing something to which a person is attached. In any case, dream books do not recommend interpreting the dream of one’s own death literally.

Such a dream rather indicates the need for radical changes. A man should not stand in one place, he should constantly improve his feelings and thoughts, his attitude towards people. If you dream that you died while still a child - you are nurturing complexes and fears of the past - free yourself from them and your life will become much better.

Why dream of his own death according to Miller’s dream book

In Miller’s dream book, it is indicated that a person’s death in a dream can speak of his waking vibrations. Most likely, you doubt your innocence and what exactly needs to be done further in order to obtain the desired result.

It is worth taking a closer look at your actions. Are you on the right track, or is a false idea leading you and your principles guided? If a person overcomes during a dream panic and longing - that means he is afraid of having sinned, he will admit his guilt to others and will try to correct this situation in reality.

If in a dream a person is overcome with joy and happiness - in reality he will also become happy, the only thing he needs to do is to reconsider his moral and spiritual values. Somewhere he makes a mistake. If in a dream he died, and his relatives and friends bowed over him - it is worth asking for their advice.

Why dream of his own death according to Freud's dream book

In Freud’s dream book it is said that one’s own dream is dreamed of by those who are afraid of losing their independence in reality. A man is afraid to fall into the trap of relationships and lose his personality in them. If an unmarried girl has such a dream, she is afraid to get an unworthy man as her husband.

If the girl is married, she is tired of the relationship and longs to change her partner. If a man dreams of the death of his partner - he wants to break off a vicious relationship with her, she has long been a burden to him. But if a man dreams of his own death and his lover, standing above his lifeless body - he is afraid of betrayal and lose his beloved.

If you dream that you died in childhood or infancy, you are not ready to enter into a relationship, marriage. You do not have enough endurance and patience, and only a delay in time, death in a dream - can help you.

Why dream of your own death in other dream books

In the mythological dream bookwhat own death is dreaming of is interpreted as rebirth. The dream interpretation bases its interpretation on the mythological data of many peoples. The dream book does not discern anything inevitable in such a dream. It is just that a person will undergo an inevitable renewal, rebirth. This process will even bring him a lot of pleasure.

In the book of Veles It is said that one’s own death is dreamed like a shifter. That is, a dream with a clearly negative value at first glance means something positive and something that should push a person to move forward. In Veles's dream book, such a dream is interpreted as the indescribable happiness with which a person will be endowed. This happiness will illuminate his whole life, make his existence bright and unforgettable.

It is also said in the dream book that if you saw yourself in the grave, but look at yourself dead from above, you will soon recover. If everything is in order with your health, it will get stronger, and you will get energy and activity.

In the dream book of flowers such a dream also has a positive interpretation. So, for a girl who saw her death in a dream, this may become a sign that she will soon become pregnant, or she will meet a pleasant gentleman who will become her life partner. She should also expect good news and pleasant meetings with friends.

If a pregnant woman had such a dream, she would receive news that everything was in order with her unborn baby, even if she had previously feared for his health. It is time for her to diversify her vacation and her life, because as a new stage begins for her, new prospects open up.

In the Ukrainian dream book it is said that if you were announced about your death, confronted with a fact, then you should listen to every word of the person who told you about it:

• If you learned about your death from an old woman - you will have a long and happy life;

• If a stranger tells you about her, you will have pleasant meetings;

• If a fortuneteller informed you of your death - your fate is not destined for you, evil overcomes you from a loved one.

If you are clearly told in a dream how much you have left to live, you should not be upset, this is just the period during which your life will radically change for the better, the less you live in a dream, the better you will live in reality. So says the dream book.

In the modern dream book it is said that if you dream about your death, it means your career advancement. It is worth taking a closer look at the details of sleep. Those people who accompany you in a dream - in reality, will play a huge role in your financial triumph.

In Jung's Dream Book own death is interpreted as a signal of the body about possible diseases. If you work a lot and are nervous - you have to rest. It is not worth it to work harder and constantly sort things out with loved ones, on the contrary - it is worth listening to their request and to the advice of your friends. Do not be so nervous about trifles, otherwise, instead of rebirth, a person can earn a real illness.

Jung also calls for a rethinking of his internal motives. Perhaps a person really longs for changes and, with his fears and complexes, does not allow them to happen. It is necessary to realize all your desires and plans. Otherwise, the psychological state of dissatisfaction will pass to the physical plane.

In the French dream book it is said that a person dreams about his death to a serious illness. He should consult a doctor if the disease has already manifested - most likely, the diagnosis was made incorrectly. If nothing is yet known about the disease, it is worth examining the body. If a person knows about a chronic disease - it is worth waiting for its exacerbation.

In the interpretation of the dream book Fedorovskaya it is said that such a dream indicates a significant event in human life. It could even be a marriage. It does not matter the gender of the person who has a dream. But, for girls, such a dream to a greater extent predicts success precisely in love, rather than in the professional sphere and in work.

A girl in reality is reborn into a wife and thereby changes her life completely. For a man, most likely, such a dream promises success in his hobby and in professional affairs. Even if a terrible fear prevailed in a dream, you should not betray this great importance. Most likely - a new life will bring you a lot of emotions, and you will not be able to immediately control them. These emotions will be very positive.

What to expect from a dream in which you saw your own death is worth rejoicing, no matter how strange it sounds. If you soon meet a stranger - take a closer look at him, he will change your fate. If after a dream you are asked to implement a certain project, you should do it seriously. Since this is a real opportunity to qualitatively improve your life. Such a dream should prompt reflections on changing priorities. Of course, it is better to think through all your steps, but in any case - luck will accompany you.


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