The dog vomits foam: why should you worry and what to do. Is it possible to cure vomiting in dogs without a veterinarian?


Surviving your pets is a normal occurrence of caring owners. If the dog vomits foam, then this is a signal for alarm. You should immediately take measures and understand what is the reason for this phenomenon.

Preventive and pathological vomiting

Vomiting is a natural process in many cases. This is especially true for animals. Dogs very subtly feel their body. If the body needs to cleanse itself of unnecessary food, garbage, toxins - the pet vomits. In some cases, this is prevention. Cases of overeating, severe fatigue, stress, and motion sickness can be attributed to it. Bitches of some breeds burp half-chewed food to their puppies. This may fail and cause vomiting. Therefore, the foam from the jaws of a dog in some cases does not indicate a disease.

Important! If the protective mechanism has worked more than once (the dog tears foam several times a day), then it is worth paying special attention to the behavior and condition of the pet, and go to the veterinarian.

Pathological vomiting is not a defense, but an aggravation of a disease. It is usually accompanied by lethargy, drowsiness, salivation, impotence, insomnia or increased dog aggressiveness.

Foam during vomiting is of several types.

1. Yellow foam. Talks about the problems of the gastrointestinal tract. This is an improper diet, one-time nutrition, lack of vitamins, dysbiosis, overeating grass. If the dog behaves actively, plays and eats, then it is worth revising the schedule and mode of eating food, following a diet for several days. If blood comes out with yellow foam, you should immediately go to the veterinarian.

2. White foam. Vomiting with foam usually when the stomach is empty. White color indicates a large amount of protein and mucopolysaccharides in the stomach. The reason is poor nutrition, dirty food, parasites in the body, stress, motion sickness, sunstroke. But vomiting of white foam often indicates the presence of a serious ailment in combination with other symptoms.

Small dog owners should be aware that these animals are at risk. Dogs are prone to frequent vomiting, which only indicates malnutrition or diet.

Symptoms for urgent medical attention

Vomiting in itself is not a disease. This is just a sign that may appear along with other pathologies, or be a one-time protection of the animal's body. Vomiting accompanying the following symptoms is a reason for immediate medical attention:

• profuse salivation;

• urges from 2 times a day;

• diarrhea;

• vomiting with blood;

• plentiful white foam from a mouth;

• unpleasant chemical odor, reminiscent of ammonia in the vomit;

• lack of appetite;

• increased anxiety, lethargy, outbreaks of aggression.

Why does the dog vomit foam

The most common cause of foam vomiting in dogs is upset stomach. The stomach of many dogs is not adapted to a large amount of food, or to certain "dishes". In this case, the body cleans itself. It lasts about a day. It is better not to feed the pet during this period, but only to give a large amount of liquid to exclude dehydration.

Morning daily vomiting is a symptom of gastritis, exacerbation of inflammation in the digestive tract. Dogs can suffer from heartburn, flatulence, inversion of the intestines. As a rule, these diseases are accompanied by a large amount of yellowish foam. It is worth taking measures so that it does not turn into a serious ailment.

Dogs vomit white or yellow foam for the following reasons:

• rabies - accompanied by sudden numbness, aggression, inappropriate behavior. This infection appears when a carrier parasite bites. Requires immediate special call. brigades. Self-treatment is deadly to humans;

• gallbladder inflammation - frequent vomiting with foam and yellow masses. Requires urgent treatment, may lead to the death of the pet;

• ulcer - vomiting with foam and blood. Bloody impurities may also indicate a sharp foreign object inside the dog;

• pancreatitis;

• diabetes;

• plague;

• tracheobronchitis (infection of the upper respiratory tract) - vomiting, excessive salivation of sienna, fever, hot nose;

• intoxication;

• damage to the central nervous system. This occurs after an accident, brawl, congenital injury. Hydrocephalus, brain tumor, severe heat stroke;

• helminthiasis and other parasites - frequent desires and dense vomit with white foam and mucus;

• various colds cause vomiting;

• oncology.

What to do?

Foam when vomiting in a dog is an alarm. But this does not always mean pathology. If this happened only once, there is no reason for concern. But if "self-cleaning" is accompanied by other disturbing signals, then it is worth, first of all, to donate blood. Only against the background of tests, a doctor’s examination can the cause of vomiting be revealed. Blood will show inflammation of the kidneys, gall bladder, gastritis, inversion of the intestines, diabetes, intoxication, diabetes, or allergies.

If a blood test and examination have not yielded results, then the doctor prescribes an x-ray of the abdominal cavity or other organ. Before the procedure, you must maintain a diet. Do not feed the dog heavy food, give only broths in rice and turkey.

Important! If the dog loses consciousness during bouts of vomiting, it must be laid to one side. Otherwise, the animal will choke. The mouth should be opened, stick out the tongue.

Specialists, after determining the diagnosis, prescribe drug therapy and diet recommendations. To dissolve a pet during treatment, it is necessary only with clean water from bottles, or purified boiled. Every 2 hours, in small sips, give liquid along with ice cubes. Dog feeding after vomiting is carried out in small portions up to 8 times a day. Of the drugs prescribed:

• smecta;

• papaverine;

• omez;

• cerucap;

• no-spa.

These drugs eliminate spasms, improve bowel and stomach function, remove heartburn and gas.

Dog owners have a great responsibility for the well-being of their furry friends. Inattention to health can lead to serious illness and death. Foam vomiting in dogs is an alarm. It can indicate a violation of the brain, nervous system, diseases of the digestive tract, kidneys, liver, etc. If vomiting is more than 2 times a day, you should consult a specialist and identify the reasons for the timely treatment of the animal.


Watch the video: Pete The vet - What to do when your dog is vomitting (June 2024).