The meaning of the name Adam, the character and fate of a man with that name. What does the name Adam mean: origin and history


The most famous name in the history of European and Asian civilization is Adam. Orthodox, Jews, Muslims revere the first man, often calling children the oldest of the names.

The origin and history of the name Adam is known today, probably to every person, regardless of country, religion, level of education.

The meaning and origin of the name Adam

Despite universal fame, not everyone understands what the name Adam means. It has Hebrew roots and two basic meanings.

• According to the first interpretation, the word is translated as "person", that is, it is originally a household word. Legend has it that God created the first man from clay.

• But this translation may be inaccurate, because there is another interpretation of the word. "Adama" means her and "red-earth," "red, the color of the earth." This meaning of the name Adam is a hint that it was created by God from the dust of the earth, that is, from the earth. The presence of clay and iron gives it a reddish tint.

• However, there is a third version of the translation. In Akkadian, there is the verb "adam," which translates as "create," "do." What does the name Adam mean in this area of ​​analysis? The analogy with the creation, "making" of the first person is straightforward.

Analyzing the origin and history of the name Adam, one can not forget about the Islamic interpretation of the image. Adam is the father of all mankind, the first prophet of God - Allah. Among the Orthodox and Muslims, he is revered with the saints of the church.

What character is endowed by Adam

In childhood Adam is friendly, friendly, easily converges with peers and communicates with adults. At the same time, it is very easy to injure him with a careless word, from which the boy will seriously suffer. It is extremely delicate to criticize little Adam, but it is better to choose a different educational tactic. With age, he will learn to respond to criticism more calmly. Parents and teachers usually do not experience problems with a complaisant boy, but only if they really participate in his life, and do not let the upbringing process go by its own accord.

Adam learns easily because possesses excellent memory, perseverance, understands discipline. As a teenager, he can get into the water by a bad influence, so parents should pay attention to the environment of their son. He needs a good example, including from his closest people.

With age Adam does not lose his natural goodwillbut his irony can scare away new people. With those who are familiar with him, he behaves kindly, refraining from sarcasm. Everyone else often becomes the target for his magnificent sense of humor. At the same time, Adam is open to the world, meanness and cunning are alien to him. The first meaning of the name Adam - "man" - fully confirms his high human, moral qualities.

but Adam retains childhood vulnerability, which turns into resentment and even suspiciousness. For this person, the appearance and sympathy of women is important. In public life, he is sometimes inclined to shocking, the manifestation of revolutionary sentiments, destructive behavior. Adam is very active, energetic, therefore, he can achieve high achievements in sports.

The fate of Adam

With all the openness Adam reluctantly shares his thoughts with othersfeelings and secret desires. Even close people rarely witness the manifestation of his true feelings. Adam fears that his words will be misinterpreted or used against him. If there was such a negative experience in his life, then he can even become isolated.

Wherein Adam loves womenwillingly starts novels and affair. It’s difficult to marry him, and he can choose a life partner for quite some time. This person does not have quick marriages.

A woman who has connected life with Adam will have to constantly control her words so that she does not inadvertently offend her husband. Living with this person is not easy. Adam's character and fate are such that he is rarely completely happy in the family. And all because it is too touchy and sometimes not able to correctly "decipher" her intentions, words, actions. Adam is very jealous, dictating his conditions to him and imposing rules is useless. However, Adam willingly helps his wife with housework, and he simply adores children and can fully relax only next to them.


Talented by nature, Adam can work in any field: science, sports, trade, literature, engineering. His gift is universal, equally manifested in technical and humanitarian disciplines. Medicine, music, sports, journalism, trade - in all these areas, Adam is able to achieve tremendous success.

However, as a rule, he has no particular desire to pursue a career. Work is important, but not a priority in Adam's life. The character and fate of this person draw him into the field of self-knowledge. Paradoxically, this is exactly what lack of interest in a career makes Adam a good leader. He is a leader by nature, requires discipline from subordinates, charges from his sincere interest in the results of labor. His decisions are extraordinary, because this person does not like any strict rules. That is why Adam can be a political oppositionist or a direct antagonist to the boss at work.

Famous people named Adam:

• Adam Lindsay Gordon, poet, politician;

• Adam Mickiewicz, poet;

• Adam Czartoryski (Czartoryzhsky), Polish and Russian politician, writer, philanthropist;

• Adam Smith, economist;

• Adam Oleariy (Olshlegel), traveler, scientist;

• Adam Elsheimer, painter;

• Adam Dietrich, architect;

• Adam Kokoshk, football player;

• Adamo Marcory, composer;

• Adam Mitchell Lambert, singer;

• Adamo Tadolini, sculptor.

Name compatibility

The intimate sphere begins to interest Adam in his teens. He has many novels, and marriage may be unsuccessful.

A strong family Adam can create with Lydia, Bella, Eve, Ada, Inna, Antonina, Veta, Nonna, Polina, Olesya, Yaroslav, Elsa.

Union may fail with Valery, Alice, Christina, Iraida, Mavra, Olesya, Barbara, Sophia.
