Custard without milk - an economical option! Milk-free custard recipes with coffee, cocoa, condensed milk, caramel


Usually, milk is used to make custards. But it is not always at home, and besides, some people simply do not tolerate it. In this case, new recipes for creams without milk will help. Affordable, simple, but tasty and fragrant.

Custard without milk - general principles of preparation

Instead of milk, the basis of the cream is most often water. Can be used coffee, juice, diluted syrup, tea, compote, broth zest. In fact, a huge number of options. Amazing creams are obtained by adding sour cream or whipped cream, these recipes are a little lower. In recipes, butter is often present, but not always.

What thickens the mass:

• yolks;

• flour;

• starch;

• chocolate.

Ideally, it’s best to use a water bath to make custard. But more often, just take a saucepan in which the mixture does not burn and the treat is cooked in it directly on the stove. The main thing is to miss the moment when the cream begins to thicken. At this stage, and until the very end, they begin to actively stir it. No need to wait until the mass becomes very thick. As soon as the consistency becomes like that of condensed milk and begins to "flop", the pan must be removed from the stove. In the process of cooling, the dessert will become even thicker.

Custard without milk with eggs "Lemon"

A milkless lemon cream recipe that will require good butter. It will greatly affect the taste, as plain water is used instead of the base. If there is no fresh zest, then you can take dried.


• zest of 1 lemon;

• 1.3 glasses of water;

• 3 yolks;

• 100 g sugar;

• 110 g of oil;

• 1 tsp flour;

• to taste vanilla.


1. Remove the zest of emergency citrus. For this recipe, it is not necessary to grind it, the larger the pieces, the easier it will be to remove them.

2. Connect the zest with a glass of water, boil for a couple of minutes, cool and insist. Then filter through a strainer or a piece of gauze, squeeze the zest.

3. Mix the yolks, sugar and the remaining water, pour flour. Grind all these ingredients until smooth.

4. Put the zest broth on the stove again, add the yolks with the rest of the ingredients. Now we cook directly custard. As it warms up, it may burn. Therefore, do not forget to stir.

5. As soon as the lemon cream thickens, turn it off. Set aside to allow the mass to cool.

6. We soften the oil, put it in a warm cream, stir it.

7. Now take the mixer and beat for three minutes. If desired, you can pour a little vanilla, it goes well with zest and will make the taste deeper. Cool.

Chocolate custard without milk

A recipe for saturated milk-free chocolate custard. The tastier the chocolate, the better the cream. It is advisable to use a product in which at least 70% of cocoa.


• 400 ml of water;

• 5 yolks;

• 1 tsp starch;

• 1 tsp flour;

• 2 tablespoons of cocoa;

• 80 g of chocolate;

• 170 g of sugar;

• 170 g of oil.


1. Separate the yolks and place in a bowl. We begin to beat with a mixer, preferably at least 5 minutes, gradually introduce granulated sugar.

2. Mix the flour and starch, pour cocoa to them, rub them with a spoon, add a little cold water.

3. Combine both mixtures, send to the stove.

4. Print chocolate, chop into pieces. Transfer to a bowl, add 50 g of butter and send to the microwave. We drown in small periods of 10 seconds, try not to overexpose.

5. As soon as the yolk cream thickens, remove from heat and add the melted chocolate.

6. Cool to approximately 30 ° C.

7. Add the softened butter that remains. Stir. For splendor, you can beat the chocolate cream with a mixer for a couple of minutes. We place in the refrigerator until completely cooled.

Custard without milk "Caramel"

A variant of an interesting cream with caramel flavor. It is also prepared without milk, but this recipe is a bit more complicated and will require more time.


• 200 g of sugar;

• 400 g of water;

• 3 yolks;

• 2 tablespoons of starch;

• 1 spoon of honey;

• pack of oil.


1. Pour half the granulated sugar in a skillet or in a saucepan, add 50 ml of water and 30 g of oil to it, put on a stove. On a small fire, melt all the sand to make syrup. As soon as the grains disappear, the fire can be added.

2. Cook the sugar until it turns brown and the smell of caramel comes out of the pan.

3. Now add another 150 ml of water, only in small portions and mix the caramel thoroughly. Pour water gently so as not to scald.

4. Separately, whip the remaining ingredients of the cream, including water.

5. Add the whipped mass to the caramel and quickly stir.

6. We warm the cream for a few seconds, but do not let it boil. Constantly stir and remove from heat.

7. Add softened oil after 10 minutes, stir with caramel tea leaves. We cool it, use it for greasing cakes, filling cakes or as an independent dessert.

Custard without milk on condensed milk without eggs

A cream recipe for condensed milk will help if there is no whole product. It is advisable not to use condensed milk with herbal ingredients in the composition; when heated, they may separate with a greasy film.


• 200 g of condensed milk;

• 2 tablespoons of flour;

• 100 g of oil;

• 1.5 tablespoons of sugar;

• 200 ml of water.


1. Sugar in the recipe is needed only for connection with flour, so that lumps do not form. Put them together, mix.

2. We introduce condensed milk in parts, continue to stir.

3. Add water. To reduce the cooking time, you can immediately take boiling water from the kettle. Add in a trickle, stir quickly.

4. Put the saucepan on the stove. Cook the cream until tender. Cooling down.

5. Soften the oil. It’s better to whisk it.

6. Add custard to the butter. Not the other way around! We start with small portions, gradually pour everything. Bring to homogeneity.

7. You can add vanilla, cocoa, rum essence to this cream.

Delicious custard without milk with sour cream

Another alternative milk-free custard recipe. It is ideal for a layer of honey cakes, biscuit, filling custard cakes. Unlike the classic sour cream, the mass here is dense, saturated, does not flow after adding sweet ingredients.


• 2 yolks;

• 1 spoon of flour;

• 200 ml of water;

• 200 g of sugar;

• 300 g of fat sour cream;

• cocoa, vanilla to taste.


1. Prepare a rich sweet tea leaves. Mix the yolks, followed by sugar with flour, add water. To give the cream a taste, add vanillin or cocoa powder, but you can use zest, any other essence.

2. We send the mass to the stove. Cook like an ordinary cream.

3. Remove, cool well. You can’t connect the warm mass with sour cream, otherwise the cream will leak.

4. Put the sour cream in a bowl, begin to whisk and add a sweet custard mass on a spoon.

5. At the end we try to taste, if desired, you can add a little more sour cream.

Custard without milk "Air" with cream

A variant of amazing custard air cream. To make it lush, you need fat cream that is suitable for whipping. Recipe without butter.


• 180 ml of water;

• 150 g of sugar;

• 200 ml cream;

• 1 spoon of flour;

• 1 yolk.


1. Mix the yolk with flour, water and granulated sugar. It is better to beat this mass well with a whisk or a mixer.

2. Put the pot with custard on the stove, bring the mass to a thick place. Take off. Cool well.

3. Pour the cream into a bowl, begin to whip with a mixer.

4. As soon as the mass begins to thicken, patterns will depart from the corollas, we begin to pour in the brewed mixture. But not all at once, start on a spoon.

5. Once everything is laid out, throw the vanilla and after a couple of seconds turn off the mixer so as not to interrupt the cream.

6. Use immediately. The creamy cream is thick, suitable not only for greasing cake layers, but also for top decoration of the cake.

Custard without milk "Coffee"

Another version of custard without milk with condensed milk. Ideally, brewed coffee is prepared for him. If there is no way to make it, then take a soluble drink.


• 200 g of oil;

• 200 ml of coffee;

• 200 ml of condensed milk;

• 2 yolks;

• 1 spoon of cognac;

• 2 tablespoons of flour;

• 40 g of sugar.


1. We brew coffee, defend the thick, pour the clean drink into a saucepan.

2. In a bowl, combine the condensed milk with sugar and flour, add raw egg yolks to them. Beat a couple of minutes until smooth.

3. Pour the mass with condensed milk into coffee, stir.

4. Cook the cream until tender. Then remove from heat, cool.

5. The oil should be soft, sedimented at room temperature. Beat with a mixer for at least ten minutes, then partly introduce coffee cream.

6. At the very end, you can pour a spoonful of cognac. It will wonderfully emphasize the deep taste of coffee, make the cream rich. We use immediately.

Milk Free Custard Tips & Tricks

• In any cream, flour can be replaced with starch, but it is advisable to increase the amount by 1.5 times. You can use a mixture of these ingredients, taken in equal amounts. The cream will be a little different.

• If there is no regular milk, then the cream can be made on a dry product. It is mixed with dry ingredients according to the list, then diluted with water and followed by prescription.

• The aroma of the cream can completely change the taste. Do not neglect the use of vanilla, cocoa, essences. In adult desserts, alcohol will be appropriate. Usually it’s cognac, liquors, rum. You can use essences with these flavors, a few drops are enough and the delicacy is enriched with aroma. Food flavorings are sold in pastry shops.
