Corporate party. You can’t refuse


Joint labor, as you know, unites. In contrast to a joint holiday, which is often "suicidal" for business relationships. Especially - if in the eyes of colleagues there will be an embarrassment like drunken dancing at the bar or an out-of-place phrase. True, beginners and people with an antisocial psychotype pay more attention to such trifles; they often categorically refuse to attend corporate events. Is this right or wrong? Let's try to figure it out.


Any collective party is informal. But only formally (such a tautology, yes). Depending on who is the instigator of the whole action - the employees themselves or the bosses, the corporate party can become both a fun walk and boring gatherings in compliance with etiquette. Although, in any case, he has ...

... a few cons

  • If you are not working in a multinational corporation or a reputable institution with a monthly turnover of several billion, then most likely you will have to pay for the pleasure out of your pocket.
  • If there are individuals in the team for whom a handbag from the last Gauthier collection is like a T-shirt bought in the subway passage for you, the festival is 99% likely to turn into a production of the Cinderella fairy tale, because you will have to sit in the corner and wait for the miracle until everyone praise the outfit "stars".
  • If you haven’t managed to join the team so far, for example, to take and tell the chief accountant how halvah in Odessa, some old-timers can afford liberties in your direction: pin up, play a trick (not very good), or even put a pig ... under the tree, instead of a gift.
  • If production topics are the main foundation of your communication with the team, then the rest will be a continuation of the working day. After all, you will not begin to tell jokes to strangers and add them an olive? And colleagues in this case are just strangers and strangers.

However, in every situation there is a compromise solution. Therefore, before you twist your face and explain your absence at the corporate party with a toothache or funeral of a grandmother's poodle, pay attention to the fact that this event also has ...

... obvious advantages

  • Several hours of time spent with everyone can be used to build friendships, get to know each other’s features more closely, and it’s not forbidden to play a hint to the chef about raising his salary.
  • If the office is generous and organizes everything at public expense, in a restaurant and with a host, then it is likely that the evening / day / hour program will be interesting and exciting.
  • As a rule, the day after the corporate party is not considered a working day, but everyone is free to use time off at their own discretion.


To go or not to go - everyone decides for himself. But if the question is not worth it, and from the picture presented in the mind does not appear a persistent feeling of hatred for work and colleagues, it is better to go, at least then you will not have to regret missed opportunities.


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