Scientists: fish oil is not as useful as they say


Currently, the popularity of fish oil is truly impressive, especially the speed with which it grows. And yet, because his ability to counteract a huge number of various diseases, of course, turn this supplement into a storehouse of useful properties! However, according to the professor of dietetics - Tom Sanders, from Royal College of London, all of the above properties of fish oil are simply exaggerated by the companies involved in its sale. And to put great hope in just one dietary component is, at least, stupid, the scientist claims.

As it turned out, the basis for such conclusions was the more than 30-year study by Sanders of the properties of fish oil, as well as the effectiveness of this supplement in the fight against various diseases. In addition, the expert over the years tracked the results of studies conducted in this field by scientists from around the world.

As a result of long-term work, Tom Sanders was able to find out that omega-3 fatty acids, considered the source of all the beneficial properties of fish oil, are in fact much less universal than is commonly believed today. "Of course, this component has the ability to have a positive effect on the body. But the effectiveness of this effect is extremely small," said the professor.

In particular, Sanders noted that the use of fish oil for weight loss is doubly useless, since its capsules themselves contain calories. Their action provides a significant counterbalance to those elements that could help lose weight. Another meaningless goal of taking this supplement is to increase intelligence, as several recent scientific studies conducted in the USA recently indicate. As for the benefits of fish oil during pregnancy, it, according to the scientist, will also not bring much benefit, since omega-3 acids are already initially found in very high concentrations in mother’s breast milk.

To all this, Thomas Sanders added that the best substitute for a "touted" supplement is to include at least two portions of fish per week in their diet. They also contain an omega-3 component, but at the same time, due to other features of the product, the benefit of a holistic fish is far superior in effectiveness to the benefit of its fat alone.


Watch the video: See What Happens To Your Body When You Start Taking Fish Oil Everyday (June 2024).