Are you expecting a baby? Be active and you will have a genius


The research of scientists at the University of Montreal of Canada dispelled the preexisting medical recommendations that prescribed pregnant women to lead a passive lifestyle and more often rest, as having no reason and even harmful.

As it turned out, even light charging during pregnancy can have a beneficial effect on the development of the brain of the unborn child. Previously, studies were conducted on animals and showed more than positive results: the development of the brain of the cub in the womb was much better. Such "experiments" on people were conducted for the first time.

A passive lifestyle for expectant mothers can increase the possible risks of complications during childbirth. While an active life position can make pregnancy comfortable, protect the expectant mother from postpartum depression. In addition, it is also able to reduce the risk of obesity in children.

Studies have shown that even a 20-minute charge three times a week will be enough for a beneficial effect on the development of the brain of the unborn child. However, scientists warn: the possibility of physical exertion must be agreed with the doctor conducting the pregnancy.

Women in the second trimester of pregnancy took part in the study. They were divided into two groups. The participants of one led a mostly sedentary lifestyle. Women in the second group performed cardiovascular exercises of moderate intensity, which caused slight shortness of breath.

The "experiment" took the fate of women in the second trimester of pregnancy. They were divided into two groups. The participants of the first led a sedentary lifestyle, the second - they performed various kinds of physical exercises that caused little shortness of breath.

Subsequently, with the help of an electroencephalograph, scientists tracked the brain activity of children aged 8 to 12 days: soft electrodes were attached to the head and as a result of sleep EEG, the auditory memory of children was checked, noting the reaction of the brain to new or already familiar sounds.

The results of the study showed that children born to mothers who preferred an active lifestyle had a more active and developed brain.

Research is currently underway regarding the effects of exercise on the speech and motor development of one-year-olds.


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