What to do if the skin on my hands is cracked


Hand skin is the most vulnerable part of the body, because it contains significantly less moisture than, for example, facial skin. Almost devoid of sebaceous glands, which could release lubricant and form a protective layer. It is not surprising that it is the skin on the hands that is primarily exposed to desiccation, peeling, and cracks appear on it. After all, often hand care comes down to only lubricating them with cream before bedtime. But this is not enough, because the hands are daily exposed to aggressive external influences.

Especially the skin of the hands suffers from low temperatures in the winter and from earthworks in the summer - it cracks and coarsens. Less aggressive, but also adverse effects are exerted by household chemicals - washing and cleaning powder, liquid or dishwashing gel. Therefore, hands require additional protection. All homework related to the use of chemicals must be carried out with protective rubber gloves. This will protect the skin not only from dryness, but also from possible allergic dermatitis. When working on a summer cottage with the ground, it is also advisable to protect your hands with knitted gloves or apply a layer of protective cream. In cold weather, going outside, be sure to wear warm gloves and do not use a moisturizer.

What to do if, nevertheless, the skin of the hands has become dry, covered with peels, pimples or cracks? How to quickly put her in order so that she again becomes beautiful, young and supple. To do this, you can use restorative and nourishing creams and hand masks, glycerin and paraffin are especially effective. You can trust the specialists and visit the beauty salon, or carry out the procedures yourself.

Hand masks

Masks prepared from ordinary food products - potatoes, sour cream, honey, fruits, vegetables, can do well with chapped skin. They nourish the skin with moisture, soften it, bleach, and have healing properties. Usually one procedure takes 15-20 minutes. This is not so much as not to find some free time, and not to put your hands in order. For effectiveness, the procedure must be carried out regularly, at least once a week. To save time, masks can be done, for example, while watching TV. Hands are preferable to peel or make a bath. At the end of the procedure, the skin of the hands is smeared with cream.

1. Potato mask. This mask moisturizes the skin of the hands, making it velvety. Boil two potatoes, crush. You can add a little juice of lemon, olive oil or sour cream. Oil and sour cream nourish and soften the skin, and lemon juice has a whitening effect. Cool the potato mass a little and warm on the hands. The mask will cool more slowly if it is covered with a film and a towel on top of it.

2. Milk-oat mask. This nourishing mask is perfect for cracked hands. In especially critical cases, it should be done every other day and kept for about an hour. The main component of the mask is oatmeal. To get it, grind oatmeal on a coffee grinder or blender. For one mask you will need three large spoons of oatmeal, one large spoon of milk and olive oil, a small spoon of honey. Grind the components until a paste is obtained, apply on hands. When the mask is slightly absorbed, you can wear soft gloves made of natural fabric.

3. Honey mask. It rejuvenates the skin of the hands, makes it elastic, promotes the healing of small cracks. Grind olive oil and honey, one large spoon, then drive in the yolk. Lubricate with a thick layer of hand.

Baths for hands

Baths are an effective procedure that allows you to bring your skin in perfect condition. They can be done with the addition of decoctions of herbs. Chamomile, nettle, lime blossom, sage - relieve irritation and redness, soothe the skin of the hands. To prepare a bath of herbs, you need to pour a large spoonful of dry raw materials with a liter of boiling water. After a while, when the herbs are brewed, and the water has cooled slightly, they lower their hands in it for 15 minutes. If the skin is very cracked, the best restoring effect will have paraffin, glycerin and starch baths.

1. Paraffin baths. It is not difficult to make them, it is only necessary to select two small containers where the hands will be placed, and stock up with cosmetic paraffin. It will take about two kilograms. It can be used repeatedly, only by heating and melting before the procedure.

Place paraffin in any dish and melt until liquid in a water bath. Pour into two containers. Allow it to cool slightly so as not to burn the skin. During this time, rub your hands with a scrub and grease with a moisturizer.

Dip the hands for 5 seconds in liquid paraffin, let the layer solidify a little. Lower the seconds by ten again. Repeat 5-6 times so that a thick paraffin layer forms on the hands. It must be warm. From above put on plastic gloves, then warm mittens. Keep a compress mask for 25 minutes. Then paraffin is removed, hands are wiped with a napkin and covered with a nourishing cream.

Paraffin baths restore skin in a short time. For preventive purposes, they are used approximately every fourteen days. In winter, a little more often. Then the hands will always have a well-groomed appearance.

2. Starch baths. Starch is the most affordable and effective ingredient in hand masks. It promotes the healing of small wounds, cracks, restores skin elasticity. Dissolve a large spoonful of starch in a glass of warm water. Then bring the liquid volume to 1 liter, i.e. add more warm water. Lower the hands in the starch bath for 15 minutes. Then rinse with running water and lubricate with a nourishing cream.

3. Glycerin baths. In 1.5 liters of hot water, a large spoon of glycerin and a small spoon of ammonia are mixed. You can add another glass of milk or infusion of chamomile. Dip your hands in the healing fluid for 15 minutes. Then get wet with a napkin and grease with a moisturizer.

4. Serum baths. They help fight hand roughness. Heat 0.5 liters of whey, lower your hands into it for 15 minutes. Then get wet with a towel or napkin and apply cream.


Rostislav 10.28.2016
Good advice
