Jellied pies in the slow cooker - a good choice! Recipes for different jellied pies in a slow cooker for every day


Jellied cake is the simplest baking that can be made for the family table.

But it’s even easier and faster to cook it in a slow cooker.

Here are tons of interesting recipes with which you can indulge in pies at least every day!

Jellied pies in a slow cooker - general principles of cooking

Almost all jellied pies are made from batter. Its basis is eggs, dairy products, mayonnaise. Relatively little flour is added. Batter is usually halved and the filling is laid between two layers. But sometimes all the components of baking are simply mixed.

Typically, fillings for jellied pies are vegetables, meat and fish products, eggs, cheese, sausages, cereals. You can prepare sweet pastries with berries, fruits and dried fruits. For any pie in the slow cooker, use the baking mode.

Jellied pie in a slow cooker with cabbage

Fresh cabbage is used for this pie. It is not necessary to fry or stew the vegetable.


• kefir 220 ml;

• eggs 2 pieces;

• 0.2 kg of flour;

• half a kilogram of cabbage;

• 7 g of ripper;

• 1 onion;

• a couple of tablespoons of oil;

• spices, sugar, salt;

• 100 grams of cheese (more or less possible).


1. Chop the onion very finely. We chop the cabbage with straws and grind together with onions, salt, spices. Add the grated cheese, leave aside.

2. Beat the eggs, throw an incomplete spoonful of sugar and half a teaspoon of salt, pour in the kefir, add the millet flour, immediately butter and put the cultivator. Stir. You can kill a couple of minutes kefir dough with a mixer.

3. Pour the dough into a greased saucepan, about half.

4. Spread the filling, then hide the cabbage under the second part of the dough. Since there is not much of it, spread the layer with a spoon.

5. Cook the cabbage pie full cycle. Optionally, you can turn to the second side and brown it too.

Jellied cake in a slow cooker with onions and eggs

A variant of a fragrant pie in a slow cooker with green onions and boiled eggs. The dough is made from a mixture of mayonnaise and sour cream. You can take the same amount of kefir instead of sour cream, but you will have to add a few tablespoons of flour.


• 200 g sour cream;

• 1 bunch of onions;

• flour eight spoons;

• four raw eggs;

• 0.5 tsp soda;

• five boiled eggs;

• 120 g of mayonnaise;

• 0.5 tsp salt.


1. Mix raw eggs with salt.

2. Add soda to sour cream, stir and leave for a couple of minutes. Let's wait until the reaction passes.

3. Spread sour cream to the eggs, then mayonnaise and stir.

4. Add the flour according to the recipe, the dough is ready!

5. Chop finely chopped green onions, mash a little to precipitate the mass.

6. We clean the boiled eggs, cut into cubes, toss to the onion. Season the filling with salt and spices.

7. Pour part of the dough into a greased form from the multicooker, then onion with an egg.

8. Top with the rest of the dough. It's okay if the filling looks out, the cake rises and everything hides.

9. We bake an hour. If you are embarrassed by the light top, then you can turn the pastries to the other side using a basket designed for steam cooking.

Jellied cake in a slow cooker with fish

A variant of a pie with canned fish, which is also baked in a slow cooker. Boiled eggs are also added to the filling, instead of them you can use rice, it will also turn out delicious.


• 240 g of kefir;

• 100 ml of mayonnaise;

• 1 tsp salts;

• two eggs;

• 400 g flour;

• ripper 1.5 tsp;

• a spoonful of sugar.

For the filling, you need a standard can of fish in oil, such as saury. You also need a bunch of green onions or a bulb head, 4-5 hard-boiled eggs.


1. Mix the eggs with sugar, salt and kefir in a bowl, add mayonnaise to them. You can slightly beat the future dough with a whisk, so that the mass becomes homogeneous.

2. Combine the sifted flour and cultivator. Or sift it all together, it will be even better.

3. Add flour to the egg mixture, stir the dough.

4. Prepare the filling. For it, you can take feather onions or onions, choose the option to your liking and taking into account the available products. We cut onions, eggs too. We drain the liquid from the fish, knead and send to the other ingredients of the minced meat.

5. Pour half the dough into a slow cooker, put the stuffing out of fish.

6. The dough spills over again.

7. Now you can close the slow cooker and bake! Such a pie is being prepared an hour on one side. Then you need to turn it over and bake on the second side for another quarter of an hour.

Apple pie in a slow cooker

Another recipe for jellied pie in a multicooker, which is prepared with kefir batter. The filling is sweet, fresh apples are used.


• 0.2 liters of kefir (or fermented baked milk);

• 2 cups of flour;

• a glass of sugar;

• 3 eggs;

• 10 grams of cultivator;

• 0.3 kg of apples;

• a pinch of salt, cinnamon;

• 30 ml of oil.


1. The dough for this pie is very simple to prepare. You need to put all the ingredients in a large bowl, except apples and just mix. It is better to immerse the mixer, beat the dough at low speeds until a homogeneous consistency.

2. Apples should be washed and cut into slices.

3. Put half the dough into the slow cooker, then apples, sprinkle with cinnamon and pour over the rest of the dough.

4. Either immediately spread the fruit and pour the dough on top.

5. Either mix the apples with the dough and shift everything together into a slow cooker.

6. Choose the most liked way of pie formation and bake for 50-60 minutes.

Sausage jellied pie in a slow cooker

For this jellied pie in a slow cooker you will need a piece of puff pastry, the size of which is slightly larger than the bottom of the bowl. As a filling, cheese and sausage are used.


• 0.2 kg puff pastry;

• 0.2 kg of sausage;

• 0.5 bunch of dill;

• 3 eggs;

• 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise;

• 120 grams of cheese;

• spices.


1. Take a piece of puff pastry, put it on the table, but do not need to roll out. We cut a circle out of it, with a diameter of 6 centimeters more than the bottom of the pan from the multicooker.

2. We shift the tortilla into the bowl, straighten the sides.

3. Cut the cheese into cubes, also chopped sausage, drop everything into a bowl.

4. Add eggs, mayonnaise, chopped dill. Instead of mayonnaise, you can also take sour cream in the same amount. Stir the cake fill.

5. We spread the filling with sausage on the prepared cake with sides, distribute the layer.

6. We put the baking on a full cycle.

7. After the signal, open the slow cooker, let the cake cool and seize the filling, take it out carefully so as not to damage it.

Jellied pie in a slow cooker with chicken

An option of hearty pastries, which may well replace dinner. For this pie you will need chicken fillet and some potatoes.


• 220 ml of kefir;

• 10 tablespoons of flour;

• 4 eggs;

• salt;

• 1 tsp soda.

For filling:

• 0.3 kg fillet;

• 1 onion head;

• 3 potatoes;

• spices;

• 50 grams of cheese.


1. Beat all the ingredients of the dough until smooth. You do not need to extinguish soda in additional acid, just kefir is enough.

2. Peel the tubers, cut into thin slices.

3. Onion finely chopped, you can fry it a little, it will turn out tastier.

4. We simply rub the cheese, cut the chicken fillet into small cubes or straws.

5. We collect the pie. To do this, put a third of the dough in a well-oiled cup of the multicooker.

6. Put the potato plates on the dough, make the layer even in thickness.

7. Next, sprinkle with onions, spread the chicken.

8. After the chicken is a thin layer of cheese.

9. Water the remaining dough.

10. Bake the chicken pie first 40 minutes. Then you need to turn it over and cook another 20-30 minutes, look at the baking dish.

Jellied pie in a slow cooker with mushrooms and potatoes

The whole charm of this option is that pickled mushrooms are used. Ideally, chanterelles go, but you can take any other species.


• 150 grams of mayonnaise;

• a glass of flour;

• 150 grams of sour cream;

• two eggs;

• 0.5 tsp. soda and salt.

For filling:

• 2 tablespoons of oil;

• 1 potato;

• 1 onion;

• 200 grams of mushrooms.


1. Cut the onion, fry in oil, add the pickled mushrooms and also hold it a little in a pan to evaporate the water.

2. We prepare the dough in the same way as in the previous recipes for jellied pies. Just mix everything together. It is better to extinguish the soda and add at the very end. For quenching, vinegar, lemon juice or diluted acid will do.

3. Lubricate the slow cooker, it is better to take a little butter for this.

4. Spread half of the whole test.

5. Above is a layer of mushrooms with onions.

6. Then we spread the potato cut into thin plates. One thing is enough, you do not need to salt, since there are enough spices in the mushrooms.

7. It remains to pour potatoes to the rest of the dough

8. Bake exactly one hour. The cake is usually baked well, you do not need to turn it over, but you can do it if you want to get baked fried on both sides.

Jellied pies in the multicooker - useful tips and tricks

• Mayonnaise and margarine are two completely inconsistent products, they should not be found in the dough.

• It is believed that if the dough is made with mayonnaise, then the soda for it needs to be extinguished. If it is made from sour cream, kefir or another sour-milk product, then you can simply pour the powder into the dough without any preliminary preparations.

• It is better to lubricate the bowl before laying the dough with a piece of butter. Then the crust on the pie will turn out beautiful, ruddy.

• If you don’t like the top of the jellied cake, you can sprinkle the pastries with a thin layer of grated cheese and hold it a little longer.

• Check the readiness of jellied pies in the same way as a biscuit. You just need to stick a wooden stick in the thickest part. It must remain dry if it does not get into the filling.


Watch the video: Crustless Pumpkin Pie (June 2024).