The best set of exercises to increase chest muscles, nutrition secrets. Is it possible to increase breasts with exercise: how?


How to make your breasts elastic and toned?

A properly selected sports diet and exercises to increase chest muscles will help in this matter. Let's consider them in more detail.

Breast Augmentation Exercises: Important Details

Before you start working on your chest, you must read the following details about the exercises:

1. The task and purpose of the exercises

The task of exercises for the chest is to work out the big muscle of the chest as much as possible. The ultimate goal is to form a chest relief, to increase the chest in volume by increasing the pectoralis major muscle.

2. The frequency of sports

Exercises for breast augmentation should be done 3 times a week. Breaks of at least one day are very important in this matter. After a good workout, microcracks form on the muscle tissue. Before the next workout, they must heal. When healing occurs at the sites of cracks, nodules form, due to which the muscle increases. If the muscles are not given time to recover, they will decrease in size.

3. Susceptibility of chest muscles to growth

The large muscle of the chest is located under the mammary glands and is difficult to study. The intensity of the exercise should go off scale. Only then can the desired result be achieved. After each sports activity, well-developed chest muscles will hurt significantly.

4. Auxiliary sports equipment

Performing exercises requires various weights. Dumbbells are ideal. By weight, they should be from 7 to 10 kilograms.

Exercises for breast augmentation: the best set of exercises for the proper development of the pectoral muscle

The presented set of exercises requires a responsible approach. The greater the load, the better the effect. The complex is based on the following exercises for breast augmentation:

1. Stretching

2. Prayer

3. Bench Press

• standing;

- the first way

- the second way.

• lying down.

4. Pullover

5. Push-ups

• from the windowsill

• from the chair

• from the floor.

- easy way

- complicated method

- hard way

6. Handsaw

• first way

• second method

• third way


The above exercises with subparagraphs are best performed according to the principle of complication. They cannot be excluded from the complex. It will be difficult for beginners to perform the required number of times. Reduce the number, but do not degrade the quality of execution, otherwise waste time.

Exercise number 1 "Stretching"

"Stretching" not only pulls the pectoral muscle well, but also serves as an excellent preparation for more difficult exercises. How to carry it out correctly?

1. Stay belly down on the floor;

2. Open your knees and bend them;

3. Bend as much as possible in the back and grab the ankles with your hands;

4. Hold in this position for 1 minute.

Exercise number 2 "Prayer"

Like the previous exercise, it prepares the chest muscles for a greater load. It is performed in a sitting position with a small ball in hand:

1. Sit on the floor with your back against the wall. The back should be straight;

2. Hold the ball with your palms on both sides in front of the chest;

3. Press the ball continuously for 10 seconds and as hard as possible. Exercise is performed in 2 approaches.

Exercise No. 3 "Bench Press"

This exercise involves performing two options - a bench press and a bench press. Let's consider them in more detail.

The bench press is the initial version of the exercise, more lightweight. It must be done in two ways.

Method number 1

1. Stand in front of the wall, straightening your back;

2. Lean your hands on the wall;

3. Forcefully rest against the wall with your hands, giving the muscles as much load as possible;

4. Perform the exercise for 2 minutes.

Method number 2

This method differs from the first in that there is support on the back.

1. Stand in the doorway;

2. Put your buttocks on its left side, and palms on the right;

3. Press your palms on the right edge of the opening as if you want to move it from its place;

4. Do it for 1.5 minutes.

Bench press is a fundamental exercise of the entire complex. When properly performed, it is it that gives the pectoral muscle a huge load. Dumbbells are used here. You need to do it like this:

1. Sit on the floor or bench with your back down;

2. Bend your arms with dumbbells at the elbows, placing them at the chest;

3. Equally raise and lower the dumbbells, tensing the pectoral muscle;

4. Repeat the exercise 7-8 times in 3 sets.

Exercise number 4 "Pullover"

This exercise involves using one heavy dumbbell or two lungs.

1. Lie down on the bench so that the legs are spread on both sides of it and firmly rested with their feet on the floor;

2. Raise your arms and close them in front of you with dumbbells;

3. Inhale - put your hands behind your head, exhale - return to the starting position;

4. Exercise requires 2 sets of 15-20 times.

Exercise number 5 "Push-ups"

Push-ups are of three types - from the windowsill, from the chair, from the floor. Let us consider each of them in detail.


To maximize the benefit of this exercise, touch the chest of the windowsill or floor while doing push-ups.

Push-ups from the windowsill - a lightweight option. How to make it?

1. Rest on the windowsill with your palms and socks on the floor;

2. Push up 10 times.

Push-ups from the chair give an excellent load. You need to perform them like this:

1. Turn your back to the chair and rest your palms on it. Knees are straight, heels rest on the floor, socks look up;

2. Bend and unbend your arms at the elbows, lowering as much as possible when bending. The back should be straight;

3. Perform 10 times.

There are three options for push-ups from the floor - an easy, complicated and complex way. They differ in the position of the legs.

1. Sit on the floor, rest your palms on the floor. Position the legs as follows:

- easy way: the legs are bent at the knees, resting on the knees;

- complicated method: legs are straight, resting on socks;

- a difficult way: legs are straight, support with socks on a hill (for example, the edge of the bed).

2. Do push-ups 10-15 times.

Exercise number 6 "Hands-off"

This exercise is aimed at working on the shape of the breast. It implies three options for execution. All use dumbbells.

First way:

1. Put your feet shoulder width apart, bend the body forward, and take the pelvis back, holding dumbbells in front of you;

2. Without bending your elbows, intensively spread your arms to the sides, maximally loading the pectoral muscle;

3. Repeat exercise 15 times.

The second way:

1. Sit on your back with arms apart and straight legs closed (in the form of the letter "T");

2. Raise your hands at the same time, closing them in front of the chest and without bending at the elbows;

3. Repeat the exercise 15-20 times.

The third way:

1. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Pull the hips back, and bend the body slightly forward;

2. Bend your elbows slightly. Take your left hand back, and your right hand along with it forward. It is important not just to wave your hands, but to do it with maximum load;

3. Repeat this exercise 20 times.


Be sure to finish your workout with exercises No. 1 "Stretching" and No. 2 "Prayer". This will help relax muscles and reduce the risk of injury.

Exercises for breast augmentation: what you need to know about proper nutrition when building chest muscle?

No matter how intense the training, without the proper nutrition, the desired result cannot be achieved. What is important to know about products? First of all, calorie content. Useful but high-calorie foods are needed to build pectoral muscle using a set of exercises to increase breast.


Saturate the body with calories - does not mean to eat up to the limit. Just adjust your diet by replacing some foods with others that are more suitable for training.

Below are the products with the ideal composition for building pectoral muscle.

1. Raw oatmeal

If you are a lover of instant oatmeal, you have to give it up. It contains slowly digested carbohydrates, which is not very good for building muscle. In addition, it has few calories. Eaten by it due to the fact that it absorbs a lot of liquid during brewing.

But raw oatmeal is what you need. Pour the cereal into a deep bowl, cut into slices a banana and pour the porridge with milk. This is an ideal dish for enlarging the pectoral muscles.

2. Dried Fruits

Fresh fruits are very healthy, but contain a lot of liquid. Therefore, their use is best limited. Replace fresh fruits with dry ones.

Dried fruits are as healthy as fresh. But they have ten times more calories. You can use them in a variety of ways. Dried fruit salad is popular. Pour dried fruits and nuts into a deep bowl, fill with fat yogurt. They can also be used as an ingredient in pancake dough.

3. Fish

White and red fish are perfect. White fish contains a lot of proteins, but its calorie content is low. A huge amount of calories is found in red fish.

4 eggs

Alternate whole eggs and egg whites. Thanks to this trick, you can maintain the right level of cholesterol in the blood and saturate the body with the right amount of protein and calories.

Often indicate that in general, when building muscle, you can not eat the yolk. Such a statement is a fallacy. Egg yolk contains a huge amount of useful trace elements - thiamine, calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorus and many others.

5. Pressed curd

This product is a real source of a huge amount of protein and calories. Thanks to its use, chest muscles will develop correctly during training and increase rapidly.

6. Whole grain bagels

Replace them with regular bread. Contrary to the beliefs of high calorie bread, one piece contains less calories than a bagel made from unprocessed grain. By spreading it with peanut butter, you get about 500 calories and 12 grams of protein with one bagel.

Be sure to follow the above set of exercises to increase chest muscles in accordance with the instructions. Train hard and give your muscles maximum load. Replace low-calorie foods in your diet with the high-calorie ones listed above.

If you fulfill all of the above requirements, you will have every chance to achieve the best result in the shortest possible time. With good regular training, a beautiful chest relief will be noticeable in two weeks. And after two months you will be able to observe how your chest muscles develop and grow.


Watch the video: Exercises To Grow Your Boobs. Rebecca Louise (June 2024).