Slimming hips at home - it's real! TOP 5 best exercises for the hips: effective and simple


Many women would like to reduce the volume of their hips. And this also applies to women who have no problems with the upper body. Someone goes to the gym or resort to untested new-fangled methods, but in fact, losing weight in the hips is not such a difficult task that can be solved even at home. You just need to work out the right strategy.

Each athlete knows that the key to a good figure is a combination of three factors: nutrition, training, relaxation, and the main one is nutrition. When losing weight, it is necessary to abandon the use of a number of products that contribute to an increase in the layer of subcutaneous fat. So, for example, you need to exclude fast carbohydrates from your diet, that is, those carbohydrates that give the human body only a short-term charge of energy. Such carbohydrates include various confectionery products and pastries.

The body needs the energy that a person needs for several hours of normal working capacity from complex carbohydrates, which, for example, are rich in vegetables and cereals, in particular carrots, potatoes, pasta and various cereals.

In addition, these products contain a large amount of vitamins and fiber, which helps to improve digestion. It is also necessary to consume a sufficient amount of protein and fat.

Proteins are one of the most important building elements of the human body, and fats transport energy, and also perform the functions of protecting and thermally isolating the body. It is advisable to plan a diet for several days in advance, and preferably for the whole week. Such planning will help to avoid harmful snacks.

Having figured out the nutrition, you need to choose a few exercises for your hips. The thigh is involved in almost all actions of the human legs, which means that it is quite well adapted to the loads. A person constantly walks, sits and stands up, sometimes runs and jumps. All this puts a strain on different muscles of the thigh, and therefore exercises should be selected so as to use the maximum possible number of thigh muscles.

It is immediately worth noting that in order to get in shape it is not necessary to go to the gym. Positive changes in your body can be achieved at home, training only with your own weight and improvised means as weights. Exercises for weight loss hips at home mass.

1. Squats

Any athlete knows that squats are a fundamental exercise to work out your leg muscles. You can squat at home with your own weight or using weights. As weights can be a mass of household items, such as bags with books or bottles filled with water.

Do not forget that squats are a traumatic exercise, and you need to perform it, observing the correct technique. Squats must be performed with a flat back, otherwise the risk of injury and even hernias in the spine increases. You also need to try not to get your knees behind the capes, and the pelvis should be a little back, in the knees of the legs when lifting, you do not need to fully extend. The head should be straight when squats, and not lowered facing the floor. Legs should be shoulder width or slightly wider. Squats should be performed at the beginning of the workout, as this is the most energy-intensive exercise. But before the main workout, you need to warm up the muscles and joints well. Warm up need to be given 10-15 minutes. If the goal is to reduce the volume of the hips, then the best option for squats is a multi-repetition style with short time periods of rest. For initial training, it will be optimal to perform 12-15 repetitions in 3-4 approaches. Over time, the number of repetitions can be increased to 20-25, and the number of approaches to 5-6.

2. Lunges

The second most popular and significant exercise for the hips is lunges. Lunges are an excellent exercise for losing hips at home, as they not only train strength and endurance of the legs, but also develop coordination, because, when performing this exercise, a person is in a less stable position than when doing squats, which means that he is involved more muscle stabilizers. Lunges can be done both forward and backward. The best combination would be these exercise options.

Technique: put the legs shoulder-width apart, from a standing position take a wide step forward and lower until the knees of both legs form angles of 90 degrees, lock in this position for 1-2 seconds, then return to the starting position. The technique of doing lunges backward is similar, the only difference is that the step is not forward, but backward.

It is recommended to do 2-3 sets of lunges forward on each leg, and then another 2-3 sets of lunges back, also on each leg. In each approach, like squats, you need to do 12-15 repetitions, subsequently increasing their number to 15-20. The number of approaches to increase does not seem appropriate, since in the total it is 4-6 approaches for each leg. If desired, weights can be used to increase the load on the muscles.

3. Swing leg to the side

This exercise strengthens the inner and outer thighs, as well as the hip joint.

Technique: lie on your side, without leaning forward or backward, rest your hand on the floor, slowly raise your leg, trying to form an angle of 90 degrees, fix at the top point for 1-2 seconds and also slowly lower your leg to its original position. If possible, do not lower the working leg to the end so that it is under constant tension. Feet can be alternated, or you can first perform a given number of sets on one foot, and then repeat the same for the second.

It is recommended to perform 3-4 sets of 15-20 repetitions per leg.

4. Swing the legs back

This exercise is designed to work out the muscles of the back of the thigh and buttocks.

Technique: standing on all fours, swing back with the leg, trying to pull the heel up. The back should be kept straight, slightly bending in the lower back, the head should look forward. The legs, as in the previous exercise, can be alternated or the whole complex can be performed first on one leg, then on the second. The number of sets and reps is similar to the previous exercise (3-4 sets of 15-20 reps each).

5. "Stool"

The Stool is a static exercise and must be performed at the end of the workout when the muscles are already tired. Despite the fact that statics does not imply movements, the “chair” exercise works well on the front and back surfaces of the thigh, as well as the lower leg.

Technique of execution: lean your back against the wall, gradually lower yourself down, as if sitting on an invisible chair, when your legs bend at the knees to an angle of 90 degrees, lock in this position and stand for 30 seconds, then return to the starting position. Subsequently, the time spent in the "stool" position can be increased to 45 seconds, minutes, and even more. It all depends on the level of your training.

It is recommended to perform 4-5 approaches. With an increase in the time spent in the "high chair" position, the number of approaches can be reduced to 3-4.

These are the 5 best exercises for losing weight at home. It is recommended to choose 3-4 exercises for one workout. More exercise can lead to overtraining, which will slow down your progress. From training to training, the set of exercises needs to be changed, since the body has the ability to adapt to the proposed load, and it needs to be constantly surprised.

Do not forget about recovery. In the first weeks of classes, one workout per week is enough. Later, you can switch to a two-time training regimen with rest for at least 48 hours, that is, two days.

Only a combination of proper nutrition, a well-built training program and sufficient recovery time will help you achieve your goals.
