The positive qualities of Borjomi: the benefits and effects of mineral water. Indications for use Borjomi and harm from drinking fluid


Among the huge variety of mineral waters, Borjomi has been occupying an advantageous prominent position on store shelves for many years. Such a success of the drink is due to the rich and rich chemical composition, as well as the mass of beneficial properties of water. Borjomi is highly regarded by consumers for its constituent substances that are easily, quickly and completely absorbed by the human body.

Features of Borjomi mineral water, the benefits of constituent components

By origin, Borjomi water is volcanic. Before reaching the surface of the earth, it makes a path of 8-10 km from the deep layers with the help of carbon dioxide pushing it out. Borjomi differs from other mineral waters in that it remains warm at the time it comes to the surface. And in the process of the way he manages to enrich himself with all the minerals and useful microelements of the Caucasus mountains.

The composition of the water is very saturated with various chemical compounds and useful components, of which there are more than 80 species. The constituents are such macro- and microelements as potassium, silicon, sodium, sulfur, fluorine, calcium, aluminum, magnesium. Also there are sulfates, bicarbonates and other substances in the composition.

It is thanks to such a complex and rich composition of Borjomi that it has acquired a whole list of qualities that are useful to the body.

Included in the potassium helps to normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Ions act on biological processes, accelerating them, and improve metabolic processes in the body. Various chemical compounds productively cleanse the body of accumulated harmful substances, toxins and toxins, increase immunity, normalize the indicator of water-salt balance, eliminate problems with the digestive tract and treat diseases of the digestive system.

The healing qualities of Borjomi and the benefits of water for the body

Once in the body, Borjomi water gives an alkaline reaction and therefore in many cases has a healing effect on the body. It is recommended to drink a drink in such cases:

1. In case of malfunctions in the functioning of the digestive tract, liver and diseases of gastritis, duodenal ulcer or stomach.

2. With high blood sugar, diabetes, problems with being overweight. Mineral elements in the composition of water take part in the synthesis of insulin, favorably affect the work of the pancreas and eliminate the thirst that is constantly present in diabetics.

3. With existing problems with bile and urinary tract, diseases of the gallbladder and kidneys.

4. Water copes well with constipation, the problem in childhood is especially effectively solved.

5. Borjomi is often used in inhalation procedures for the treatment of colds.

It is useful to drink Borjomi mineral water for those people who regularly endure heavy physical activity or sports training. Due to a violation of the water-salt balance, the body quickly becomes tired. Water is able to restore the norm of lost salts and return to the body a charge of vigor and energy.

Frequent problems accompanying an improper diet or overeating, such as heartburn, heaviness in the stomach, poisoning, effectively eliminates Borjomi. Water can remove the negative effects of a hangover syndrome and remove toxins from the body.

Borjomi saturates the body cells with oxygen, activates energy metabolism, puts the functioning of internal organs in the right way and helps to fight with extra pounds.

Recommendations for the use of Borjomi: benefits from a mineral source

When using Borjomi as a therapeutic agent for colds and inflammations, it is necessary to withstand a dosage of 100 g three times a day before meals. Borjomi can reduce heat and improve overall well-being if you take water in a similar way, but preheating to 40 degrees.

In combination with milk, the drug is able to treat bronchitis and laryngitis. To create it, you must use only previously defended water. Liquids are mixed in equal amounts, milk must be warmed up. The final product should have a temperature of 37 °. Ingredients such as honey or butter will be useful. You should drink 1 glass per day, dividing it into 3 doses of 1/3. Thanks to this drug, sputum discharge improves, sore throat is relieved, cramps go away and coughing is facilitated.

With a strong cough, a highly effective treatment will be borjomi-based inhalation. To carry out this procedure, it is desirable to use inhalers with ultrasound. But in the absence of such aggregates, you can do with an ordinary pan and towel. Water should be heated in a saucepan to about 50 °, and then bent over the liquid in a standard way, cover your head with a towel and breathe in therapeutic vapors for 5-7 minutes. Strengthen the effect of water can add a decoction of chamomile, sage, St. John's wort or other herbs.

In case of stomach problems of a different nature. And they should be solved with the help of Borjomi in different ways. With reduced acidity of the stomach, you need to drink water in small sips, do this slowly 30 minutes before meals, 100-150 ml. In the opposite case, when the acidity of the organ is outside the upper mark, you need to drink warm water without gas, 200-250 ml 1.5 hours before meals.

You can also drink Borjomi in the process of eating. This method will help improve digestive processes, relieve the feeling of hunger. If the water is warm - it will help relieve spasms and pain, having a cold temperature, Borjomi will activate the work of the digestive tract. In order for the mineral water to find room temperature, it must be heated in a water bath, but not boiled.

Contraindications Borjomi and harm fluid

As a regularly used source of thirst quenching, you should not use Borjomi mineral water. Drinking excessive amounts of water can no longer be beneficial to the body, but harm. It is allowed to drink the drink for medicinal and recreational purposes for no more than 1 month in the doses prescribed by the doctor. Self-medication can cause:

• violation of alkaline balance in the body;

• failures in metabolic processes;

• increase puffiness;

• disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system and organs of the digestive tract;

• exacerbation of a disease of a stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer.

The use of mineral water in existing heart diseases is contraindicated. Women during pregnancy before drinking water, it is also advisable to get advice and approval from a doctor.

So that there is no harm from using Borjomi, you need to drink water in metered amounts. The benefit will be from water only if you do not exceed rehabilitation courses of 30 days and take breaks between them for at least 3-4 months. The dosage should be 1 glass 3 times a day before each main meal for half an hour. At the same time, water should be at room temperature, it can be stored in the same room conditions, but in a dark place. The maximum allowable dosage of Borjomi per day is 3 glasses, no more.


Watch the video: Full Documentary. Georgia & The Great Caucasus (June 2024).