Why does the girl who likes dream about what the dream books of Miller, Wangi, Freud and others say about it. Interpretation of dreams about a girl who likes


The appearance in a dream of a girl whom you have been sympathetic for a long time will probably cause the most pleasant associations and emotions in any guy or man.

But not everyone knows what such a dream portends.

Today we’ll try to figure out what the girl who likes is dreaming of, and what the dream can promise is such a dream.

What if she dreams of a girl who likes?

1. If a girl in a dream smiles at you and laughs - this is a sign that soon positive changes will come in your life. For example, a young man may have a girl, and after such a dream, the relationship between them will begin to develop very well.

2. If you see a girl in a dream who is sad, shows some discontent or cries at all - this means that your relationship with the other half can crack, you will quarrel and possibly even break up.

3. Sometimes dreams come in, where you see a girl you know who is frightened by something and tries to run away from someone. Such a dream is a warning to the dreamer that you should be very careful and watchful, because among your environment is full of hypocrites and deceivers.

4. If you are a young man and in a dream trying to keep up with a girl - this means that in reality in real life she also feels the same feelings for you as you do, but she is afraid to admit them, carefully trying to hide them. This dream is a sign that you no longer have to hesitate and doubt, the time has come for decisive action, because then it can be too late.

5. If the girl at the same time managed to escape from you in a dream and you, despite all attempts, could not catch her - this is a sign that your current relationship has reached an impasse, and it is time to think about new, fresh feelings.

6. If you see a girl lying on a bed in a dream - this is a bad sign that promises you serious health problems in the near future, therefore, after such a dream, it is recommended to visit your attending doctor.

7. If you dreamed of a girl that you like in a wedding dress, this does not mean that the wedding is coming soon and in reality. On the contrary, this is a very bad dream, which says that you and this girl are never destined to be together.

8. If you saw in a dream a girl dressed in a blood-red dress - this is a sign of the birth of a child. Moreover, it is not at all difficult to determine his gender; it will depend on the color of the girl’s hair: if they are light, a boy will be born, dark ones a girl. If the girl in the dream has red hair, this means that we should expect twins or even triplets.

What portends?

Dreams where you see a girl you know, to which you have certain feelings, can have different interpretations, depending on the plot of the dream, the behavior and appearance of the young lady, the environment, the emotional component, and much more. We will analyze these dreams in more detail. So:

1) if a girl in a dream looks sick, sad, or unhappy with something - this is a sign that you are arguing with her in real life;

2) if a girl in a dream shows too much, unnatural attention to you, kisses and hugs you, she takes the initiative herself - this means that this young lady is not completely sincere with you, and it is unlikely that you should count on her location;

3) if the girl, on the contrary, shows excessive negativity in your direction - this is a sign that in real life she probably also has certain feelings for you;

4) if the girl also hits you or tries to hit you - this means that you can have a serious relationship with her in real life;

5) if you dream about how you kiss a girl that you like - this is a sign of pleasant unexpected events or even an upcoming wedding. Moreover, if you are a man in adulthood, and kissing a young lady - this is a good sign that promises to receive large profits, and most likely from a source from which you did not even expect this;

6) if you kiss a girl in full view of many people (for example, indoors or outdoors) - this is a sign that in real life you are surrounded by a lot of gossip and gossip;

7) if you kiss the girl you like in complete darkness - this is a sign that in reality you have a subconscious level of fear of losing your loved one;

8) if a girl confesses her love to you in a dream, this is a sign that in reality, changes in your personal life await you. Changes will depend on the emotions you experience in a dream: if they are pleasant - negative, and, conversely, the rule of so-called change-over dreams applies here;

9) if you meet a girl in a dream, then such a dream will directly depend on her appearance. If she is attractive enough - it promises luck in reality, if not too beautiful - expect problems;

10) if you hug a girl in a dream - this is a favorable sign that promises career growth and good career prospects;

11) a dream in which you see yourself strolling with a girl you like is a pretty good sign, but its exact interpretation will depend on the situation that surrounds you. So, if the street is warm and sunny - this is a sign that you will be able to realize all your ideas in real life. If you take a walk in the warm rain - to a profitable business. Walking at sunset is a symbol of parting, at dawn - to positive changes in life. If you see yourself strolling with a girl under the sky, strewn with stars in a dream - this is a sign that very soon you will face a very difficult choice in life;

12) if you see yourself carrying a girl in your arms - here you need to look at some of the circumstances of sleep. If you are a man and carry the girl you like in your arms - this is a sign that your relationship with her will soon improve. If such a dream was dreamed by a woman who carries a girl or some other person in her arms, this is a very bad sign promising physical or mental illness;

13) if in a dream you have to protect a girl from some troubles (hooligans, wild animals, etc.) - this is a sign that in reality someone is fraught with great malice, and at any suitable moment this person is ready to put her on you;

14) if you see a dream where you have to save a girl from the water or in a fire - this is a sign that your work did not go unnoticed, and very soon you will receive a well-deserved reward for them, it can be either a bonus at work or Thanks from a friend you once provided a favor to.

What is the dream of a girl who likes Miller’s dream book

Psychologist Gustav Muller believes that a girl who likes to dream about a rising moon, signals the imminent birth of a son. Also, such a dream can signal an unpleasant clarification of relations with a man, it can be either a husband or a lover.

What is the dream of a girl who likes Wangi's dream book

If a man saw a girl in a dream, which he sympathizes with - this is a sign that very soon you will overcome all difficulties. You see your goal and clearly know what you need to do.

What is the dream of a girl who likes Sigmund Freud’s dream book

Sigmund Freud interprets such a dream in different ways: for men it is a symbol of his hidden sexual fantasies, where this young lady is his ideal, for a woman is a rival, a rival for a sexual partner.

Interpretation of sleep according to Tsvetkov

Evgeny Tsvetkov interprets such a dream unambiguously - this is a favorable sign that promises joy and material wealth to the dreamer.

What is the dream of a girl who likes the Hasse dream book

Miss Hasse believes that such a dream promises a person luck, as well as positive changes in his personal sphere. However, if at the same time you experience negative emotions in a dream, or the girl looks sick - this is a betrayal and problems.

Family dream book

  • To dream of a girl who likes is a sign of future large expenses;

  • if a girl in a dream looks healthy and smiles - expect to meet a pleasant person in reality;

  • if you kiss a girl - this is a sign that in real life you will very soon go on an exciting, unforgettable journey;

  • if mom approved the girl in a dream, it means that she should expect news from her children.


Watch the video: Why Do You Keep Dreaming About This Girl (June 2024).