Buckthorn - medicinal properties and use in medicine


Buckthorn - general description

Buckthorn fragile alder or buckthorn is a shrub 3-5 meters high, which has a few, straight, highly branched shoots. Blossoms in whitish-yellow five-petalled flowers in May-June. Buckthorn bark is brown-red and completely covered with small white spots (they are also called lentils). The leaves of the plant are solid and bright green in color.

Buckthorn - types and places of growth

The prevalence of buckthorn was in the temperate zone of Europe, North America, Asia. Buckthorn grows, usually in humid areas. Therefore, it is found in the undergrowth of deciduous and mixed forests, on glades and edges, among shrubs scattered on the outskirts of swamps and the banks of water bodies.

Buckthorn - healing properties

The laxative effect of taking alder buckthorn is manifested after about 8-10 hours, as the drug was taken. Therefore, a decoction of buckthorn bark is used for general intestinal lethargy, as well as chronic constipation. Dry and aqueous extracts of buckthorn bark are produced by the pharmaceutical industry.

Buckthorn - dosage forms

Most often, with the therapeutic purpose, the bark of young trunks and branches not older than three years is used. It was in the bark that such carbohydrates as pectin, starch, sugars, organic acids (in particular malic), alkaloids, saponins, essential oil, vitamin C, tannins, coumarins, multinuclear aromatic compounds were found.
Buckthorn bark is harvested when the plant blooms.

The bark is stripped and stripped to dry. You can use buckthorn bark at least a year after collection. And only after heating for an hour in the oven at a temperature of 100 degrees. Medical infusions are prepared from the bark, and it is also used in the pharmaceutical industry for the preparation of medications.

Buckthorn - recipes

Tea is prepared from buckthorn bark: 1/4 liter of cold water is poured into a teaspoon of crushed bark. This tea is kept for 12 hours, stirring occasionally. They drink it strained and a little warm before going to bed. When there is no time to wait, buckthorn bark, drenched in hot water, can be infused for about 10 minutes. Such tea has a laxative effect, without causing a watery stool.

Tea is made from a herbal mixture against a hard stool. It will take 20 grams of buckthorn bark, 10 grams of caraway seeds, 10 grams of pharmacy chamomile inflorescences and 5 grams of common centaury grass. A couple of teaspoons of the mixture must be poured 1/4 liter of water at room temperature and stand for 12 hours. Drink one cup of such warm and strained tea in the evenings.

Tincture of buckthorn bark is prepared from crushed raw materials, which should be poured with 30% alcohol in a ratio of 1 to 5. Tincture week - ten days insist at room temperature. It can be used in the form of lotions, as well as for wiping the affected areas of the skin.

Buckthorn - contraindications

Buckthorn alder - this is a medicinal plant, which must be used with extreme caution. In particular, do not use fresh bark, as well as bark purchased elsewhere without packaging.

Symptomatic treatment of buckthorn constipation should not exceed 10 days. Otherwise, addiction occurs, and the proper effect cannot be obtained. In addition, you need to remember: the combination of buckthorn with brittle and other medicinal laxatives can provoke intestinal irritation, aggravate constipation, and weaken peristalsis.

It is also important to adhere to individual therapeutic doses for each patient. If they are exceeded, convulsions and dizziness may occur. It is also strictly forbidden to use buckthorn for children under 15 years old, pregnant, lactating women.


Katya 10/11/2016
Confused this berry with bird cherry. I understood the difference on the first berry. After about 12 hours, several times vomited, then a laxative effect appeared. So be careful with this berry.

Lika 04/26/2016
So if the medicine is prepared only from the bark of the bush, then how much it needs! In general, constipation is a very serious thing! You can even die. I just didn’t understand, you can’t eat buckthorn for children, for pregnant women - for the berry itself? Or just a medicine based on it?

Ira 04/26/2016
Yes, I am also surprised that such a shrub has so few medical indications. Strange straight. Usually, each weed treat a whole list of diseases. And I also tried this berry. But, in our country it grew very small, and it is not convenient to eat it.

Vasilina 04/26/2016
If I understood correctly, this plant is used only for constipation. Something little has been revealed in buckthorn's medicinal properties ... Maybe it has not yet been fully studied in this direction. Although, such diseases must be treated. It is precisely buckthorn that helps someone.

Regina 04/26/2016
I also did not know at first what kind of berries they were and whether they could be eaten. At my own peril and risk I tried a couple. Nothing, she was still alive)) And I really liked the berries, they taste like black currants, and some other flavor ... gooseberry, or something ...


Watch the video: 11 Amazing Health Benefits of Sea Buckthorn! (July 2024).