Cake turtle - the best recipes. How to cook a tortoise cake correctly and tasty.


Cake tortoise - general principles and methods of preparation

Children's holiday should be bright and memorable in the life of a child. To do this, you can order a sweet gift for your baby in the form of a typewriter, cartoon characters or a fairy princess. And you can bake such a cake yourself. There are many recipes for decorating homemade pastries in order to give it a fabulous look, to interest the child and his guests. Turtle Cake is a popular pastry masterpiece that any mom can bake. If you understand the system of its creation, you can even invent your own recipe, taking into account your baby’s favorite products.

Cake Turtle - Preparation of Products

The fact is that this cake is remarkable in that its base does not have to be baked by ourselves. Of course, you can bake a biscuit and decorate it as it should, but you can also use other products - for example, cookies, exotic fruits. The smallest to taste will be a curd tortoise with cookies, soaked in a milk mixture. And if the party is being prepared for adults - soak the base with cognac or liquor, and pour the finished cake over with melted chocolate - a kind of imposing sunburned tortoise.

Another advantage of the cake is simply a limitless area for the manifestation of ingenuity during registration. For example, turtles legs and its head - round cookies, unglazed gingerbread, banana, kiwi, marshmallows, meringues. If you bake the cake yourself, take care of these details. The carapace also should not be as dense as a living turtle - otherwise how can it be eaten? Often there are cream options, when the carapace is painted only with cream in the corresponding cells, and on top it is decorated with fruits and berries, a certain form of cream, in general, details of the tortoise "design".

Cake tortoise - best recipes

Recipe 1: Biscuit Turtle Cake

This "Turtle" will cause your kids a hurricane of positive emotions with their appearance and taste, but your mother does not require a lot of time to prepare. It is based on a quick biscuit and sour cream.

dough: flour (1, 5 cups), sugar (1, 5 cups), cocoa (1-2 teaspoons, a baking powder for the test 1 teaspoon.
cream: butter (200 gr), sugar (1 cup), sour cream (2 glasses),
decoration: walnuts, chocolate (50-70 g), multi-colored toppings from sweets, dragees.

Cooking method

In order to quickly prepare a biscuit, beat the ingredients with a mixer, spread the baking sheet with parchment paper and bake the cakes in small portions with a spoon. The whole dough is designed about three times. The temperature of the oven should be about 180-200 degrees, each run about 7-10 minutes. 6 pieces we set aside for the head, legs and turtle tail and carapace.

Preparing the cream: soften the butter and beat the lush mass with a mixer, gradually add sugar and beat well again. Without stopping, add sour cream. You should get a light fluffy mass. We form a cake: dip each cake into a dough and put it on a large dish with a slide. Delayed cakes form the head and paws with a tail. At the end we lay out the shell, Melt the chocolate in a water bath, on the shell we apply a chocolate pattern from a pastry bag in the form of a spiral on each flat cake. We will make eyes out of dragees. We decorate the shell with nuts, multi-colored sprinkles, in general, with everything that is. The cake should be a little infused, and here you have the true Turtle!

Recipe 2: Cake Turtle Cookies

This is just the case when we will not bake anything, but use ready-made cookies. Saving time and effort is evident, but the result is unexpected. Cream can also be anything - custard, protein, cottage cheese.

Ingredients: cookies (500 grams). What kind - decide for yourself. Any one is suitable - shortbread, oatmeal, baby, ready-made rolls, sliced ​​1-1.5 cm thick.

Impregnation: for children we take sweetened milk or fruit juice, for adults - diluted cognac or coffee. Your cake will get a certain taste and become softer.

Cream: condensed milk 1 can, butter (150 grams).

Cooking method

We spread the cookies with a slide, smearing each layer with cream, until all the cookies are filled. In order to soak it, we remove it for 2 hours in a cool place. Turn the bowl of cookies onto the dish and remove the film. Now is the time to turn on the imagination. Alternatively, sprinkle banana slices with lemon juice so that they do not darken, and lay out the legs, muzzle and tail. Lubricate the top of the cake with cream and cream, sprinkle with chocolate. On the head we put a panama from a tangerine skin, we will attach an umbrella in a paw, around we will plant grass from a coconut flakes of green color. A child and guests will remember such a cake better than the most beautiful purchase, and there will be no limit to your delight.

Recipe 3. Green Fruit Turtle

If you are tired of baking, it's time to make a fruit cake with white chocolate. We will decorate the shell with green circles of kiwi, I assure you, you will not see such a funny green cake anywhere, unless you cook it yourself. Stock up on food and time - nothing complicated, you just have to put parts of the cake in the refrigerator for solidification.

Ingredients: kiwi (kilogram), strawberries (half a kilo), apricots (half a kilo), gelatin (2 packs), yogurt, white chocolate (one bar), icing sugar (100 grams), kiwi jelly.

Cooking method

We make jelly according to the recipe for packaging. Mix the dissolved and chilled gelatin into the yogurt. We cut the strawberries and put them in the jelly pouring mold. Fill with gelatin aroma and fill with powder, put in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Cut apricots and spread on top of strawberries. Pour yogurt, sprinkle with powder and for 1 hour in the refrigerator. We spread the shell on kiwi rings. Melt the chocolate and paint the details on the kiwi. Children's spontaneity of this colorful cake will surprise not only children, but also adults.

Cake tortoise - useful tips from experienced chefs

- To decorate the cake in different colors, you can add food colors to the cream. A red, yellow or green bug looks a lot more fun.

- Many types of cream are suitable for impregnation and filling, the main thing is that it and the filling go well together. For example, butter cream and curd filling. Soluble gelatin. Cream whipped in a thick foam, mix with sugar and gelatin, add the zest of lemon and lemon juice. Mix the cottage cheese for the filling with lemon zest and gelatin. Gently mix whipped cream.


Svetlana 12.19.2016
In the first version, the number of eggs is not indicated. Or according to the prescription, the liquid part is different ?!

reader 11/22/2016
The biscuit cake dough recipe lacks ingredients. cannot dough consist only of bulk products

Anna 05/15/2016
forgot to write eggs in the first recipe
