Sporysh - medicinal properties and use in medicine


Sporysh - general description

Knotweed or the mountaineer bird, as it is officially called, is an annual plant. However, he did not count popular names - bird buckwheat, grass-murava, goose grass and, of course, knotweed. The latter is fixed due to the property of grass to quickly repair damaged shoots.

Knotweed in height reaches 10-80 centimeters. Its leaves are small, grayish-green. Flowering with small, pale green flowers is observed from April to almost the end of autumn. However, knotweed most blooms in July and August.

Knotweed actively grows on fertilized soil, thereby forming a continuous carpet. This contributes to the suppression of other weeds. Dyes are also obtained from knotweed. They also add it when preparing dishes - young leaves perfectly complement salads, soups, in Dagestan they are used for filling in pies. And knotweed is known for its medicinal properties.

Maggot - types and places of growth

Maggot is so unpretentious that it grows on any soil, on all continents, with the exception of the Arctic and Antarctica. It grows mainly on trampled fields, riverbanks, on paths, on roads, in yards, on permanent dry pastures and so on.

Sporysh - healing properties

Maggot has astringent, diuretic, antimicrobial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties, increases blood coagulation, causes uterine contractions, accelerates wound healing, and enhances immunity.

Therefore, the internal use of knotweed is indicated in chronic diseases of the urinary tract, problems with the stomach and intestines, with urolithiasis and liver diseases, to alleviate the condition with tuberculosis, uterine or hemorrhoidal bleeding.

Outside, knotweed is used to treat skin diseases, as well as wound healing.

Maggot - dosage forms

As medicinal raw materials, only the aerial part of knotweed is used. They collect it almost all summer during the flowering period - it is important to cut it to a length of 40 centimeters. Harvesting should be done in dry weather and in a clean place away from roads. From dried grass make infusions, and also use it in the preparation of other fees.

Knotweed - recipes

To prepare knotweed infusion, you will need a glass of dried grass, which should be poured with a liter of boiling water. It is necessary to insist 2 hours, wrapping a container to retain heat. After - strain, and store in a cool place for no more than 2 days. Such an infusion is taken in a quarter cup before meals 2 or 3 times a day. The knotweed infusion is recommended for the diagnosis of liver and kidney diseases. If there are stones, knotweed literally "drives" the sand.

If there are wounds on the body, then lotions can be made from knotweed, but always fresh. It is steamed and applied to the wound site - this helps to calm the pain, faster healing of the wound. When diagnosing pneumonia, severe pleurisy and bronchitis, it is necessary to brew tea made from knotweed, elderberry flowers, coltsfoot leaves. All ingredients need 5 grams. Brew like regular tea.

If diarrhea appears, then a hot decoction of knotweed and horsetail will help. To brew a decoction, you need two parts of knotweed and one - horsetail. It is advisable to cook herbs in strong red wine. 3 minutes should be kept on fire. Then take hot in a third of a glass (maximum - in half) every 4 hours.

Maggot - contraindications

The knotweed grass contains a large amount of silicic acid, therefore, in the presence of diseases of the bladder, as well as kidneys in acute form, this plant is not recommended.


Lyusya 05/06/2016
And I was interested in the fact that knotweed is added to food. In general, I am an extreme girl on this part))) I am ready to try everything that you can eat. No, but what? If in Dagestan they make a cake with knotweed, then probably it is tasty. And I will try))

Olya 05/06/2016
A very common grass, it really grows everywhere. Even I, so inattentive, will recognize this knotweed. Although, of course, I didn’t know the name. Indeed, many cures for this herb may come in handy.

Natasha 05/06/2016
And I definitely need a recipe for wounds and abrasions. After all, you never know what can happen, and here is such an accessible grass, brew, and apply. And the pain will pass, and the germs will die, and healing will accelerate. And the child can attach such a lotion.

Eve 05/06/2016
I used this herb when I had kidney problems. And even a stone formed in them. Maggot, indeed, simply crushes the stones and displays them with sand. I did not know about other properties of this plant, but maybe they will be useful to me.

Zarina 05/06/2016
It is very interesting that knotweed is added to food, both in salads and in pies. Of course, I wonder what taste this plant has. So far, from the grass I have eaten only nettles. Often I cook cabbage from it, especially from young nettles. Both tasty and healthy.


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