Goose onions - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Goose bow - a general description

Goose onions (or gagea, gejia) - a perennial bulbous plant ten to thirty centimeters high, belongs to the lily family. It is characterized by small tulip-like yellow flowers collected in an umbrella inflorescence (from 1 to 5-7 in the inflorescence), small bulbs and basal broad-linear leaves with a pointed apex. The length of the leaves, as a rule, exceeds the length of the flowers.

The flowering period of goose onions falls in April and May. The fruit is a box. The plant is intensively propagated by pollination and with the help of daughter bulbs formed in the axils of the leaves and on the bottom of the mother’s bulb.

Goose onions - types and places of growth

Goose onions are widespread in North Africa and the temperate regions of the continent of Eurasia. About 100 species live within the above lands, four of them can be found in Russia:

- goose small;
- goose yellow;
- goose onion onion-bearing;
- red goose onions.

The listed species grow mainly in the European part of our country, as well as in Western Siberia. They prefer fresh humus soils, deciduous forests, alluvial meadows, pastures, forest edges, extended vegetation, groves, banks of streams and some rivers.

Goose onions - healing properties

Goose onions are a great addition to spring salad. It is he who will help to cope with vitamin deficiency. Fresh fragrant leaves are an invaluable treasure that has concentrated a huge amount of necessary vitamins and minerals, so necessary for a tired and weakened body.

However, goose onions are valuable not only for their nutritional qualities, but also for healing properties. From ancient times, grass and bulbs are used to treat bronchial asthma, hepatitis, dropsy, edema and epilepsy, and ground bulbs (externally) - as antiseptic, traction and wound healing agents. After all, all parts of goose onions are rich in essential garlic oils, which include sulfur.

Goose onions - dosage forms

For medicinal purposes, the root part of the plant, that is, the bulb, is most often used. It is she who mainly concentrates a number of useful substances: fiber, sugar, phosphorus, calcium, saponins, organic acids and a huge complex of vitamins, minerals. Leaves are most often used for cooking various soups, salads and other spicy dishes.

Bulbs are harvested in early spring, before flowering, or in late autumn. For food purposes, the collection is made in late spring and early summer. For internal use, a universal onion decoction is used, insect bites are treated with juice, chopped or grated onions are tied to foci of inflammation and poorly healing ulcers.

Goose onion - broth recipe

In order to prepare a universal broth, you need to take a tablespoon of fresh chopped onions, pour them 100 g. boiling water and cook, stirring, over very low heat for three to five minutes. Then allow to cool to room temperature and strain the contents. It is recommended to use a healing infusion on one table. spoon 3-6 p. in a day. The broth should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees or in the refrigerator for no more than 24-36 hours.

Broth to prevent epileptic seizures: to prepare it, you need to boil 130 g. medium-fat milk, add a few onions and cook for 5 minutes. Then strain, cool and take 2-3 teaspoons three times a day. The medication is taken in courses (two weeks of administration alternate with a 1-2-month break, depending on the severity of the disease).

Goose bow - contraindications

There are no contraindications to the use of goose onion preparations, side effects are not observed. In some cases, it is possible to develop an allergic reaction to certain components due to individual intolerance.


Ninok 04/20/2016
Blooming goose onions are lovely. How the soul rejoices when everything is green around with bright colors, even small ones.

Assoll 04/20/2016
I would love to add it to my spring salad, but where to get it? Have to use a classic bow.

Inna 04/20/2016
Any bow, like goose or other, is certainly very useful. No wonder the people say: onions from seven ailments. We must go out of town - to carry out the preparation !!!

Alice 04/20/2016
Many times I saw this plant, but did not know that it was a goose onion. So we met :))

Lena 04/20/2016
It's great that there are no contraindications for the use of goose onions. But I think that individual intolerance cannot be ruled out.


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