Stop the tantrum! Why does the child hysteria at home or in public, what to do about it?


Tears, moods, disobedience - these are all signs that the baby needs your help. But parents are people too, they themselves need support. Whom to regret, and whom to bring up in such a situation?

How many do not repeat to yourself that there are no bad children, and the child simply feels discomfort, at a critical moment this does not help. And then blame yourself for breaking loose. How to be?

It's normal that you want every trip to the store or to the park not to turn into a show. Attack a sandbox neighbor, fall to the floor screaming, run towards the road so that mom barely has time to catch up? Such manifestations, if they are repeated daily, are capable of infuriating any parent.

Reasons for children's tantrums

The mantra that the baby is sick now is truly true. Do not think that he is acting up to you in spite or he likes when they shout at him. He would be happy to behave well, but it doesn’t work. Your reaction only harms, exacerbating the situation. It turns out that adults are again to blame for everything.

Remember that the more confident and calmer you are at this moment, the faster the children's tantrum will end. Therefore, Mom’s task is to learn how to relax, find time to relax, spend time without thinking about the family every minute.

How to react to the tantrum of the baby?

It is important to be able to feel what will be more effective at the moment. Perhaps the crumb needs to be distracted, given him a little attention, or simply ignored his screams. Try to act on the situation. Both the child and mother have the right to express negative emotions, only this must be done correctly. Do not beat, do not scream, do not lift from the floor by force, do not shake your shoulders, but simply make it clear that hysteria is not a way to achieve what you want.

The easiest way to calm a child is to let him express his displeasure with words. This is already half the success of managing emotions. You can also give your baby water, teach him to breathe correctly in critical situations, count to ten, etc. All this will not hurt mom either. If the tantrum happens at home, you can just leave the room for a while. In any case, remember that this will not always be the case: sooner or later, all children grow up.

What educational methods can lead to hysterical manifestations?

Mother hen. It seems to you that you have created an ideal life for your son or daughter. Every step under control, enhanced custody, only the best conditions for development. However, in reality, everything is not so.

You stop the child from mastering the zones of proximal development, not allowing him to do what he is already internally prepared for. Do not forget about age-related crises (per year, at three, six to seven years, in adolescence). Show less care, let the baby develop as he wants, do not make him a helpless baby. Believe me, there will be much less tantrums.

Mom friend. You have fun with the child, and he with you, too. You have a ton of ways to distract and captivate. You allow indulging and bullying, running around the house and screaming loudly. But at some point there is a need to say "stop!" The kid does not listen, there is a tantrum.

The complete absence of prohibitions and clear rules of conduct harms children. No matter how strong you are friends, you still remain parents, that is, you are responsible for the child, especially for his safety. On the other hand, it is not necessary to introduce all the restrictions in one day. Do it gradually, and the baby will quickly learn to control his emotions.

Boss mom. You like obedient children, and your baby was like that. And suddenly - a protest. Yes, such that it is impossible to neither shout nor reassure.

Children should not be robots that adhere to parental guidelines. The child needs to master the world and the space around him, to understand what he likes and what he wants. How much can you hide feelings and suppress emotions? Well, that finally stopped!

Reduce the number of rules, give more freedom. Play with your baby, do not forget to repeat how you love him. Otherwise, you risk raising a sad pessimist and a lack of initiative quiet.


Watch the video: Helping Kids Deal With Anger And Frustration HD (July 2024).