June 29: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on June 29th.


Holidays June 29

Wine battle is taking place in Spain

Thousands of tourists come to Spain every year on June 29th. And all in order to participate or take a look at the wine bacchanalia, which takes place in the province of Rioja. Here, between the inhabitants of the two small towns of Aro and Miranda de Ebro, separated by mountains, a wine battle takes place. Because of these mountains, a real battle took place a long time ago. Over time, she began to be entertaining. The festival begins with the mayors of two small towns on horseback climbing a mountain and securing a flag on its top. At that moment, thousands of participants of the event with cans, water pistols, buckets and other containers filled with red wine, water each other until they get wet. The battle usually lasts about two hours. Then, satisfied and drunken participants, in clothes wet from wine, run to the main square of the city, where the fun continues - traditional Spanish songs and dances are performed, picnics are arranged. The festival ends with a bullfight.

June 29 on the folk calendar

Tikhon Quiet. Tikhon Toloka. Tikhon the Comforter.

The church on that day honored the memory of three reverend Tikhons at once - Lukhovsky, Amafuntsky and Medynsky. Our ancestors believed that on this day the Earth has the quietest move, i.e. spins slower. But they did not even know how they were right. According to astronomers, by the end of June, our planet slows down the speed of rotation around the Sun by 3600 km / h, when compared with January. If you look at the Sun, then on that day it seems to be floating smoothly across the sky. Therefore, the day was called "quiet." Beginning in Tikhon, songbirds quieted down, animals hid in holes. The summer “young” was ending, with comfortable summer days. The sweltering heat began, i.e. summer came "mature."

On this day, sowing of spring crops was completed, and they also began to crop the fields, fertilizing the land. Workers who exported manure to the fields were always held in high esteem. This work is necessary, but already very difficult and dirty. Therefore, such workers have always had a real feast to show respect. The peasants gathered in a crowd and walked in succession in all the yards, collecting manure from the stable, then spreading it to the fields. And after work it was possible to have a meal at a common table, and sing songs, and dance round dances.

Tikhon the Comforter was asked for help in order to calm the pain, most often the toothache. After all, the third Tikhon, Rev. Tikhon of Medynsky, during his lifetime could easily heal the suffering, coping with any ailment. He lived in an impassable forest, in the hollow of a hundred-year-old oak. He ate roots and herbs. At Tikhon, it was already possible to begin to collect herbs and medicinal roots. The collection continued until the day of Ivan Kupala.

Historical events of June 29

June 29, 1855 - date of birth of the newspaper "The Daily Telegraph"

The newspaper was founded by British Colonel Arthur Slay to be able to criticize the Duke of Cambridge. Having plenty of fun, a few months later he sold it to the publisher Joseph Levy, who planned to make the newspaper cheap and affordable fiction for the masses. He achieved his goal, and literally a year later the newspaper became the UK sales leader. To this day, the Daily Telegraph remains in England one of the most popular large-circulation publications.

June 29, 1916 the first flight of a plane built by future aircraft mogul William Boeing took place

Boeing collected his offspring in an ordinary boat shed, which was located on the banks of the Union. The aircraft was a design on two floats, which could take off from the water surface. Testing of the machine was scheduled for June 29, for which a professional pilot was hired. But by the appointed time he did not appear, and William Boeing himself sat at the helm of the seaplane. A late pilot managed to catch only the tail of the plane moving away from him. The biplane successfully passed the test, and literally two weeks later William registered his company for the production of aircraft. Today, Boeing is the world's largest manufacturer of military and civilian aircraft, exporting its products to 150 countries.

June 29, 1995 the building of a shopping center collapsed in Seoul, under the debris of which more than five hundred people were buried alive

The five-story building fell to pieces in just twenty seconds. Several thousand tons of concrete debris fell to the ground, dragging people along. There were about 1,500 people in the supermarket — visitors and staff. As a result of the tragedy, 501 people died, another 900 were injured to varying degrees. The owner of the supermarket, the architect, builders, government officials were brought to justice, each of them received a prison term of 3 to 10 years. Having taken bribes, officials gave the green light to redevelop the building and build a pool on its roof. These technological disruptions led to the tragedy.

Born on June 29

Antoine Saint Exupery (1900 - 1944), French writer, pilot

De Saint-Exupery was born in an aristocratic family, descended from a noble noble family. Antoine received a good education and was going to become an architect. But at the age of 21 he was called up for military service, where he studied flight affairs. Since then, heaven has become his main calling. But he did not forget about his second hobby - writing. It did not bring much money, but it gave spiritual satisfaction. He worked as a correspondent, and wrote for the soul. From his pen came such works as "Southern Postal", "Night Flight", "Citadel", "Planet of People" and the famous "Little Prince". During the war, Antoine was a military pilot, performed combat missions. On July 31, 1944, he left for his next assignment, from which he never returned. His disappearance has long been shrouded in mystery. Only in 1998 was it opened. Not far from Marseilles, at the bottom of the deep sea, the remains of an airplane were discovered. From the personal belongings of the pilot who died in him, it became clear that the remains belong to Antoine Saint-Exupery. In general, he can be called lucky; during his flying career, he fell into a different scale of disaster 15 times, but remained alive.

Olga Mashnaya (born 1964), Russian actress

Olga Mashnaya was born in a family of indigenous Leningrad residents. In adolescence, the actress had a difficult relationship with her parents, so she often left home. In one of these shoots, on the street she met the director Emilia Belskaya (later Olga went to live with her and called her second mother). Thanks to Emilia Belskaya, the future actress became acquainted with the world of cinema. Olga Mashnoy’s film debut took place at the age of 13, when she got a small role in the film “First Joys”. And in the next film - “Useless”, she already played the main role. But Olga gained the widest popularity after the film “Midshipmen, Forward!”, Where she appeared in the image of Sofia Zotova. The actress starred in more than thirty films, she was lucky to work with such directors as George Danelia, Svetlana Druzhinina, Dinara Asanova. Viewers could see Olga in the films "Vassa", "Kin-dza-dza", "St. John's wort", "Did not agree on the characters", "Lonely player", Once there will be love ", the performance of Vitaly Solomin" The Mousetrap ".

Birthday June 29

Name Day Celebrate: Michael, Tikhon, Dorofei, Nicephorus, Eulampius, Alexina.


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (July 2024).