The luxury of eyelash extensions: the benefits and harms of the procedure. Is it worth the risk for the sake of beauty?


Nail extensions, hair, eyelashes - now you will not surprise anyone else. An anniversary, a solemn meeting, a wedding, a business trip, a long-awaited trip abroad - there are many reasons and reasons to look great without too much time.

Waking up in the morning with already beautiful expressive eyes framed by thick lush eyelashes - for this, many are ready to make some sacrifices. So what is the benefit and harm of artificial beauty? Is it worth it to damage your health for eyelash extensions?

Eyelash extensions: to decide or not?

To grow nails or hair is a completely harmless procedure. But they are also associated with some discomfort consisting in the careful care of the artificial “virtues”. Manipulations with eyes require special care and professionalism of the master to whom you entrusted your transformation. Without a doubt, since you have decided to radically change your appearance, you need to use the services of a proven salon that is licensed to conduct such procedures.

Cosmetology does not stand still: innovative methods of eyelash extensions, the use of new high-quality materials have made the procedure safe and very popular. But it is not always possible to foresee the reaction of an organism to chemicals, to predict a 100% positive outcome. Therefore, before deciding to “degenerate” the appearance, it is necessary to carefully weigh the pros and cons, and take into account the benefits and harms of eyelash extensions.

Positive aspects of the procedure

Since you are considering making your own short and inconspicuous cilia lush and luxurious, it means that indeed, there is a certain need for this. Too many girls can not resist the temptation to make the look expressive and unforgettable, because thick long eyelashes can radically change the appearance for the better. What are the benefits of eyelash extensions?

1. It is very beautiful. Even a little mascara on the eyelashes completely changes the girl’s appearance, and if the eye is framed by a weave of magnificent lush eyelashes, immaculately curved upwards, black and thick, this will completely transform any nondescript appearance. True, to make your eyes look like a model from the cover of a glossy magazine, use the services of professionals with a proven track record. Using artificial eyelashes, you can adjust the size or section of the eyes, because the hairs are attached to the eyelid, and a small change in the growth line of your own eyelashes will be imperceptible.

2. Maximum convenience. No more rushing, applying layer by layer of mascara in the morning. And in the evenings you do not need to suffer, flicking eyes and trying to wash off the waterproof brasmatik. Always, at any time - early in the morning, late in the evening and even at night in bed the look is unusually expressive. Saving time for many is one of the decisive factors in favor of eyelash extensions. By the way, a good brasmatik is not cheap, so the salon procedure almost completely pays for itself.

3. The safety of the procedure and the absence of contraindications. Many people do not dare to grow eyelashes because of the fear of harming their health. Of course, there is always a risk share: what if it turns out that your body is not taking any of the glue components? But if the master uses expensive high-quality materials, without saving on the health of customers, you can be sure that the procedure will succeed. A few years ago, when the fashion for chic eyelashes just appeared, they did not recommend the procedure to customers who use contact lenses. But now the quality of materials has improved significantly, observing the necessary caution, you can continue to use CL without fear.

4. A sufficiently long period of preservation of the effect. Of course, this factor directly depends on the skill and ability of the master. The average duration of "operation" is from 2 to 3 weeks, but very many girls use eyelash extensions for a month. Of course, this requires observing the rules of care and use, introducing some restrictions (more on that below), as well as being confident in the quality of the material, glue, and qualifications of the master.

Artificial eyelashes are not afraid of water: you can forget about the leaked mascara and not spoil the summer vacation at the resort by the sea, swimming in the pools of fashionable hotels, or just spending time on the beach!

And now a little about the cons ...

Yes, unfortunately, they also exist - well, how can it be without a fly in the ointment ?!

1. Do not rub your eyes! Rather, this is not a minus, but a precaution for granted, but you need to remember it all the time - one careless movement, and the eyelashes will be in your hands. When wearing contact lenses with extreme caution, you should lift your eyelids, being careful not to touch the eyelashes. Well, and, of course, to sleep, having buried his face in the pillow, is strictly contraindicated.

2. Gently wash and cleanse your face. Soap, greasy creams, milk must be excluded - they quickly dissolve into glue and eyelashes simply disappear. But this is not the biggest grief - you can use lotions and creams with a non-greasy, moisturizing texture.

3. Correction. Fallen off eyelashes have to be periodically adjusted by gluing the missing hairs, and this entails additional costs and time. But in this way, you can extend the use of artificial eyelashes.

4. Real harm from eyelash extensions. An allergic reaction to glue components is already a serious danger to the eyelids and eyes. Address to the professional who values ​​reputation, does not save on health of clients. Expensive quality materials are most often hypoallergenic, and although quality always has to be paid more, many unpleasant consequences can be avoided.

5. The price of the procedure. This is a pretty big minus, especially since cheap options still do not pay for themselves. Here it is necessary to choose between desire and opportunity.

In addition, there are a number of contraindications in which the use of eyelash extensions is harmful:

• dry skin - you need to use a rich cream for care, and this will quickly spoil the eyelashes;

• oily skin - sebum gradually dissolves glue, and eyelashes quickly fall off;

• conjunctival inflammation - if you suffer from frequent redness of the eyes, it is better to refuse the procedure.

Of course, all these problems can be solved, you can always find an alternative.

Do not be afraid to build up

You should not be afraid of the procedure itself, since it will not harm your own eyelashes. The fact is that the "life span" of each cilia is about 3 months, which is why natural hairs have different lengths. The extension is made only on adult long eyelashes, which in themselves would have fallen through a maximum anyway. Associated with this is the lifespan of eyelash extensions and the need for adjustment - a new extension to overgrown natural hairs, instead of already dropped out.

Observing all building norms and care rules, you can admire lush, long eyelashes with artificial lashes for a long time without harm to your own.


Watch the video: HSN. Beauty Gifts - 09 AM (July 2024).