Dominic name meaning, origin and history. What awaits a girl named Dominica: character and fate


The unusual, but very sonorous name of Dominic is not common in Russia. Nevertheless, in the holy calendar for January and October, this version of the name is given along with such forms as Domnika, Domnika, Domna. The origin and history of the name Dominic is very interesting.

The meaning of the name Dominic

Russians do not often choose a beautiful but obscure name for their daughters. However, if you are attracted to its special sound, it's a good idea to take a closer look at the name. The meaning of the name Dominic is most often interpreted in three versions: "protector of God," "God's day," "belonging to God." The "divine" component is contained in the root of the word "dominus", translated from Latin meaning both "master" and "Lord" (in the Russian tradition "God").

It is clear that such a name is perceived with vivid religious overtones, but only if you know about such saints as Dominic and Dominic. Europeans, who for the most part belong to the Catholic branch of Christianity, know about them and well understand what the name Dominic means. Therefore, you can often meet a girl with that name on the streets of Barcelona or Austria.

The meaning of the name Dominic by religious correlation with saints is not exhausted. In Romance languages ​​(Italian, Portuguese, Spanish), the word "Domenica" means "Sunday", that is, the last day of the week.

In general, Dominica is a form of the masculine name "Dominic". In different countries, the female version of the name sounds different: Dominik for the French, Dominik for the Italians, Domingash for the Portuguese, Doming for the Spaniards. Our closest Slavic relatives (Ukrainians, Belarusians, Romanians) call the girls Domnik, Domnikiya, Domyanika.

The origin of the name Dominic

The origin and history of the name of Dominic is interesting. Its roots are, of course, Latin. In the West, it is a tradition to give girls and boys almost identical names. Therefore, girls can be called Dominic in honor of several saints. Only parents know what their daughter’s name means Dominica.

The patroness of the feminine hypostasis of the name is holy martyr Domna. The virgin was executed by the pagans because she buried the bodies of the murdered martyrs of the church. She was beheaded and canonized.

Saint Dominic, who is also directly related to the origin of the female name, is the Spanish monk, the founder of the famous Dominican Order in France. The Inquisition and the historical events caused by it made the saint's name popular.

Among the Orthodox saints, the Monk Domnik of Constantinople and Domnik Kilikiyaya are known. The first is the immaculate nun, who ruled the elements, healed the seriously ill, foresaw the future and died at a venerable age. The second suffered for faith and died after severe torture in a dungeon.

Character of a woman named Dominica

Girls who are called the wonderful name of the saints since childhood have a strong resolute disposition. The character and fate of Dominica are formed precisely in childhood. The grown-up Dominica is independent and stubborn, principled and self-confident. Thanks to prudence, as a rule, she successfully overcomes the difficulties that fate throws to her in abundance.

Natural hardness does not stop little Dominica from growing cheerful and fun. She is distinguished by a calm disposition and does not like active games, so whether the hooligan antics are just noisy games she is not attracted to. Behind the appearance of a calm, friendly girl, a vulnerable nature is hiding: Dominica easy to offend with a word. Despite the craving for solitude and the love of reading, she gets along well with her peers and enjoys the love of teachers. Being offended, closes and avoids communication.

The character and fate of Dominica are interconnected and are not being implemented in the best way. A woman with that name proud, arrogant and often harsh to rudeness. She can show the worst character traits: children's self-sufficiency often turns into intolerance and narcissism. Even the mentally sensitive Dominica does not give a penny to the opinions of other people, it is believed that only she is right, easily conflicts, not afraid to spoil relationships with others, including with his mother.

Dominica will never give up her opinion or interests. It is almost impossible to convince even in small things. She does not endure any dependence and behaves imperiously. The determination of a woman with that name is well known to others. It’s rare for anyone to argue with her, and only a few think about open confrontation.

On the other hand, there is no meanness in the character of Dominica. She subtly feels injustice, and therefore fights with it in all ways. At the same time, Dominica is smart and has excellent intuition. She likes symmetry and harmony, she is often an esthete and a fan of art. Despite prudence and insight, Dominica can be tricked by flattery and frank admiration.

If Dominica loves or values ​​someone, then she will remain faithful and loyal in any situation. This woman is reliable, but requires the same in return. Dominics become good wives and wonderful mothers.

The fate of women named Dominica

A woman with that name is ready to work hard to achieve her goal, and in a career sense, this is always an ambitious, big goal. The difficulties of Dominica are not at all frightened, but, on the contrary, stimulated. That is why she often chooses the civil service, enjoys doing administrative work, and makes a career as a director, top manager, manager.

It can also engage in politics from vanity, the desire to decide the fate of the world. The authorities appreciate Dominica for responsibility, trusting her with serious projects and complex assignments. Often, Dominica finds himself in science and medicine. Well she is given the natural sciences, economics and finance.

She can achieve high results in almost any industry. She is characterized by a masculine leadership style, she will not go to bed with anyone, never allows employees to cross the line of what is permitted in a relationship between boss and subordinate.

Famous women:

• Dominica Swain, actress;

• Dominika Ostalovskaya, actress;

• Dominic Monami, tennis player;

• Dominica Ori, writers;

• Dominika Tsibulkova, tennis player;

• Domingas Person, actress.

Family for Dominica

Dominic will be able to create a family with a balanced man, who also has a complaisant character. The ability to give in on time is the main feature that will allow you to live next to such a bright and tough woman without daily scandals and nerves. That is why one marriage for Dominica is a rarity. As a rule, she gets married several times, copes well with the household, and brings up children in strictness.

Psychological compatibility in Dominica with owners of such names as Velor, Klim, Miroslav, Harry, May. It is hoped that marriage will not fall apart in a few months. But with Rodion, Adam, Svyatoslav, Rodion, Oscar it will be very difficult for her to get along.


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