How much tea can be drunk per day: the benefits and harms of caffeine. How much tea can you drink per day in different periods of life?


A cup of this fragrant, golden drink helps to cheer up in the morning, warm up in the evening and relax in the afternoon.

There is always a reason to pass the time for tea in the company of old friends.

But is the affection of most people for tea so harmless?

What determines his daily rate?

Tea ingredients that affect the human body

The chemical composition of tea leaves is surprisingly diverse. Scientists have been working on it for more than a dozen years. Now it is known for certain that the tea leaf contains about 300 chemicals and their derivatives.

Let us dwell on the soluble part of tea, which enters the human body and exerts the most powerful effect on it.

We set ourselves the goal of finding out how much tea you need to drink per day in order to provide the body with a daily dose of the most important vitamins:

• a significant proportion of tea is tannins (15-30% of its mass). They are represented mainly by tannin. It gives tea a pleasant astringency, and is also a source of vitamin P, which is especially valuable, because the human body does not produce it on its own. Moreover, tea in terms of tannin content is far ahead of other plants. Vitamin P strengthens the walls of blood vessels, gives them elasticity. P-vitamin activity of green tea is much higher than that of its black counterpart;

• Vitamin C cannot be ignored, here the priority in its content belongs to yellow and green teas;

• In general, the tea pantry contains almost the entire list of vitamins. Significant carotene content is beneficial for vision and delicate mucous membranes;

• a rich spectrum of vitamin B group has a very positive effect on the clear functioning of the nervous system, endocrine glands, provides beauty and elasticity of the skin, prevents the development of eczema and dermatitis;

• the presence of vitamin K in tea, helps maintain normal blood coagulation.

So how much tea do you need to drink per day in order to provide the body with a daily dose of the most important vitamins? The famous scientist, writer and culinary specialist V.V. Pokhlebkin believes that 3-4 cups of freshly brewed tea is enough.

How much tea can you drink per day so as not to exceed the caffeine limit

An ingredient such as alkaloids is awarded our attention. The most famous of these is caffeine, considered the best natural stimulant. He invigorates, relieves drowsiness, cheers up. Such a positive effect on the body is caused by an increase in the level of a special neurohormone in the brain - dopamine. Trying to experience this pleasant effect again and again, a person drinks gulls glass by glass. But there is no danger. Although there is more caffeine in tea than coffee, tea caffeine is not as aggressive with the nervous and vascular systems. And what is very important, it does not accumulate in the body. The effect of caffeine lasts 3-4 hours, i.e. a cup of aromatic tea acts as a kind of battery.

Pharmacology allows a stimulating dose of this ingredient in 0.3-0.4 g per day. And even the most active "tea" in Russia receive a dose of tea caffeine less than 0.01 g. That is The dilemma of how much tea you can drink per day so as not to overdo it with caffeine is not worth it for people who do not have health problems.

How much tea can you drink per day so that minerals and pectins do not harm

Black tea contains a significant amount of minerals. Mostly it is fluorine, manganese and calcium. The fluorine supplied with tea helps preserve tooth enamel; calcium prevents the early development of osteoporosis. Manganese is one of the most mysterious elements of the periodic table. In the human body, it works daily, performing a wide variety of functions. Including contributes to the accumulation of vitamin C. Even the most active "tea" manganese poisoning is not threatened. But already 2 cups of tea will make up half the daily norm of these substances in the body.

A review of the chemical composition of tea, we conclude with information on proteins and carbohydrates. In the composition of this product, proteins and amino acids account for 16 -25%, the proportion of carbohydrates in tea is 1.5 less. The famous scientist and culinary specialist V.V. Pokhlebkin claims that the protein content in tea is comparable to that in the legume plants. And the most generously nature gave squirrels green teas. Proteins as well as amino acids accelerate metabolic processes, contribute to the normalization of weight.

And finally, pectins. Tea contains 2-3% of pectin substances. They have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa, which is very useful for diseases of these organs. Since their content in tea is extremely small, it is impossible to overstate the body with them, which means it is impossible to harm pectins.

Contraindications for the amount of tea consumed and some tips

What does medicine recommend for the amount of tea drunk per day? The allowed daily dose of this drink is strictly individual. It depends on the state of health of a particular person.

The stumbling block here is caffeine. A freshly brewed, concentrated tea drink supplies too much of this substance to the blood. Excessive caffeine can cause increased heart rate and rapid breathing, cause high blood pressure and excessive secretion of gastric juice. Especially if tea is consumed on an empty stomach.

People who do not have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, heart and blood vessels can drink 5 or more cups of tea a day without harm to their health. If such problems exist, you should not abuse this drink. The same warning is relevant for people with easily excitable psyche.

It is unreasonable to drink tightly brewed tea before bedtime. Toning the brain, caffeine completely drives away sleep. Adding milk does not reduce the amount of caffeine that enters the bloodstream.

At different periods of life, the body's reaction to caffeine has significant differences. Nutritionists believe that tea, especially concentrated, is contraindicated in children under 10 years of age.

The tonic effect of caffeine can negatively affect the body of a pregnant woman, lead to a decrease in fetal weight, and even to premature birth.

Older people, as a rule, get exactly those health problems that excess caffeine can aggravate. Therefore, it is better for these two categories of the population to reduce tea consumption to 2-3 cups per day.

And if the question of how much tea you can drink per day arises among lovers of a green drink, remember that its tonic effect is more pronounced than that of its black counterpart.

Drinking seagulls, evaluate your well-being. This will help you determine your daily norm for this tasty and healthy drink.


Watch the video: I Quit Coffee for a Month, See What Happened to My Body (July 2024).