In France, a patient saved the life of an ambulance driver


In the French town of Burke, a case occurred when a mortally ill person had to save an ambulance driver. On April 11, a 60-year-old resident of the town, Christian Neye, who had the last stage of cancer, was going to go to the hospital and get an x-ray, so he called an ambulance. But on the way to the hospital, the ambulance driver felt bad. As it turned out later, he had a heart attack. As soon as the patient realized that something was wrong with the driver, and since there was no one else in the car, Neye decided to drive. He reasoned that his life at that moment was out of danger, and his x-ray would wait, but the driver’s life was in the balance.

Having received the keys from the driver, he turned on the flashing beacons, but could not turn on the siren, as he could not find the desired button. In order for other motorists to let them through, the driver, at his request, put his hand out of the window.

Before driving, Neye introduced an anticoagulant to the driver. This drug prevents blood coagulation, as it reduces the activity of enzymes that cause its coagulation.

He managed to quickly get to the hospital and park in the ambulance parking lot. As one of the hospital staff Lance Frederic Allen recalls, he coped with this task as if he had been an ambulance driver all his life. The life of the driver was saved. Doctors say that this was possible as a result of the operational actions of the ambulance client.


Watch the video: This Is How People React to an Ambulance in Different Countries (May 2024).